Black American Here. What Race Of Woman Should I Mate With And Why?

Black American Here. What Race Of Woman Should I Mate With And Why?

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abbo. create the ubernigger. i believe in you. nigger.

>Getting married
>Current year

LOL You wouldn't say that to my face.

youre right. i do not associate with niggers.

Anything that will raise the IQ of your children and erase the fucking nignog stereotype bro

and I guess they don't associate with you either LOL



you must be talking about yourself "bro" LOL

Black American.
Preserve the glorious race and make your ancestors proud




Date an african woman, and live together happily in Africa.

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you think you are slick... with in "africa"

which one prefer m8?

mate does not equal marry
but u right eighter way

don't have one

Clearly the race that will cancel out the nignog the most- jewish

A black woman, no other race wants to date/fuck black women

Why go with just one? You guys fuck and dump anyway.

for life:
i guess just pick one that will guarantee good children and a happy life

so something healthy
i guess white or MAYBE asian
idk dude just pick one

and for one night stand you can probably get multiple in there
or if not just pick something i guess you can go for white since there's lot of them and they're kinda easy so you'll waste less of your time on pick up

sounds like you talking about yourself

Kill yourself



why you want to kill yourself?

You can mate with more than one.

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another nigger obviously


another what? nah i don't know what you talking about



White male

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Just kill yourself, that would be best for everyone

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Jews! Do it, you fucking nigger!

LOL both of you are sooo sad must be hard to live the life you have

What are you talking about? My life is great! Even if it was hell, at least I'm not a nigger.

Listen to your penis.

Best advice

I know your life is Hell you didn't have to admit it to me

Stomp a tranny to death you fucking nigger

Impregnate as many white women below the Bible belt as you can.

cute butt


if you have racial pride you would believe that the best women are black women. Nothing displays the black man's fear that he is indeed inferior than parading around a white woman as if he's obtained a great prize. You don't brag about conquering or stealing from someone you see as lesser.

superiority is not real, its a illusion, that stuff only exists on Yas Forums sadly

Fuck as many white women as humanely possible.

Dude, your risk of developing myeloma is significantly higher than mine...

Depends on your educational background.

Your own
RACE-mixers should be sent to the gulag

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HAHAHAHAHAHAH got damn... you sound desperate at this point

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Neanderthals or Humohabilis, do not mate with chimpanzees, they not human.

neanderthals don't exist, chimpanzees are animals , and what the hell is a humohabilis? are you on drugs?

LOL yeah expose yourself troll

Doesn't matter if its "real" or not. Black man with a white shows he believes its real.

are you a moron or what? people like to lie all the time. we have to stop believing in crazy things like that

dude youre a disgrace to blacks. you come here to make a thread and every reply of yours is a lame ass cope. at least be creative you stupid nigger

>jews you nigger
>>you hate your life
>niggress, kys
>>no you kys
>go back to africa
>>haha slick, african "american" btw

Sincerely just go off yourself or rape some nigger from africa you low iq chimp. Im arab and im not going to cry everytime someone calls me a goatfucker or a terrorist, just find the humour in it tyrone

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Ofcourse he wouldn't because you would ape out like the nigger you are.

I wouldn't slap the banana out of a gorilla's hand either, but it doesn't make the gorilla anything more than an interesting beast to observe at the zoo either.

why would I find humor in something that is clearly stupid? LOL wouldn't that make you a hypocrite since you are crying about it? LOL

trannies are the most hated segment of the universe.

You do understand the reason white people don't say nigger right?

It's because they're afraid of being beaten

Y'know, cause blacks are so violent that a word will set them off into a murderous rage

>this is not sarcasm, I've seen otherwise rational black dudes completely lose their shit at the word

Really kinda doubles down on the whole physically superior / mentally interior theories purported by all the racists in the country

Stereotypical racists are dumb as fuck but even a broke ass clock is right twice a day

>LOL wouldn't that make you a hypocrite since you are crying about it? LOL
no only an idiot would come away with that conclusion, im simply pointing out the irony of coming on Yas Forums and expecting us to bow down to a chimp. no one cares about your feelings and if you want our opinion you at least have to have asl sense of humour

>It's because they're afraid of being beaten
yes european whites are so scared of third world chimps who they conquered time and time again. everyone said the word nigger, fuck you nigger in the name of allah

clearly you are crying about it LOL so you are a hypocrite anyway

just like what you are doing right now? LOL

wtf are you talking about? LOL

ummmmm okkaaaayy?????
