618 illinois let’s show people we got Hotties down here come on post up

618 illinois let’s show people we got Hotties down here come on post up

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618 Sarah

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More please

Know her

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Bump bellevegas

pretty sure thats borderline sexual assault

I totally agree wasn’t me tho found this along time ago

618 bitches

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Anyone know Amy from Wauconda?

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Possibly. Can’t really see her face clearly though

Keep going

What part 618 these

C dale area

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314 here
All the 618s I know are disappointing

Maggie c dale

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Dam she’s hot

Anyone know if theres a 618 disc??

I'll go all day for older Jacob's allums but no one ever has any to match


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Damn those tits

She worked at hotshots in cape

No idea what that is I'm not from around there. But I know good tits when I see them.

Marion area

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Got anymore

Instant diamonds

Fuuuuck! Please tell me there is more

I wish These are the only two I’ve found I hope op post more

That used to happen to a friend of mine in college. Always heard about it but never saw the proof. Pray for that day

Anyone got anything from Hamilton or Saline counties ?

What does your friend look like?

I dont wanna post a pic here. Too many fags virgins and white knights

Hot though went to indi

What’s her name then

Anyone got Brookfield nudes

Maybe a cropped photo? Can’t help you find possible photos if we don’t know what she looks like.

I’m with this guy lol post somthing

do babes even exist in Ullin?

Haha prolly not I have Rachel merryman from Dongola tho I’m not too far from Anna

cool, dont know her but willing to have a look

any metropolis cuties or do they not exist either?

How about Miranda cross from olmstead I think I might have a few of her

sorrt dont know her either but the same offer to look applies

I graduated from SIU in December, I'm originally from Chicago.
There are no hot girls native to Southern Illinois. All of the chicks born and raised in 618 are white trash or ugly as shit. This thread is proof of that. The only chicks worth fucking are the ones who come to SOIL for school. Nasty ass bitches, especially Carbondale chicks. Met one chick from Carbondale who thought I wasn't into her because she was "on the thicker side" but it was really because of her mustache and hairy toes. Not to mention all of the trailer park bitches. A SOIL 10/10 is a Chicago 4/10.

Your problem is cause your from Chicago buddy u don’t know where to find em locals know there plenty of them

Katie L from jonesboro after a little 'picnic'

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Hot girl for the Chicago guy GRITS buddy

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>All of the chicks born and raised in 618 are white trash or ugly as shit
That might be true today, but it wasn't ~40 years ago. Lots of corn fed wholesome (but willing) beauties there back then.

She’s from Dongola by the way

Rachel Dongola

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Hell yea she looks good got anymore

Kelsie AJ

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Hell yea dude more here’s Alexandria shadowens from Cobden

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I went out to local bars, I went to local events, I met metric fucktons of locals when I was in school in Carbondale. Every townie I met was fucking disgusting.

Fucking gross.

Didn’t go up to lake of Egypt did ya or duquoin lots of hotties buddy sorry u missed out on the hot spots