Coronavirus hurr,lets declare it a pandemic or pass bills for the economy instead of doing something worth a shit

>coronavirus hurr,lets declare it a pandemic or pass bills for the economy instead of doing something worth a shit

imagine still supporting donald trump,especially when a 3rd world country can handle coronavirus better then bone spurs and his bible thumper administration

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he's working on it

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Donald trump came to my house and spat in my son's face

You know your son perferes being called herm.

Fuck off

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>posting about coronavirus

When people actually think the president has the power to control everything but in reality he’s only 1/3 of the government. Dumb fucks

Trump came to my home, spat on my son, and left without saying a word

Was a recent scare near me in Virginia Beach but turns out they tested negative. All these assholes traveling. Ruin it for everyone.

Only way we could have kept corona out for a little while is a national quarantine. No one comes in. Boy would you have heard the left screaming. No matter who is president the only affect otherwise is it whether it spreads everywhere fast (let it run its course) or it spreads everywhere slow (cancel any event that involves groups of people).

>working on it

doing what? signing bullshit economic bills,yeah.cadet bone spurs is fucking clueless,hope americans are ready to get sick and die

yeah,its in my state now.with cases rising everyday.time to take the sick and actually quarantine them instead of sending them home like fucking idiots

>doing what?

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Serious question, is it true the coronavirus test cost $3200 in the usa?

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It depends on your health insurance

one of the worst things about the U.S. healthcare system is they total;y gouge you if you have no insurance.

For example you could be billed $3200 for a corona test if you have no insurance, but if you have insurance they would likely only pay a fraction of that amount and the hospital would agree to take that smaller amount as payment in full.

Seriously, since you're in the country where guns are easier to acquire than alcohol, and so many of you clearly really hate Trump, why hasn't one of you shot him yet?

You Americans used to be so good at political assassinations, but you've given us nothing noteworthy for over 30 years. You need to up your game!

That's not how guns work

But the beauty is you don’t have to pay it.

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This should have been done a month ago. He did the same thing during the Puerto Rican hurricane: shitting his pants, with his head in the sand pretending that nothing is happening while every expert said THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU; THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLITICS; THIS IS ABOUT SAVING LIVES. What happens when another country bombs the US? Trump is going to sit there and pretend that nothing is happening because that's what he does, every fucking time there's an actual crisis.

Wow, that is a fucked up system. Holy shit.

>another country bombs us
sounds pretty unlikely

eh not really. just get a job I guess :/

yeah, if you don't mind ruining your credit

you're not familiar with the situation in Europe, peanut brain? Cry harder

or any crisis user. He's scared shitless of how it will reflect on him - fuck everyone else, even if Americans die..

Guns don't kill people?

Your 370+ fatalities from mass shootings in 2019 alone says otherwise.

Trump is one man. Can't you idiots do anything right?

>no one comes in

this is how stupid trump supporters are,people in america.who were born and have lived their entire lives in america.are the ones getting it

i know you trumpshits hate immigrants.but your as useless as your bible thumping president in dealing with it

its because the ones with the most guns are the ones who support trump.why? i have no idea,since he's managed to pass more gun control then obama did

actually i am,you however.only get your news from orange turdface's twitter account.i doubt you can even point out europe on a map

also,america ranks among the worst for dealing with coronavirus.i guess this is what happens when you elect a complete failure to office

Europe is just as bad as the US in their response. We'll have to see if that changes.

The good countries are all ant-people: South Korea is pretty good. Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan are very good. China sucked initially, but got their act together.

He's working in his lab trying g to grow it in a culture so he can genetically modify an existing cure to be used on this. Are you a fucking retard. He's had the CDC working g on it from the beginning, he is coming up with fiscal policy to help those most effected. Stop believing Chucky SHumer. It is congress who did nothing until now, they spent all that time on a witch hunt and they control the purse, they could have unilaterally spent money to help

Rumor has it Donnie’s got the boomervirus.

The real MAGA hats are made in LA, actually. The ones Trump sold on his campaign site are not the chinese knock-offs you are complaining about.

Point of my comment was to emphasize how the anti-Trump crowd will screech and blame no matter what Trump does and you've demonstrated my point brilliantly. If you actually read my post it was no an argument for the effectiveness of quarantine.

>fantasy crisis, day ??

situation continues to fail to develop despite the media's obvious desire to the contrary, much toilet paper was stacked and then unstacked

lol it has infographics now, remember, the word "crisis" is YELLOW

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> trump will sign an economic bill created and passed by the democrat controlled house

lol, tell me more

Martial law incoming! Prepare yourself for war!

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but debt acquired from an emergency room visit is not the same as credit card debt

Imagine being so fucking dumb that you think this administration has had a poor response to this "pandemic"

I swear, the dude could cure cancer and you fucks would say it's tumor-phobic.

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Remember trump supporters are literally too retarded to understand on what is going on!

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this pandemic will cure the cancer epidemic

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can you be forcibly chained to a workstation assembling the new Motos without pay other than working off your debt?

look four democrats

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Trump came in my son, spat in my face and left my home.

People should start to call it ChinaVirus or XiJinpingVirus because that's who's repsonsible for this shit going global.

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To the child, a free toy from a fast food restaurant is a deal. To the parent, they know it isn't really free, because it's cost was factored into the cost of the meal. The child plays with the toy, but it breaks immediately because it's of no quality. The parent is then left to deal with the sad child, angry that they paid $6.00 for a meal with a ten cent plastic toy for which they got no value. The same is true of free healthcare. It doesn't include quality of care.

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You're the one without a rational retort. Like a child saying, "n-no, but you're a baby!!!" Instead of contributing to the conversation like an adult. Let the adults talk trumpee, your kind has lost the respect of actual American citizens.

This. Confirmed cases means people sick enough to go to the hospital. Incorrectly calculate mortality by calculating ratio of death to confirmed cases rather than estimate of unknown number of people who actually have it.

>being dumb enough to believe anything Trumptard says

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