My SWAT brother just got shot by a nigger on the neck and is in coma having his final moments right now...

my SWAT brother just got shot by a nigger on the neck and is in coma having his final moments right now, what should I tell him before he dies?

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Tell him Hitler did nothing wrong.

"I had sex with your dog"

>want a handy, bro?

Fucking larping tryhard.

Check em

Ok, i'll bite.

>Supposed SWAT
>No flack jacket
>No helmet
>just 2 guns

i'm gonna call bullshit on this one.

Izzy Nobre, top soyKEKCUCKboy!

Also is a fat ass.


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So first he's shot in the neck, then he's in a coma, and now he's dying?
You just changed the story 3 times

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Tell that faggot 'you had 1 fucking job and you can't even kill a nigger'

that fatass isn't swat. you actually have to be in shape to be in in swat, at least in any respectable jurisdiction.

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Izzy Nobre it's a Brazilian Youtuber, cuck, and Soyboy.

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You don’t tell him shit if he’s unconscious, dumb fuck. Not that this actually happened anyway.

Wuuuut this is epic


Whats to tell him? He cant hear you? Just hang out incase he pulls through or pull the plug. You shouldnt make your brother suffer in his consciousness by himself. Let the black void of nothing take your brother and release him from the hell hes proabbly in.

There are cops that are strongfat, so I left that out. It's quite possible to have a bit of a belly and still be an effective, healthy officer. Not a cop, I interact with them tons.

Maybe. Still an awful attempt.

Sure thing, Satan.

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Can't simmer the Zimmer

ask him if hes the guy from the cover of half life 2

Nice trips

Niggers tongue my anus.

"niggers gonna nig"

Nice dubs good sir

Nice dubs.

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i love u

I always hated u

this faggot is too fat to be SWAT and why would SWAT carry airsoft guns?


hahaha if hes in SWAT (which he is 100% not) I'd go kill myself right now and film it live , you fucking retard MURICAN virgin lover of guns hahahahaha!

Stick your tongue in his ear.

how can you tell it's airsoft?

oh baby a triple

Like this

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This is now a gets thread

because this thread is pasta

Shrek is love, Pools closed.

"Niggers tongue my anus"

hitler was right, sleep tight

Cops don't wear glasses

correct. they wear tactical vision enhancement devices.

goodbye pig

Why do these soy boys all look like this?

same person

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Allah grants me dubs. Check em.

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Fuck. Jesus give me dubs. Come on bros, you're embarrassing yourselves.

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We v6ot your 6. Blue brothers always


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Check thine dubs

only the pure get dubs

Check em out


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Damn so close

only the cringe get dubs


allah is a faggot

I fucked your mom


Push only those who fucked your mom get dubs

not very 2020, but this photo is some faggot shit

>what should I tell him before he dies?
that your going to catch and kill the nigger that shoosted hime

deez nuts

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Live by the gun, die by the gun.


Allah is just testing me, he knows my faith will not waver when I do not receive his gifts.
Allah alone will grant me these dubs! Check em!

Only moot can grant dubs

ok ok. moot and Allah grant me these dubs.

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Your a faggot

Just moot

Lmao I knew it

If he’s in a coma, it doesn’t matter what you tell him. Tell him, he’s fucked.

only faggots and niggers get dubs

Tell him to check em

Tell him you're doing the swat team larp again.

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Damn someone's salty

Satan gimme de dubs

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It's to easy guys

whoop whoop give me those dubs

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Down w the clown.... not w the dubs



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