Could really use some comfy thread right about now

Could really use some comfy thread right about now

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Other urls found in this thread:

Stomp a tranny to death

based moon man

Sorry this reduced you to a 5 yo

kill trannies

No way to talk about your father. Are you alright?

You seem to have had a bad experience. There are people that can help you.

That looks like a great place for an evening of relaxing.

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based 5 year old tranny stompers

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>There are people that can help you
oh i KNOW those people, baby

>yo dawg

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Listen to this tell me you don't feel cozy as fuck

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The waterfalls are fantastic, but then insane the bridge and it gets better.

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Usually dont find grouped housing comfy, but this place looks perfect. I'd live the fuck out of there

there are 2 other bridges there, one of them is super high up

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I dunno man. Carved stone paths along a waterfall seems like a bad idea. Water can serious fuck up rock formations.

Just look at the grand canyon. I'd perfer something that was maintainable.

comfy trees

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Artic research stations are peak comfy

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Wait, wtf? Why is she giving a sig heil, and wtf is that mannequin hanging in the back?

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reminder that City Pop is the official music genre of comfy threads:

NIGHT CITY CityPop シティポップ 80s Japanese Mix

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there are pink clothes left where somebody jumped into the narrow hole of deeper water

Feeling comfy
No tendies for the trolls though

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This looks like a set piece of every hallmark movie Ive been forced to watch at Christmas time.

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Cold weather is a great time to stomp trannies

In this thread..
R/cozyplaces this place r/femboiplaces

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Pathetic boomer

love this

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Needs to go back to FB for a while and think about self

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a drafty barn with no windows, yay

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You seem to know a lot about barns. Did your parents raise you in one?

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If there's a hayloft, there's about a 99% chance that bitch is getting infested with yellow jackets.

Windows exist for a reason.

You are being overly hillbilly about this

Comfy but stay there for a week and get super depressed.

Not like its a meth lab or moonshine distillery...

So I guess in your terms “we’s a feuding”

I printed off pics to fap to back in the dialup days and hid them in the hayloft. On cool summer evening I climbed up to to the hayloft to crankdown to my various jpegs and over the course of jerking I distrubed multiple yellowjackets nests.

I'm just trying to do a public service here, user.