Since the end is night, post survival infographics

since the end is night, post survival infographics

stuff like how to make water drinkable and how to produce things like charcoal and how to build shelter, and what plants can be eaten and what can be used as medicine.

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OP you probably should have posted more than one you fucking idiot

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I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

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how the fuck does water flow through a ceramic cup?

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oh, you dont know how to fucking science bro?

Wow, I love banan cookies, thanks for the recipe user.

you know fucking what mr smart-ass? it is going to take a shit ton of time with such a low pressure. and just bland activated charcoal is not that effective!

CERAMIC CUP implies using a CERAMIC CUP, yknow, one that normal people use for normal things like DRINKING OUT OF. so no,I wouldn't assume a DRINKING CUP to let fluid and gas through. what a great infographic for SCIENCE NERDS THAT KNOW THAT THEY ACTUALLY MEAN USING POROUS CERAMIC WHICH NEEDS TO BE TREATED FIRST AND ISNT ACTUALLY A CUP REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'm fine, fuck you AND your dumb infograph

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This is probably the most retarded thing ever posted here. Ceramic cup????

Mega link for my collection of survival manuals and other useful documents: QBywQJT!80FfvYZ8p1cEXQolH4_ZGGVvQjZXjJ_bwuhZWBBwYJY

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You do know that when shtf you won't be able to access these files, right?

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Bacteria isn't filtered by active charcoal. Don't put random gray water into your carbon filter and expect to get drinking water out the other side or you will die.

Why not? I store all my data on a usb hard drive. I've got a laptop and a solar battery charger and I keep everything in a faraday cage. What else do I need? It's not rocket science.

not necessarily for survival but to keep yourself safe.

if the world actually does go to shit, being armed is going to make you more of a threat, being armed and knowing how to just hold yourself will make you even more of a threat.

even more, if you're using a knife and hold a finger against it for leverage you're holding it wrong, it shouldn't be able to move more than a few mm with a sturdy tug if you're holding it correctly. even more if you're using your finger, you'll break the finger that's being used for leverage on impact and you'll break a knuckle if the knife gets caught in fabric, bone or anything.

guide is missing how important core is. whenever you swing any weapon you want to engage your core and move your hips into the swing if it's a heavy swing to increase momentum. engaging your core helps you retain grip and not go unbalanced.

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not so much an infographic but self explanatory

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Nigh, not night you uneducated trump supporter...nigh.

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How do i activate carbon
Instruction unclear

Hit the on switch

Better to build the funnel with rocks (increase water pressure) and use a net for the back. Fish will find it difficult to swim out of the strong current.

That causes me pain

In 185 battles that France have fought over the past 800 years, their armies have won 132 times, lost 43 times and drawn only 10, giving the French military the best record of any country so go fuck yourself faggot

In the same way as almonds.

citation needed



grind up charcoal {bash it repeatedly with a rock until it's smaller than an ant} and use it if you believe you have eaten something bad, mix it with water in with a 1:1 ratio in water and apply it to cuts, rub in and wipe off before putting on improvised bandages and swallow some without water {water to wash down whatever is left} if you have a cut that may get infected to disinfect the cut and carry any bacteria already in to your ass and away from vital nesting areas and use it to brush your teeth to stop oral infections.
charcoal is great for very primitive medical assistance.

WARNING, charcoal doesn't discriminate and will take with it valuable proteins, fats, antibodies and other body bacterias you need. your immune system will be weakened and how long for depends on how much you take and your access to clean water, cooked food and a place to rest.

how do u visit the link

You should always boil your water first to kill anything in it. Then filter it to remove contaminants.

Also, this infographic leaves out how to get activated charcoal (easy, make charcoal, then mix with diluted sodium chloride (salt), or lemon juice. Then let dry.

Furthermore, what the fuck is with the ceramic cup as many have pointed out... there needs to be a way for the grey water to get to the charcoal... dafuq.

I have a shit ton of information so I'm only going to post a few of the most useful.
You all should learn knapping and sharpening stones with each other and how to sharpen sticks. Fire hardening sticks. And also how to make fire with a Hand Drill.
And remember. Around Blacks, never Relax.

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It's not supposed to flow through.
That top part is just to seal and cover it with heavy shit and bacteria so that nothing gets into the bucket of purified water. Except maybe through the air hole vent. Shit.

Ceramic is the stuff plates are made out of. A cup or mug made out of that stuff. You've probably seen them before.

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Get a good backpack and pack only what you need.

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Yea its a typo, it should say "Filled with contaminated superfluid"

I also recommend learning how reloading works if you have firearms. So you can use matches or something to make more ammo.

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That's all for now.

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all jokes aside, if you sand the glazing off a ceramic mug, it will leak water ever so slowly
ceramics tend to be porous

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>Thinking you'll have to drink mud water because of a virus.

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Possibly the most creative and efficient use for those cinderblocks everyone has lying around in their yard I've seen yet.
No harm in being prepared just in case user.

I feel that's an important detail that should have been in the diagram somewhere.

Lee lee baguette, hon hon hon!

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Pardon my autism but how does the contaminated water penetrate the ceramic cup

Inb4 retard links Wikipedia or some dumb shit

..... yea, good question.

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My survival infodump is on an old hard drive. I'm too much of a lazy piece of shit to go get it.