WAIFU BREAD!! 'notice me, senpai~' edition :3 i hope you're all okay tonight <3

WAIFU BREAD!! 'notice me, senpai~' edition :3 i hope you're all okay tonight

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What's up?

Attached: Darjeeling65.jpg (850x689, 92.63K)

Finally home

Finally claimed ^^

Attached: Hirasawa Ui-chan.jpg (1000x1074, 118.68K)

hello my waifu add me on discord :) DukeOfAutism#8730

Little WashuuuuuuuuuuuuOuOuuuuuuuuu

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Havent been i one of these in a while how ya'll doin?

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If you're going to resort to impersonation, at least do a good job of it


NOTICE ME SENPAI, NOTICE ME~! :x I'm all good thank you, and yourself?!

Adding you nao, won't be long c:!

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Ah you know just chilling, listening to good music.
Gotta say your waifu is a real qt.

Attached: Ikezawa.Hanako.full.1370882.jpg (1000x1414, 321.18K)

Are you seriously going to tripfag now?

Who are you talking about, avatar faggot?

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Are you trying to say that wasn't you?

Attached: Ruri1902.png (889x1000, 831.47K)

His impersonation was perfect, I cannot refute this claim. Whatever shall I do

broccoli is yum

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Let me suck on your eyes mutechan

broccoli is good except for when it's steamed

soggy brocc sucks

Attached: Darjeeling53.jpg (849x1200, 1.17M)

Not like I want to eat your soggy broccy or anything, baka! OwO

its so yum
how do you eat it?

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Imagine using Namesync

Attached: se.jpg (850x1205, 242.83K)

Prettyt damn weh tbqh

i hate not being able to use it at work because botnet

add me duke i have something important to tell you

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Sup, nerds. How's life today for you guys?

Attached: hi.png (313x282, 48.8K)

-2 minutes. Not bad, doot floof.

Attached: ESSz1kSWsAIfb96.jpg (521x991, 137.05K)

You forgot the image pal

Attached: zGk#8623.jpg (640x852, 40.05K)


there are two of you??

Attached: 9b88b36bd296abd08a46fb3cc52fed25.jpg (1024x1024, 636.3K)

Who is that

Holy fuckin' quads, dood.

2 floofs, yes. I am panzer floof and the other is doot floof.

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yay i never got so many 9s before :)
also thank you for explaining

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That's Duke

Attached: 9f710b29e4e745ee6eb8edc6e4009059.jpg (1175x1539, 480.16K)

Mute-chan. The retard poster who never speaks after this got leaked

I usually eat it fresh, just because of the cronch
it's good, nerd
trying to make some console art with c++ but somewhat failing

how are you?


Ah, what're you trying to make?
I'm doin' okay, made more...traditional art earlier and ain't that bad.
Probably gonna play Etterna in a sec, or Assetto Corsa.

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Robot claimed.

Attached: __aegis_persona_and_1_more_drawn_by_108tooya__56a059ec2435430b5de06b4d2a6f8878.jpg (615x1000, 205.59K)

ouch much?
doesn't that hurt?

i will be back soon~

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What kinda botnet's keeping you from userscripts?
Looks like you just gamered
Wooh, quads!
Yes, we are brothers in arms. Or, floof.

Attached: IMG_20200229_072959.jpg (1430x1115, 828.56K)

oh wait my pic didn't go through lol

I am trying to make knockoff pacman but currently failing at finding a way to make my pac eating animation look not horrid, can't find any good ascii chars that look good

Traditional art? sounds interesting
what kind?

It doesn't hurt, plus it keeps that fresh taste
reminds me that I'm eating a plant which is cool

Attached: Darjeeling44.jpg (300x672, 51.67K)

hello my waifu add me on discord :) DukeOfAutism#8730

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Attached: Nzero.gif (128x108, 402)

Ah, good luck with that, nerd!

Pencil go on paper.
Pencil make line.
Many line look goode.


heya coot!

You're welcome, nerd! So, how's life treatin' ya?

I was legit gonna post but then I got on discord and kinda stayed there

almost got a new record if I hadn't done that...

so, how's gamer?

Attached: too floofy!.png (934x1000, 195.54K)


Attached: __aegis_persona_and_1_more_drawn_by_moriririnn__sample-6f369e9df65d7d3cc2b65ff312b5c86e.jpg (850x638, 68.34K)

Attached: lili01.jpg (847x485, 59.68K)

Nice dubs. How goes it?
Post what now? I'm assuming pic related lole
Pretty good. I'm downtown right now, it's like 40 degrees out. Beautiful day for biking. What's up with you?

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Hello qt, how are you this fine day

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That's not me you fucking nigger

wish I could swap places with you guys, you are in winter, while I am here cooking myself alive.

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Wow, you got the thing right. Good job!

Nothin' much. Dickin' about on my PC as per usual. Playing me a quick bit of Etterna and then I'm gonna spin a thing around, kick some other things, and call it "Racing".

Read above!

Aw shit. PTSD Time.

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who is your waifo?

Attached: n1.gif (119x117, 1.64K)

legit who the fuck cares duke you moron

WHAT THE FUCK! corrupted image.

>I want to bend Chun Li over a table and eat Chinese
>oohh yeaahhh, I cooom

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Hahaha wow I am grug
I thought you mean traditional in a cultural sense not in an artistic sense

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