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The soldiers, yes. If they're dying for oil/jews, they should get some titty suckin' for free.
Is that Jessica Simpson in the picture ?
just stop, it ain't funny
this is an accreate pose
wats you're point?
Of course women take their kids with them
You're a Nigger
FFS there's always a crying baby on the battlefield
Why are women on the battlefield dressed as stewardesses and have cute little plastic nametags?
u mispelled point
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
nice feet
I saw this exact same post 2 days ago and i still don't get it
You and your dad are truly pathetic.
it's been in every ylyl thread for about a month
You can tell your Dad he's a faggot
longer than that
As long as irs stainless steel
Major success for our WhiteGenocide Goddess!
lost hard
Idc field pussy is gross. I mean, they tell you this on like day one of basic, but you never really know until you do it.
Someone explain why this wouldn’t work
Why tho fren?
Asking out of couriosity
Meme made by an American obviously. Shit spelling.
You can get a ticket for eating while driving in most places. Falls under distracted driving. Seen it happen. Never was funny unless you're ten
Imagine a pussy that hasn’t been washed apart from (possibly) baby wipes for at least 2-3 weeks
same reason you cant use a fan to move a sailboat.
Because no one is strong enough to hold magnets strong enough to pull up your own weight plus the metal plate while holding them in your hands you stupid cunt.
depends what you're into.
fun fact: Napolean Bonaparte used to send a message to his wife 7+ days before he returned from battle telling her not to wash her pussy or bath. the smell of dirty pussy made him cum literal oceans.
because you would literally float up into space and die idiot.
No he was just a degenerate midget
Great, thanks for the warning user.
We had a sister flight when I was at basic. Day 1 first warning was two words. Grilled cheese.
Wage inequality?
Wow you're dumb.
Important info: If you wanna know somehting about the world, ask an american. The exact oposite is true.
I don’t know about the Air farce man, but stay away from army field beav. That’s all I can tell you
1.If you had strong enough magnets to do so they would simply pull you down to the plate. 2. Gravity, there is no force pushing up on the plate, two forces pulling an object in different directions, the greater force will always win. 3. Its just complete and utter nonsense, magnets actually repel common poles stronger than than they do attract.
You clearly know nothing about astrophysics
Am i a retard, or does this actually make sense
Or magneto-eclecteics
Youre retarded
Right...on that not you clearly dont understand that this isnt space.
lol! so random! why would a guy go through all of that!
*whats your point?
This is even worse than the magnets. 1 friction exists. 2 buoyancy does not stop gravity from effecting the apex. 3. What would sealing off the right side of the tank do? It wouldnt allow dispersion of water as the balls pass through which causes even more friction.
Do you know what a bullet stops in water? Thats right anons, Friction.
This is fucking dumb and youre an absolute retard to think this would work.
the water lubricates the friction retard.
Effecting, as in having an effect on the apex (which is a generalized area not a physical domain), affecting would be appropriate if the apex was a physical position. Good try tho