46 days ago i had sex with a hoe and now my dick has small bumps??? Am i dying pls help me identify it
46 days ago i had sex with a hoe and now my dick has small bumps??? Am i dying pls help me identify it
Stomp a tranny to death
Your fucked op
Doctor now
Damn son that ain't looking good
This, you will die in about 6 years after going insane. Get it treated mongoloid.
Herpes lesions or syphilis
It’s the big H user. Ya got a couple of permanent love bumps on yer ding dong. Enjoy the rest of your life controlling outbreaks.
That's syphillis, you nigger.
Better pic here pls identify im not joking u are all my hope
Looks like herpes or syphilis thats why u had to wear a condond when u fuck whores dumb retarded braind dead jackass
Better pic here pls identify im not joking u are all my hope i sent wrong pic
The things you would risk to get your dick wet. Pay the price. After you heal, I wouldn't put it past you that you'll end up fucking the same whore and getting a new STD.
Was it worth it? Was cumming for 30 seconds worth the 10 years of pain?
I stand corrected.
Why are you asking Yas Forums instead of just going to your doctor? Are you American or something?
Doesn't look better user... If you know what I mean
You used a condom right?
Dumb cunt
You must have gotten it from those dirty ass fingernails
>Better pic
Doesn't look any better to me.
:((( im going to doctor tomorrow, ill remember to use condom from now on when fucking dirty hoes
You must have fucked a knothole in a tree because it looks like your dick hole has poison ivy.
im always that
>nigger aids
but this time , I can confirm its nigger aids. sorry op time to an hero.
Doctor here, that's a genital wart outbreak. It's a form of herpes, probably HPV. You have it for life btw.
If it’s syphilis you should get treated ASAP.
If herpes (it’s probably syphilis), you’re outta fuckin luck and you gotta live the rest of your life with this contagious disease.
time to an hero faggot
This is the no condom dance. Start by scratching and hopping around. Fuck dumb ass
Go to the doctor's, get some aciclovir and glhf fighting that back for the rest of your life
HPV. Never goes away.
>Roll dubs of peace that your ex gets HPV, Herpes,Aids
This. You got warts. It’s not curable.
but it doesnt look same as pictures on the internet?
Welp. You're fucked. Might as well ring her up, tell her to had a great time previously, meet up again and fucking kill her.
Much too late for that. You’re gonna end up in one of those herpies medicine commercials
That could be blue waffle which can lead to amputation.
>op when he realizes those are his only VISIBLE diseases
This looks bad. Do you have discharge?
why is your penis small?
Sorry bro look if it herpes you cant trwat it and had a normal life and if it is syphilis is easy to cure unles it is in u brain allready but if not u can cure it just move u ass to the hospital as soon as you can
oh man, im glad i live in finland and healthcare here is free :((( but still fucking unlucky, please people learn from my mistakes and always use rubber
Or, don’t fuck whores
Btw how hoe was she was hot at least tell us about her
kek em
lek'd double dubs for aids
no discharge, little bit itchy, i fucked her like 45 days ago i think. pls identify this
This op. Post sum pics of the dirty skank.
she wasnt a hoe im still talking to her and she said she didint have any stds
Yeah go i wanna masturbate with a condon
Maybe she had on her vagina walls and she dint ebeen know bro lmao seens like she is kindda blonde
She is the only pussy you fucked in the last 45 days?
Herpes. I wanna pop that with my teeth.
Wtf double dubs and disgusting nig
Goooo show us some pictures op
bruh, it looks like you have two pissholes.
What if you just pop those shits or cut them or idk do they just come back infinitely?
i'm suddenly in the mood for some tapioca pudding
Yeah wtf is that also are u some kind of wierd double eye dick
HPV. Go to the doctor.
man... I don't need to see that.
If it is herpes are u gonna do is make them spread so dont do that
Show woman pictures
op here, going to sleep but prob aint getting any sleep today so ill keep checking the thread, havent found any pictures on the web who looks like mine :(
Is pic related what her pussy looked like?
Yeah now use a condom before you spread your whore disease to other people
Oh and if that part in the pee hole starts to fuse go see a doctor and not the md/b/
I neever seen a double pisshole before so yes you are bot going to find it
u got the yummy yum
How could she not shit gets painful
It doesn't look like herpes blisters or a syphilis canker. The location makes it difficult to tell. It could be an early onset to either of those diseases. It could also be blisters from an early onset yeast infection.
The thing is, you have to go to a doctor to get treatment. Unless it is herpes which is forever. The longer you wait the more likely it is to spread to other parts of your dick, and your body. If it's herpes the more you can do to supress the infection the better. It will return to the area it infected first. You don't want that area to get larger.
Time is of the essence. Doctors will see you for free if you ask them.
I thought that pic was something else at first glance..
Have fun with your std test they are going to stick a cotton swab in your piss hole was it worth it
I cant post pic of her here or u guys will find her because all pic i have are on social media
I think suicide is the only treatment