Got a wrong number. Dubs decides what I tell her

Got a wrong number. Dubs decides what I tell her

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Send her a dick pic


Yeah if this rash on my nuts clears up I’m down. How bout you?

Tell her you'll only hook up if she wears toe socks.

Hell yeah baby, ever have your asshole tongued by a fat man in an overcoat?

Are you the one with the dick? I was talking to a few Jens.

"I can't wait to expand your vaginal walls with my girth"
And add a dick pic to that

Hey Jen, it’s the Chadster from North Shore. I want to fuck you right in the pussy

Yes just make sure you bring the strap-on.

on Vancouver sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-it I was hoping to be Jen this weekend

My hello m'lady. Tis a fine day when you text me. *Tips fedoora* *Palms sweat* I will indeed be in Vancouver this weekend, would you like to meet to play some le vidyas? Or perhaps something... else? *Winks, eyes twinkling*


>hey babe, have you heard the word about our lord jesus?
Send a dick pic with that

You're the 12 year old right?

"I'll be IN Vancouver. You really need a lesson."

Hey Jen! Let’s catch a Canucks game and after maybe I can clap those cheeks


Deliver faggot op

Sure, I hope you like my basement

Two dubs now. You better faggot

I guarantee that’s a bot


*being tied up in my basement


Op is faggot. Confirmed

Got damnit you faggots

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bumping for potential gold

Op is not faggot.

fuck i wasted dubs

Ok dubs for the next one, not counting this one

...I thought we already agreed on my pronouns. Jesus. Get it together Jen.


nah its me hun, I want you to fuck my ass all night long to Lionel Richie

>Yeah can't a man get his ass railed once in a while.
Do it OP.





“Yeah I’ll be there, but I think I should let you know that I just tested positive for HIV”

Do it anyway. The rash makes it even better. Bitches love red nuts.

rolling for effect

Yeah, the guy that's going to be wearing your clothes when you fuck me, right?

Quick someone get dubs she’s waiting

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>Say you like FUGMA




No, ofcourse not. Just a new thing im into

Yeah I'm a guy, but I don't define my gender like most guys do. What flavor are you?

>be me
>roll again

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You're still gonna pee on me too right?

Have you ever heard of an inverted penis?


Hurry up nig

How do you lads do it?

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Depends on if my meds kick in I’m still having auditory and visual hallucinations. I can’t stop thinking about skinning my cat Snuffles alive.

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I want to use it on both of us so we can have the same bacteria in our colon

Learning the strap on. I'll bring mine. You still thinking your brother might be there?

Just send your fucking pic back. No balls

She's fucking into it OP. Send her your actual pic and get pegged you lucky bastard.

Send her this.

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what a winner


An autist

Send her this

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Send pic of your ass OP and ask her to return the favor

Send a pic of ur dick now!

Not to burst yr bubbl but I think it’s a spam message bruh. I got one with the same pic and message


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I’m a nigger if you don’t mind.

reported. Using phone number to make people text this random number. I hope someone texts this poor innocent girl, and she replies with your number OP

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>be me.
>OP take my request.
Send her you hairy ass hole

Pretty sure it’s a bot