Will this have the magic of the last gets thread, let's find out

Will this have the magic of the last gets thread, let's find out

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Logged and clogged

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I’m just here to check myself. Checked.

Summing jutizu

N.. NANI?!

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Show me your ways, senpai

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here we go again

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What is happening


Were all just here enjoying old school /b get images...

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Don't let me down moot

Though I do detect a distinct lack of 11s...

It never stops

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Go on?

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James Bond up in here too

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Gg fags

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here to check em b/tards

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Notice the difference

Old school gets.

New school fails.

The trips of truth are harder though

Dubs get

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I said 11s dammit...



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This is truly a get thread

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Czech em

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trannies & l_g p_ster fucking scum
also roll

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Check check roger roger


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Not for you.

gib me ta dubs

Attached: local man get the dubs.jpg (700x520, 88.48K)

The previous was pretty great too.

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Trips incoming.

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Checked and keked

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You are now watching oldschool Yas Forums stealing digits from furfags
Yas Forums forever

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Looking for some of that ol razzle dazzle to GET this thread going again

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Check em

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Clearly you are jealous of our ability to get...

>jesus checking all these dubs

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Wtf Yas Forumsros
Where are my gets

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check em

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You are right user. Teach me how to get dubs

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Did anyone said dubs?

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I like it.

Well clearly they are not over here...

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so close

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Find them, cunt!

dubs...pfff...trips boi

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Lets think about where they might be...

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