"Loli thread"

"Loli thread"
Fucking jump off a cliff you pathetic pedophile faggots. Stop sitting at home jacking off to little kids and go do something productive like wiping your pathetic incel life off the planet.
Also tranny and pedo hate thread

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weird way to ask for lolis user

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But, little girls are so cute! They are a hell of a lot better than jacking off to so big titted granny.

come at me bro

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God that is creepy

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If you think there's anything inherently wrong with jerking off to an image of a girl that isn't even real, you need to blow your brains out as quickly as you can.

Sooner or later the world is going to have to acknowledge that pedos aren't going to just vanish. The APA needs to grow some balls and list Pedophilia as a sexual orientation. Sadly the government won't allow the APA to even study pedophilia up to a certain point. Fortunately I was lucky enough to come across a couple of government websites that stated the truth about pedos.

According to the government studies, pedophiles are basically normal and our attraction isn't a disease. Not too long after I read the studies the websites were taken down. These websites had a strong correlation with what the APA described about child sexual abuse in 1998. Basically the whole world describes pedos as mentally ill, but there is little to no research on the subject! Regardless, we were dealt a bad hand, but even with that said, nature will just keep making more and more pedos. I forgot where I was going with this, but the evidence doesn't lie.

Little kids are sexy, deal with it

>According to the government studies, pedophiles are basically normal and our attraction isn't a disease
Pedos have been saying this forever we never needed a study to know that and normies won’t care

I needed the study though, that way I can know for certain that I am being completely open minded. Hell the description of Pedophilia according to the DSM is 100% bullshit. I don't have to explain why the APA's current definition is wrong, if you are a pedo then you know that it's all bullshit. Society just keeps sweeping this issue under the rug and hope that it goes away, which it never will.

>the description of Pedophilia according to the DSM is 100% bullshit.

The DSM doesn't describe Pedophilia as a sexual orientation. All they talk about is reoccurring intense sexual urges. They only mention the sexual aspect of our attraction and blow a part of it out of proportion.

>The DSM doesn't describe Pedophilia as a sexual orientation
It did but then they changed it because of outrage

you aren't wrong though

youthfulness is an attractive feature, pedos take that to the extreme yes but at its core its natural and can be hard for even the most morally sound people to resist
especially when you can just get it dumped into your brain easy via the internet, sometimes involuntarily i.e via browsing sites like this shithole

True. Some doctors have also been threatened for describing Pedophilia as a sexual orientation as well.

You're overcompensating bro. This is a judgement free zone. Get off on loli, get off on fucking horses. No one here cares.

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True. Hell, bottle nosed dolphins even engage in pedophilic behaviors especially one of our close relatives the Bonobos. It actually kind of blows my mind how shallow "normal" people really are. They don't even bother researching the subject and just listen to what the media says about us. I'm glad I mentioned this, it helps me cope with all of the ignorance.

>tries to uphold some kind of morality on fucking Yas Forums; what a dumbfuck

Will it ever be legal to act out these fantasies?

I wouldn't be surprised if this won't be allowed in our lifetimes. It might be possible. Our acceptance will have to go through certain stages though. If the media stops demonizing pedos that would be a step in the right direction. We won't be accepted overnight. The real issue is that there is a power imbalance between children and adults. If we can find a way to prevent the real sickos that want to force kids into having sex with them then we could be allowed to act out on our fantasies. If we can find a solution to the power imbalance then we can be fully accepted.

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Why can’t we just make a law criminalizing forcing a child to have sex? Why is it so difficult to only punish the abusers?

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based.soyboy coomers cant compete

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The point is that children aren't developed enough to consent so all sex with minors is forced sex.

What's the point if it just goes back down?


But that’s a myth, kids give consent all the time

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You are not fooling anyone you degenerate pedo bastard, you bottom feeding filth should be castrated

it stays at a steady 47.5% above normal coomer test

No it doesn't. The graph is clearly dropping at the end. The evidence does not support your claim.

joke's on you, I have a job

Idk, I fap to loli but also have a rich personal life. I'm getting into drawing lately. In a few years, I'll graduate university and start doing professional software development. I've got a cute trap gf, even. Your stereotypes really don't work.


We can but not in the current pedo hysteria climate. The other user is right, in that media demonization is the #1 problem facing the normalization of pedophilia.

dumb gorilla nigger search it up

I did. There is no evidence showing the figure you asspulled. If I'm wrong link it. You're the one who knows the source.

You fucking degenerate scum are basically speaking of rape. Better yet, rape of those who dont even understand sex. You are no better than the nigger and muslim monkeys that assault white women on the street. Fucking kill yourself already

This guy gets it. They are just fantasies about raping little girls who dont even know what sex is. Its fucking pathetic. Bring back public hangings for pedos

imagine what kind of mental illness has to be present to adamantly advocate the rights of completely fictional 2 dimensional characters.

I think you're using too broad a definition of rape. Are you a feminist or just spewing out mainstream media talking points like an automaton.

It’s not rape if they give consent you retards

Huh, there's none with anything remotely close to that.
But there's one disgusting "illness" that people should be castrated for that everyone knows about, care to make a guess?

If it wasn’t for date rape I’d never get laid

a pedophile with a mentally ill boyfriend, would you look at that.

I'm sorry, it's just wrong to have sex with anyone who is incapable of informed consent.

I can't see why we can't have very lifelike robotic dolls though, and they are making them now,

>But there's one disgusting "illness" that people should be castrated for that everyone knows about, care to make a guess?
probably being a retarded faggot like you.
castration would be the ideal solution to ensure you don't procreate

Did you just call someone a feminist for being against pedophilia? Get aids and fucking die.

How can a 10 year old give consent to something they dont even understand you fucking degenerate

Yeah it's time To tell that sick fucks. You're right op.

A 14-year-old does understand and can give consent.

I know this is bait and all but...

>Stop sitting at home jacking off to little kids and go do something

Just comes off like saying "go actually grab a kid"...

This is a Poe

Defining everything as rape is feminist ideology.

People under 25 are too stupid to consent

Do normies actually think 10 year olds don’t understand sex?

Another day and this same weak bait..Pedos like pre pubescent. 14 would make you a hebophile.

I like prepubescent girls

You must be a tall woman.

I know you faggots are full of shit and just looking for reactions to jerk off to, but I still hope someone mistakes you for genuine pedos someday and castrates you.

dubs if true

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