Fuck white guys being nice and shieeet
Fuck white guys being nice and shieeet
I wonder if nigger street gangs think they're superior than whites?
The point is they 'don't' actually care you fucking retard.
Sort of like how nigger gangs don't actually give a shit about the 15 year old nig they recruit. They just need someone to hold their drugs and shoot people so they don't get caught.
You are just seeing the headline emotionally. Because you're an uneducated faggot.
care about what
>white supremacists
It has nothing to do with this I’m sure
Missing a lot of nuance
fuck these niggers. stop caring what they say. live free. live proud and kill them if they enter your property
Because you said so, right?
excuses, excuses
Nobody shares this thought without going off on a tangent about how they hate niggers. It would be interesting to see a “proud white man” who doesn’t actually hate everyone else. And thinks they’re all soulless puppets of some Jewish conspiracy
I've been in jail. Biker gangs do the same thing. In order to fully join the gang you have to literally carry their drugs/guns in your bike so if they get pulled over you are the one to get fucked. Unlikely but it is a way to protect the real members. What on earth makes you think any other gang is different? It's called being smart. Teens are impressionable especially if they come from a shitty home. Why on earth would someone stick their neck out for a random teenager with no ulterior motive? Your fuckin problem is you were raised in a nice suburb and never been exposed to any real shit. Dumbfuck
The white people in NYC are much richer and the CIA never willfully introduced a crack cocaine pandemic in their communities. It’s not a simple comparison
the thing is, there are a lot of really good reasons to hate niggers
>Nobody shares this thought
Pretty cool how you were able to interview every white person on the planet. Yeah, that's how stupid you sound.
>accuse your enemies of what you're already doing.
You don’t understand how arguments work
Nigs have a lot of really good reasons to hate white people
>You don’t understand how arguments work
I do. Show me proof that every every white person that says they're proud to be white is a racist? I'll wait
kek this is true
and also they are incapable of recognizing that i don't care that they pretend to care
Theres no nuance. Its pretty straight forward you anti white cuck.
no not really. They had, but not anymore. Besides they have a lot of perfectly black places to move if they dont like the smell. But always the blacks come to the white areas. Not the other way around
None whatsoever. We gave you everything.
stopped reading right there
No one forced nigs to smoke crack. They did it to themselves. Besides, its not like if they didnt smoke crack they wouldnt be out robbing and killing each other in droves
Still they decide to live around whites and enjoy white culture.
>rich white people in NYC don't do cocain
You really are retarded. Rich whites are generally smart enough to not get caught you fucking spastic.
It's always someone else's fault
>When the opposing team uses the same tactics and you're mad about it
The a b s o l u t e s t a t e of our society is laughable
can't read
Why do white women try to act intelligent
take the average white woman and then realize 90% of the planet is much dumber than that
Now here's someone that does not have the ability understand the post
>niggers and spics and every other minority is being played by the Jews
>same with the whites via the ideology of liberalism and fag-o-cracy, also controlled opposition through "white supremacy groups" (look how many of those groups have proven to be a fed sting operations)
>plight of a black man is being also used by opportunists like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and many other "advocates"
There won't be any peace until we all recognize who the true enemy is
support your team
They know they're next on chopping block after white men, so they try hard to distance themselves.
Explain it then if you are so smart. This should be entertaining at least.
What? I’ve been on 4cgan for longer than a week, I’ve seen many proud white men. I have not seen one that wasn’t a xenophobic asshole, that’s really only proud to be white as a way to divide himself from the other races
The post played on the narrative of the media. I'm not smart, you're just retarded
That's what I said you fucking idiot. This site sucks now. Smart people used to come here but now it is just full of dumbfuck millennials.
That is what every gang/cult does.
>Hey, don't have a strong family based, support system? Well, here is an instant family that all share the same beliefs that just so happen to explain away all your problems.
It's money, guys. It's all about using neglected, wayward souls to make money.
>Can't advocate for equality without saying you hate niggers
Racism is alive and well in this thread. One little cognitive dissonance inducing comment and the powder monkeys start chimping out of
That's reductive. Its not genuine care if they want something. They aren't "being nice" they're being manipulative.
Shut up and vote Democrat
That's not at all what you said you fuckin simp. Also this was never the intellectual hangout you pretend it was
Your giving a bad name to Republicans. We’re not all racists dude
Most are, but still
Well i'd rather eat a bullet from my own weapon than vote for subhuman Republican trash so I guess I will until there's a better option.
Shut up with your bullshit you liberal retard
Vote Democrat no Republican, retard
>draws card
>most are
I fucking wish you lying kike
I. Fucking. Wish. They're ALL Civnat cucks
Good. Kill yt peepo
This is also how they recruit Asian girls