Why does so much rape go unreported?

Why does so much rape go unreported?

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happens too often they just give up

a combination of shame and the fact that rapists go unpunished

because they only report it when they regret it or want to ruin someone's life.

>rapists go unpunished
have you heard of laws

Too much paperwork and then the cops rape you anyway.

A combination of shit that didn't happen and the boy that cried wolf.

And many rapists don't face prison time or any actual consequences despite those laws, retard

How do you know about unreported rapes if, well, they're not reported?

Congratulations. You’re the most retarded person in the thread so far.

Bitches be like "I swear he raped me"

I haff bin rappedd

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Women lie.

Because men don’t report it.

Then all the male dogs start barking because they're dog and want to breed
Woof, woof

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Because it doesn't happen

If it's unreported.... how do you know?

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Why don't you get your depression treated?

Depeshion readed

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Fantastic work

Savantic hurr

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Because they liked it.

>Why does so much rape go unreported?

Reporting is often useless, and lots of women just want to put it behind them rather than go through the bullshit of a criminal trial etc.

Still, they should make a police report at least, so douchebag's name goes on a clipboard in case he does something again.

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mmm cause they like it?
have you heard waht you wanted now OP?

Dey likkked wid

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>children who literally don't know what it is
>long legal process

fact: 95% of "rapes" that went unreported weren't actually rapes, just hungover regretful whores pretending that they aren't whores

They would never!

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Bwyyyy bwoyyfwend drapedd mheee

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incel detected


>Why does so much rape go unreported?
because it's not rape ?

white knights disgusting

Because number 3 of womans most favourite sex fantasies is getting raped. They kinda like it. They only report it when they are raped by a afro American or arab or cracker because they hate them.

because it's racist to report migrants

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[citation needed]
you're saying not reporting at all is somehow better?

Hi OP, I've dealt with 3 attempted rapes and I sorta kinda reported 2 of them

thing is, its word against word unless you actually let them rape you. I would suggest to let penetration happen and fluids to be exchanged so that you have proof. If you don't actually let yourself become raped, you have no evidence and they will just give you this look like "oh, another story teller huh?" this has happened twice. I denied two different people access to my body and they tried to then take that access while I was asleep. Since I woke up and stopped it, there's no proof.

It's not always being violently pinned down and penetrated. More often than not, it's a slow, determined set of actions done by someone you know and love and trust. Whether you're drunk, or sleeping, they will find a way to access you despite what you want. I always believed that this stemmed from great suffering and a lack of self love. All the people who have hurt me suffer from addiction, mental illness, isolation. Most would consider them normal but most aren't taking a closer look

It's not reported because there's nothing to report unless you are brutally raped. The soft rape goes unpunished, unchecked. It's completely easy to get away with, and leaves the victim feeling, well

not much, really. Life just progressively gets worse after your ability to trust people completely disappears. What are family, friends, happiness.. without trust? Nothing. There's always that idea lurking in the back of your head; if someone Ive known for 17 years could do this to me, anyone could, anyone at all

I am honestly just so tired. I really need a hug.

I am an actual wizard. Been accused of rape 3 times. Only once did it become "official" when the criminal was pregnant, I responded with a certified letter requesting a DNA test of evidence and child.
Few days later got letter from her lawyer informing me that case has been dropped.

If you have any suspicion that you're about to be the victim of a crime, not just rape, start recording audio on your phone so you have proof

you know the rules bitch

>Hard to prove if no kit conducted
>Court appearances are embarrassing
>Retelling the story, likely in front of family
>Negative connotations from reporting (people think you are lying)
>Open baggage for future relationships

Rapists should be castrated and used for state slave labor.

more like the thought bubble image

You have no power here user, I am sorry

all you can do is bark like a dog; say much, but mean so little

this is what we do here, bark like dogs, we have the power here, BITCH

That thought bubble pic is kind of hot

I swear to god I will start raping women if women don't shut the fuck up about their mistake in being a whore that drops her pants in a moments notice.

But.. you already know how much power you don't have.. everyone's just really bashful in admitting so ^^;

You only have half the kite yet you're still trying to fly it !

>I hurt people who make mistakes

really cool post, user. All these years alive and this is how far you've gotten.

You've really opened my eyes.

All men are rapists and should be locked up and raped.

This goes well with my female cop fetish.

Well, alright, I'm not sure how we arrived here but I'll let you tell your own story


>But.. you already know how much power you don't have..
Oh dear... You must be new here...
You think you are a normal person so you are better than us, yet you fail to realize anonymity gives us the power to act different than in our real lives, you have no idea and will never have any bit of idea of the powerful people that visit this website and post lolitas, you have no idea of the power that we have and the horrible atrocities we have done in the real world for a joke.
facebook, reddit, 9gag, tumblr, etc. all these sites are for you, not here, the place for the anonymous hero, for the weaboo and for the leader of societies.


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Because the feminautists have women convinced that the police will rape them instead of solving the crime. Seriously, an unreported rape has a 100% chance of going unpunished.
Plus, I get the feeling those numbers are deliberately inflated by both the agenda driven survey takers and the respondents who want victim cred.

The problem is women tend to use rape as a way to clear their consciences of being whores. Which is why they’re seldom taken seriously.

I aint going to lie. I thought about it. Raping one of my female friends when she was drunk but it isn't right.

because if you dont rape your wife/gf she will eventually leave you for someone that would

>but it isn't right.
if she don't say "no" it's OK

Mentally and in my dreams I raped thousands of women. They all got really turned on and some of them would place themselves in positions to gain my attention after I had forgotten them (I never really forget). They would offer these coy smiles like hey bud, that really was the greatest fuck of my life, lets do it again sometime.