What are Yas Forums's thoughts on the Novel Coronavirus?
What are Yas Forums's thoughts on the Novel Coronavirus?
possibly the end of civilization, yet possibly nothing, likely to kill off a good portion of the elder population and it will probably having lasting effects. guess we'll just have to find out, huh?
I dont remember such panic with bird flu or swine flu. One good thing, Im refinancing my house. Rates are at record lows
If it kills off all the old people the argument that we need more immigrants goes out the window because the pyramid scheme that is SS is no longer required. (not that this was a valid argument to begin with since such a high percentage were leeches and not contributors)
It's not killing enough people in China and India.
Assholes like Trump and Merkel should die first, tho.
Merkel has been ruining Germany for over a decade.
The newest media panic inducing bullshit, also what else does anyone expect from China other than a new disease?
Bernie first, tbh.
All of those socialists and nazis need to get fucking gassed.
Meh I'd give the first 3 chapters a try sounds like a book about drunks honestly
not only. with her behaviour she has ruled over Europe and has influenced even our country (Italy) with her lies. Italy should stop paying fucking war fees after 60 fucking years.
I don't having anything against Germany but still I hate this thing. It's 2020 and we are just being controlled by a fucking fat shitty woman. We have Mafia and bad politicians in Italy, that are ruining our beautiful country.. we don't need Merkel.
I may have the virus user.
Haven't been to the doctor but 2 nights ago I'm getting a bad dry cough I never had before when I visit the hospital recently and I work at a meat distribution factory that sends out meat.
What should I do Yas Forums I don't want to self quarantine myself.
well, they can go one after another. IDC if they die. More or less every country has shit people to kill. They should be the first of the rows.
Just another Flu. only kills old people over 20.
NAP aside, who's going to pay for all that gas?
you should if you have it. i don't know your country but if you have fever and coughs, you should tell and quarantine yourself. If your condition worsen, go to the hospital.
Who wrote it?
Go to a movie theater and relax. Watch a good film.
>over 20
Pick one mate.
I'm 30 and I'm not old. FFS.
don't answer ok boomer since i'm not.
OK boomer
Obviously a boomer. 30? That's fucking old.
Hurry up and get this virus to pass on this world to the new generation.
>possibly the end of civilization, yet possibly nothing
Sounds like you are fucking uninformed. Current model simulation has our hospitals overwhelmed and unable to host everyone with the virus in a matter of WEEKS. This is in america, there are not enough ventilators, or even beds available in WEEKS.
I will you broke ass motherfucker.
Potentially serious for elders or people with several respitory issues/compromised immune systems otherwise it's more minor than a cold.
Also, while the mortality is relatively almosi inexistent, the morbidity is worthy to note (rate of infection) because it's so contagious and smart (could potentially evolve into a bio weapon) but currently a complete joke to panic about.
African male here. We are immune. Going t be a beautiful BLACK future!
wow you are so funny
Love your sense of humor guys
Can confirm. No cases in Africa where I am. All good and everything is booming.
>I dont remember such panic with bird flu or swine flu.
Neither of these flus caused record high sickness like the world is currently experience. We are in the midst of outbreak. Bird flu was a was a very rare flu with low exposure rates due to transmission and a low mortality rate.
COVID-19 is high exposure due to transmission and moderate mortality. Even comparing the two is disingenuous and ignorant.
Live in Sydney Australia. I was thinking of taking a train ride to the city that's very populated. Not many niggers here unfortunately
Lots of niggers in Melbourne. Take a trip.
it may arrive even there. Good luck if it does
I want a more populated environment here in Sydney. Any suggestions?
Africans are immune. Some chinese come here who was had it and no-one get it. We ar superior.
As a weed smoker I'm a little concerned I'm more susceptible to it despite only being 20. For now though, I'm not personally concerned. Although our healthcare system is pretty much fucked bc of it
LOL I did LOL.
Lol fuck, where in melb?
>disingenuous and ignorant
Consider where you are. A person can't be disingenuous when he doesn't know his ass from his elbow. Dat nigga juss ign'ant
Tarneit. Suburb in Melbourne West.
Had to drive through there once. It's infested with Negroes. Seriously messed up.
it's a good year for bananas.
Anyone got that website where they track the coronavirus progression on a map worldwide and they also show H1N1, Sras and other outbreak?
I've been watching two, no sign of the sars etc on this one but worth a look
i have psoriasis which means my immune system is overactive. i have been taking immunosuppresants to weaken my immune system and reduce skin flareups. because coronavirus is worse for ppl with compromised immune systems, i'm wondering if i should stop taking medication for a while even if it means my psoriasis coming back (i used to be 50% covered in plaques but now am like 95% clear other than a little on my scalp).
i don't think so. if you really were you should be studied and used to create vaccines and stuff.
kek funny kek
you mad boi
Ok, heard they don't have screening for domestic flights.
I was planning to visit all the populated places from Sydney and Melbourne and probable eat a populor buffet or something.
Fuck, if I might die, I'm gonna take a fuck ton with me
I love it
Second one has lots of info and explanations below the charts
It's the The Wuhan Chink Virus
I thort user was funny not me not mad
shit that's scary
And you are going to die knowing that this pathetic effort was your last post on Yas Forums and you missed trips by one. It's all over for you.
Only because the climate is currently to hostile for the virus, if and when it mutates to be more heat resistant, Africa will surpass the Italian infection in days because nigs will nog
It is quite clearly a bioweapon.
>Hard to detect
>Symptoms take weeks to show sometimes
>Highly infectious
>Highly likely it will mutate rapidly
>Already multiple strains
>One strain is much worse than the other
i know dude, just kidding :)
You’re fucking retarded. There’s never been a major Bird Flu crossover unless you count the Spanish Flu, and 3.4% in a total population (higher one elderly of course) isn’t a moderate mortality rate, it’s a low one. Bird Flu by the way has an estimated mortality of around 60% of cases.
Not airborne, droplet borne, which is different. It needs some aerosol (hey I made a joke!) to cough or sneeze on you , it doesn't transmit through the air otherwise.
It's just a slightly nastier fucking flu. Everyone needs to calm the fuck down.
Healthy people will be fine within a week and the unhealthy or old will die thus strengthening the species as a whole.
I would only stop taking them if you have a job where exposure is likely. If you aren't in contact with a lot of people, or touching things lots of people have touched, i wouldnt worry too much.
no such thing as droplet borne. You literally just described the definition of airborne.
Airborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbes small enough to be discharged from an infected person via coughing, sneezing, laughing and close personal contact or aerosolization of the microbe. The discharged microbes remain suspended in the air on dust particles, respiratory and water droplets.
i do. I'm a physiotherapist and I work touching people and being close to them. yay.
Verified 60% bird flu mortality rate. Just killed my budgie. I loved that bird. Fuck you.
boring-ass Chink shit.
it's only 10x more lethal than the regular fucking flu.
the USA will be dealing with this crap floating around til about September because you stupid fucks don't stay home when you're sick! It's not goddamned rocket science, you fucking twats! U sick? Stay home!
I am no doctor, so I would consult yours. I would certainly wait to see how bad the spread is, and if you are going to try something like stopping your meds, if it were me i would only do it during the times where the virus has really kicked into high gear in terms of spreading.
Based antiboomer
Also, google shittyboard. No porn, no anime, no shit
Yep, osteopath here, starting to get a bit twitchy about being hands on and up close with people all day. Not immune suppressed, but fairly old. Not looking forward to getting it, but assume I'll be OK because reasons.
Airborne means it stays suspended in air for a long period of time, droplets mean it spreads through discharge of mucous/droplets. It’s literally in the fucking name. Measles is Airborne, Flu is not. Hospitals literally have different protection protocols for both of these moron.
Lol you are fucking stupid faggot. Have a good one.
You're wrong.
Airborne infection: the infection usually occurs by the respiratory route, with the agent present in aerosols. Doplet nuclei 5 μm: e.g. bacterial meningitis, diphtheria, respiratory syncytial virus.
Droplet infection: large droplets carry the infectious agent (>5 μm in diameter).
Just waiting for the population cull
Droplets projected from the infected upper respiratory tract may contain a wide variety of microrganisms, including viruses, and many infections can be spread by this route (i.e. respiratory viruses, influenza, measles, chickenpox, tuberculosis).
In most cases, these are spread by large droplets, and an infective dose will rarely move more than a few feet from the source patient.
Google it if you don’t believe me retard. Don’t spread your bs information.
guess what moron. water droplets can move through the air. holy shit people are fucking stupid these days.
You joke, but mortality seems to jump sharply for people over 55, AKA boomers.
This is literally nature providing a meme virus, and I'm shocked and appalled that it hasn't become the OK Boomer Virus already.
What are the chances that this virus is potentially not man made
Look at the pasta above about droplet size.
It won’t kill that many people. But it will fuck up industry because people will demand more than what the economy can currently produce leading to shit hitting the fan. This mixed with oncoming bull market will lead to an economic collapse that not even keynesian economics can fix.
we could be discussing rain drops, they still move through the air.
Holy shit, you’re fucking retarded. Droplets traveling through air isn’t the same as airborne. Airborne means the disease hangs around in the air for hours, coming out when someone breathes, coughs, or sneezes. Droplets is mucous propelled out from the individual that quickly dissipate, do not linger, and must make direct contact with another person either through the particles being inhaled or through it getting in the eyes, they don’t fucking linger moron. TB and Measles linger for hours, if you’re not coughed on by someone with Flu you’re not gonna get flu, that’s the difference. Do some research.
the fact is that here in italy we are not followed by our Register. It's crap 100%. I work alone with VAT so if i don't work, i don't earn money.
I'm 30yo so I shouldn't be that weak to catch it and die, but still I don't want this shit to spread everywhere since we are almost in quarantine like china.
Tomorrow I'll talk to some docs and try to understand what I have to do
>the OK Boomer Virus
OK you can have that, that's the first time I've seen it. Better wait for someone else to tweet it though, you don't want to be traced as the person who originated that when everybody's parents die.
you know what, ur right. the virus is inside the droplet, which is airborne. you fucking absolute idiot.