Y’all figgits will argue over anything

Y’all figgits will argue over anything

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Wtf is this

obviously aunt jemina

fuck off leaf and or europoor



Fucking noob niggerfaggots.

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MMMM burnt corn syrup

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Couple fine looking bitches

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Im Australian

Pancake syrup is basically artificial flavor corn syrup which is bad for you. Real maple syrup comes in smaller glass bottles but is crazy expensive but is supposed to be better for you

aw shit sorry cunt

Shittyboard is obviously better
Just google it

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Mrs. Butterworth because sha can keep a man. Aunt Jemima can't see her kids without supervision.

That's bullshit, we will not.

No better syrup than Aunt Jemima! Plus she looks very fuckable.

No worries mate just don't do it again

Ok poorfag

I believe I have found a glitch in the matrix, there’s no rule34 of Mrs Butterworth!


>drinking nigger syrup

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no, no, I think user is right!

Sho iz gud doh

Buttersworth, cause i dont have to put it in the fridge

Fuck that everyone knows a fat black lady knows syrups better than some stuck up Karen from the suburbs

“Mrs Butterworth’s”????
always thought it was “Mrs Buttersworth”


Mandela effect

A fat black chick would use menthol Kool Aid on pancakes yo.

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now there’s a bottle I’d keep a licking and possibly dicking

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Nice hiss

Neither. Maple syrup is the best.

You non-canadian poorfags will never understand what true maple syrup is

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We were always so poor we could only afford this shit

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fuck, now i want some waffles and bacon

We have grocery stores too. You pretend French, arctic hockey fag.

Alright question of the ages
Waffles and Bacon, or Pancakes and Sausage

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Never boiled water with a dash of sugar? That's the lowest. Lemme tell ya

I'm not putting nigger cum on my pancakes

Mrs. butterworth's

waffles and sausage fucko

Waffles and sausage. Patty. With syrup.

waffles and sausage, you retard


Wasn’t Mrs butterworth a negroid?

A new contender

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Uses EBT for menthols

Gas for your ac
Nice wasted trips

Where the fuck does r410a come like that?

San Francisco

If these were my only two choices of syrup I would kill myself right now.

Niggers are disgusting subhuman filth


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for the “discerning” Canadian
She comes with a hockey stick

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aunt Jemina

It's Bacon, Pancakes, And Sausage.
what kind of uncivilized nigger eats waffles


Get da fig outta hea uncle ben these bitches get my cream o weat

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Fuck y'all Mrs.Butterworth's always

Aunt jemima, i literally just had it on my waffles.

This guy knows what’s up.