This terrifies the jew

This terrifies the jew

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no idea what that is

it makes you grow penis skin

Join the military you communist faggot.

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circ fag envy

Next time you jizz before you even get it halfway in perhaps consider getting cut. Spreading fucking coronavirus with your nasty ass cheesedick

>All the other yids, with their cut up dicks
yeah, let's just join the tremendous number of adults that want to permanently slice off part of their dick.
oh wait

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How is this attached? I've seen them before but I have no idea how this apparatus is to be worn.

The thing on the middle can slide up and down on the rod, and the clear rubber piece on it can flip up and down.
You push the head of the penis into the pusher at the bottom, roll the skin onto the base of the middle part, and flip the rubber thing on top of the skin to hold it. Then you take the rubber band and put it on the screws on the side so it gets pulled up.

You'll never get those nerve endings back.

Takes less than a minute to wash in the shower. Yep. Too inconvenient. Better just chop it off. Fingernails are an even bigger hassle. May as well have those removed as well.

>Takes less than a minute
takes like 3 seconds.
pull back
point shower head,

that's it.


Theres actually a video of it on the website

Ok joomer

Exactly. Helps to use a little soap sometimes though.

What the fuck is a joomer

The jewish boomer, you know the type

Wouldn't they be saying "Just lop it all off, goyim. Don't worry, you won't even feel anything."

Restoring my foreskin is definitely one of my top priorities right now.

based burgers
It's like out-jewing the jew.

need to leave, you're all niggers

Unless you start wearing that like at 5 aren't all your glands insensible by the time you're like a teen. Fuck I sometimes get a boner and just scratching the head of my dick against my underwear feels like torture, too much sensibility.

Exactly... I don't know if it will regain its sensitivity once it's been circumcised

Literally kill yourself

No, that will come back. There is no permanent damage to the glans unless they accidentally cut off part of it.

Ok joomer

Is this worth doing? How long does it take

nobody cares about your dick

No, THIS terrifies the jew

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Shut the fuck up.

You get a callus on your head. Notice how uncut guys have soft, smooth,.almost shiny heads, and cut guys have rougher heads? Same as getting calluses on your fingers. The skin thickens to make it tougher and lower the sensitivity.

Fuck circumcision. It's sexual violence carried out against baby boys. It should be 10 years in prison minimum. I've heard that some doctors push it really hard on new families. Anyone that tries to push it on my future son is loosing teeth if they don't back the fuck up. I will protect my kids with my life.

Waahhh nobody wants to suck my ugly uncut turtle head so I make up bullshit to make myself feel better!!Waaahh

I'm cut you fucking goblin.

You're a jew with a laughable little button peen. Don't blame circumcision for your lack of giblets

Posting my restoration results cuz fuck jews and cutfags for being brainwashed in to thanking kikes for mutilating them.

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What are you using? Any more pictures

looking good pal!

Right now I'm using the FIT v2 direct air method + tugging at the same time. I've been attempting to restore off and on for like 12 years (mostly off and with very little progress) but this new method seems to be working a lot better

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>Next time you jizz before you even get it halfway in perhaps consider getting cut.
Funny thing is that circumcised men are more likely to experience PE and/or ED.

How tight is it? I've heard some horror stories where the restoration didn't end up working well and it was just like having flabby skin over your tip

So far so good for me. It doesnt always stay rolled over like that, but it seems to cling pretty tight to the head. I think a lot of guys that have that problem just damaged their skin by using too much force for too long, which is a pretty common issue.

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Let's see it hard? Debating doing it but idk what my wife would say

Half right. The glans repairs itself if given the chance. That requires full coverage and it is very painful for a long time. But it can return to shiny.


this guy already has skin

Just looks cut when it's hard right now.

Someone else posted this pic on reddit for his restoration update. Looks pretty fucking natural to me

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>This terrifies the jew
Good one OP, the jew already got your foreskin from you and now he sold you this device to mangle your fucked up dick even more.

The jew is laughing cause he got you twice

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Literally this. What is it the cheese dicks have against the clipped? Are they butthurt coz they can't get head?

Looks like a sand worm lol


>hurrdurr it looks funny
Are you actually 12 you fucking retard? It looks better than your crusty mutilated jew dick

He who controls the spice controls the universe!

you're being an idiot. Foreskin restoration restores the moisture the glans are supposed to be in and restores the lubricant and gasket-like effect foreskin plays during sex. There is NO downside to restoring

Another pic from a guy restoring that looks pretty fucking legit

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Makes me want to do it

Do it. The sooner the start the sooner you'll finish. It's worth it and makes everything feel a LOT better. Just google it and you'll get all the info you need

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Hey Americans, instead of trying to grow back your foreskin, just don't circumcise your kids.
Circumcision is a barbaric practice, and

It's a little too late for the boys that were already cut retard

Why, wouldn't they just snip you twice?

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yea... no.
unless you are asexual, you are washing your shit just by means of masterbation

no, but you get the benefit of the head not constantly rubbing on shit all day, drying out, making it feel better and masterbation itself easier.

Nah man. Regrow the skin to cut it off again. That's a circumsexual's dream.