39.144370, -95.392458

39.144370, -95.392458

Attached: lisa.jpg (312x401, 81.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:



checking the validity of this would require going to kansas. and there is never a good reason to go to kansas.

Is that supposed to be where you buried her?

So Kansas.


These posts related?

I just emailed this thread to two local NBC affiliates in Kansas that cover the Thompsonville and Oskaloosa area. Hopefully this is legit and we can finally do some good and bring some peace to a family.

>39.144370, -95.392458

This little girl is leading us to her favourite tree.

Attached: Image5.jpg (694x522, 200.96K)



You're sick and twisted, OP. This thread is being reported to the local authorities.

FBI is gonna tell you this is a repost

Anyone reverse image search to see if picture is Kansas related?


Yas Forums I'm in range, I could do it, but do I want to go missing like user in 2013? Or do I just call KBI?


bump, wanna see where this goes

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Depends. Are you a gambling man? What would you get out of going there alone? If you have a gun, and someone is waiting for you, you could probably get away with killing them.

How do killers know the exact coordinates of bodies, I get some are autist level smart but I'm sure most are just retards. Fake and gay

A gps, an app, a fancy watch.

Horrible person if true.

How dumb are you? Your phone can pull up your exact GPS coordinates right now.

They probably don't and this is a shitpost, but it is the 21st century and a psychopath still obsessed with their crime would probs revisit.

Not really, I'd probably get wacked and disappear since I don't have anything. I'll just call Lawrence PD since it's the closest city

what he said, have some way to protect yourself, but yeah you totally should livepost the whole thing

Just spoofed there and now I’ve got a cool down. Fuck Niantic


God damit i wanted to fap to some asians but guess now i have to satay here and watch were this goes

imagine getting baited by something this amateurish cmon anons we're better than this

Bumping just in case you never know...

Learn to use the catalog newfag

Add this post to the screenshot

Attached: f59.jpg (250x243, 9.5K)

OP is a fag

it wouldn't be the first time a body location was posted here

Imagine this guy thinking serial killers have like psychic gps powers that are accurate to like 7 decimal places

you dont gotta do that, just lurk like the rest of us

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Get a group of friends and go out there armed with bats. You'll be fine.

At least it’s something new to get baited by. No dudes pretending to be chicks or cuck larping.

Attached: 1568513716616.jpg (452x446, 22.48K)

This shit was literally last reposted YESTERDAY

People usualy post their gf here so

And it would be the 47 billionth time someone has posted made up bullshit nonsense.

False. People here do not have girlfriends.

If I were burrying a body I wouldn't bring anything that would leave a trail

>Get a group of friends


Arf i need a proxy to go this site

user who are near , do you go to the place ? do you call the cops/fbi ?

>Hey guys, have you heard crazy people will actually eat their own shit? Why would anybody do that?

Watch for this

Attached: thisstick.jpg (411x384, 189.28K)

Bros I heard there’s a 5 million dollar reward for any info about this case

Lol true

That's a stump or a log not a stock

the fuck am i looking at


Attached: MW-GG561_DJI_20_ZH_20180330105510.jpg (890x501, 115.88K)


OP is just same fagging


Bump, 'cos like, most interesting thing in b in a long time

Nope, no friends and no protection. I'll prolly just call the local PD

Coincidentally there's a huge fucking house right next to the coordinates

Well the thing is they post nudes

She's in the dungeon, now.

Of course they'll tell you that. Who the fuck do you think put here there?


at least you call the local PD , thanks for that.
i understand you don't want to risk your life , it's okay .

U idiot they will think u done it

Bump for interest since this is old Yas Forums territory.
If anyone is in the area you're a pussy for not going there. Somebody get on this now.

That's a very real possibility. It's very common for the Coast Guard to browbeat and search people in Florida trying to be good samaritans reporting bales of drugs that they find floating in the water.


I've never seen this on Yas Forums but chances are high that it's a repost. Give us something better.

you should looking for the mindhunter series (it's on netflix)

the serie talk about real serialkiller and some of them get bored because noone talk about them , about the kill they made . so they give some advice to the police.

for exemple , Edmund Kemper , surrender to the police after 10 kills. The police officer who take the calls did not belive him because they think he can arm anything , until he give details noone know .

long story short , some madmen need attention , some other want the world know what they are doing , what they have done and some like to be hidden .

loved that serie. But I love 90% of what I've seen
so doesn't say much.

That's why I'm doing some research before I call it in. Although I wasn't in the country for any of this so I'm not sure

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That's kind of what I saying.

I think there's a rabbit inside of her.

Go on.

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I wish I didn't live in Canuckistan


If you are really the killer, post a picture of the body.
Surely you must have taken a photo.

He won't do it, officer. He wants to lead someone there. Someone not in a uniform.

yo if someone makes a screencap put me in

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