Face it, you're fucked now

Face it, you're fucked now.

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as if there was ever a choice

Can we start calling it the boomer-blaster virus?

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Chemical warfare

Nah, I’m fine. Don’t be such a puss.

cool fear and panic thread

There has been a total of 69 cases in my country and zero deaths. I’m really not that worried. It’s going to spread, people are going to get sick. Some are going to die, those are the facts. It’s not going to end the world, smarten up

you are aware that the socioeconomic crisis/recession that will happen as a result of the pandemic will probably kill many more people than the virus itself? - not to mention the wars that will happen later on.

just sayin'.

Cull the population

Attached: ME.jpg (973x496, 79.91K)

>ou're fucked now.
more like fucking lucky it was just some barely modified fruitbat virus walked out that Wuhan bio-weapon lab

with the horrible cooties Beijing has on ice for depopulating warring enemy states , yeesh

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> World population: 7.7 billion
>Confirmed Cases of COVID-19: 110,890
>Reported Deaths caused by COVID-19: 3,877




Cull the hurd!!! Joseph Seed is my Savior

Been telling the Americans who think it is a flu what happens in Italy will happen to them, well Italy decided to go big and are 9.1k cases and almost 500 deaths.

While typing this someone in the US died again.

115k as of today, in 1 month, where all countries were prepared, did quarantine, closed airports vs infected countries etc.

and we still haven't seen the full glory of coronachan. If she keeps the tempo, it'll be at least 200k, and maybe 300-500k in a month, 1/2 mil to maybe 1-2 mil in two months, rinse, repeat, until at least 06/2020, maybe 07 or 08.

In fact 3 more just died. So 4 in the last couple of minutes.

Ah, STFU. Here's the real threat that we should be talking about. 18,000 dead and counting just in the US.


Attached: In this thread right now.webm (640x360, 1.31M)

Bring it on!

People love to write panic threads. It makes them feel important like when they protest or get involved in some community bullshit. People like to feel important, most never will be.

I genuinely want this to cull us. Even if I'm one of the culled. We need to start over.

I've bought up all of the asswipe, purell and canned food in my town, so I'm good.

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Most countries are under-reporting.
China and Iran deliberately so.
The US has been caught flat-footed and has done fewer than 100 tests for the virus as of last night. There are no test kits available. Donald has saved millions of dollars by not having any. The trade war with China means there won't ever be enough.
The CDC etc are under-staffed because the government didn't think they were necessary. And with no ObamaCare there will be no way most Americans will be able to afford masks or tests, let alone hand sanitizer or toilet rolls.

I'd be more fucked if i went outside and tried to walk across the street at the crosswalk.

We'd do exactly the same

I've only got one roll.

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am i ban

Can't wait for it to hit the countries with aging issues more so that we get a whole bunch of freeing up of resources

>these countries I hate should... should be more than they say
>cause..... they have to be hiding numbers... cause I hate them
>*re-adjusts tinfoil hat*


>you're fucked now.
No (You) are, I've prepared.

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>2% of infected people die
I think I'll be fine.

pls kill the boomers now, and crash the housing market so i can buy cheap

Lot of incels getting excited at the prospect of finally being fucked op. You better deliver

Wars ? Please bitch... Back to reality.. Yes they’re probably will be recessions yes the economies of each country and probably the global economy will suffer. It happens, it’s happened time and time again and it will happen time and time again through the existence of fearful humans, so the fuck what? Stop being a fucking snowflake, like it’s never happened before.... You can either roll over and die like a bitch or pull your socks up and get back to where you were eventually.

Do you feel important?
Fuck these captchas

shit virus is now on b also that's it we are all fucked. also anyone else screaming demonic noises corona late at night and then walking next to your neighbors cus you know the walls are thin and then look at them calmly like you are a normal person.

Or maybe, you ate too much media hype?
Nah, must be a global conspiracy to under report numbers

69 lmaooo

Boomer Flu..... naw B, i'll be fine. We have a once every 10 year republican recession going on, if your under 40, you should be dumping every penny you can find into the stock market right now. You'll thank me in 9 years

You only have to worry about the corona virus if you physically interact with people. Don't sweat it /b you're safe.

we are DOOMED!

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wait until the GOP really tank it. Trump will have us at about Dow 6000, like bush. THEN invest. This recession hasn't even begun, nor have the deaths from coronavirus. It's all just beginning.

Government doesn't want you to know that a solar flare is coming that will energize covid19 into a zombie like plague. Trust me, I work for the government.

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This one is a weak virus. Nothing to get scared about. But you should be scared about what will come later. They are preparing you mentally for the next outbreaks that will be more deadly.

Its been proven you cannot time it, just start buying a keep buying with every paycheck.

>a solar flare is coming that will energize covid19 into a zombie like plague
BRING IT!!!!!!!

true m8

Knew that over a month ago and sold all stock etc. Glad I did it.

Nah. It's is just government content. Bullshit to keep the people distracted from rising up and takinng back their natural power away from the Controllers.

coronavirus is a fucking hoax. It is 2020, I can't beleive you nigger-minded idiots can't understand how governments work

I cashed out about $400k about a month ago too. If you didn't see this coming you should probably reassess your world view. $40k went back in and got moved around. And I'll be dumping more, maybe most, back in over the course of the next few months, cautiously.

yes, it happened, mostly due to morons like you. Morons who can't learn from previous experiences; people who are too dumb to learn from history.


Ya ok chump

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= coronavirus.

FUCKING CHINKS. SARS, Swine Flu, SO many epidemics and pandemics have come from China. We have GOT to start punishing their kind, and Russia for being their allies.


can you imagine trumpanzees running around, still squealing "HOAX" in their hoverrounds, diabetics and essentially the first to die if they get the virus? oh what stupid, sad creatures. I hope none of them get sick, I wish death on no man.

its nice to dream...


I'm an healthy male, I have litteraly 99.9% chance of surviving if I even caught it in the first place.
Zero worry here. Hell I even think it would be a good thing if it could wipe out 10% of the population. That way housing prices would finally go down in my area


funny, people still not understanding the truth behind the "virus".

which is?