Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

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And vchan here of course,

I actually have a question for everyone here too...well more like I'm curious to see the opinions of others..


>I actually have a question for everyone here too...well more like I'm curious to see the opinions of others..

Do woman really use tampon? I just discovered this device when watching movie

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So now that we have 607 cases in the US, a 550 jump from 1 week ago, will you admit your a little worried? Especially since there is a large outbreak in your state and they declared state of emergency?

Do women like it when guys secretly sneak out cum into the things you eat, drink, or touch your vaginas with (i.e. toilet paper, panties, etc.)? Or is that only fun for us?

Ok bare with me here


It's a long one lol

C'mon user...

Why not?

See above

>Why not

Sounds like feminist whale


Dont care....leave my thread

i bet she's craving for your nut sauce smeared all over her stuff, user.

Uh no..

Pretty much the opposite

what voice altering software are you using

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How about you leave you ignorant cunt? It's people like you that spread this disease. Thinking ita no big deal because it doesnt effect you. They dont fucking quarantine half a fucking country over the flu, but you think you are above it all. Fuck off

Your sister sounds like a cunt.

Shea just an attention whore bro, take it easy. She always posts bs to get sympathy. Next week she will say she has covid19 and cry for sympathy because muh baby

lol jk but seriously this must be a social experiment then. perhaps it's for an academic paper?

Fuck off stop defending this cunt. You worship her like a cuck

Why do girls on Yas Forums always try and flirt with me.

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When you're walking by an attractive woman in a public setting and she seems to go out of her way to look off to one side, away from you... Why? 9 times out of 10, women seem to do this.

haha vagima

Bitch be crazy

OK... your sister sound like a total bitch and personally, I would forget I even have a sister.
Mine is also a selfish, careless, ambitious and lazy bitch. Of course, me being a man without kids I have not same problems but still, I can relate.
And about your sister, she may need you more than you think so I would try to stay close to her and look after her.

Why do you make fun of the corona guy? He has a point you know

Haha so you get proven wrong and you tell him to leave? I remeber when you made the bet with him a few weeks ago about 200 americans. Think it was a little late but still above 200. Also it could be because America couldn't get their shit together for an accurate test. Still cant honestly

>people like me.
I wash my hands and hardly walk outside.
I'm fine.
You can leave now.

Nah I'd have to be around people to get it lol

Pic related

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It's there any reason you can't say something like "thanks for the stroller. Stuff from family is cool and I appreciate it. But I don't want anything else. Let's drop this because I don't want to get into an argument"?

Oretty sure he wasnt defending me. Good job being a dick to the guy that was on your side lol



Sounds like your being a bitch. Take the gift and shut up. Use it or dont, but dont be a bitch

Good job being a cunt you cunt fucker. When you die from corona I will not cry

Conceited much?

If you had to munch on a pussy, who's pussy would it be?

Fuck off you whore.


You probably are the Corona guy lol

>posts tits encouraged
>doesnt post tits


I'm not the Corona guy, just pointing out we have alot to worry about. I mean I lost alot of money today in the stock market, and people are getting sick and dying


Ok. Dont need your tears lol

Conceited how? What? Lol

Yea and im taylor swift.
See how easy it is to like about identity?

oops, I mean your niece, not your sister... Screw your sister.

Encouraged by any other femanons which care to join

It's your hormones. Call your sister and wish her well. Tell her you love her and you appreciated that she was thinking of you and your son when she was perusing Facebook Marketplace etc. She had a girl and mothers of girls tend not to understand the vibe and dynamics of having a son. She probably didn't see the harm in offering a pink swing. Mothers tend to be very self-centered. They consider themselves "special" for having the child- they consider the child "special" because it's theirs. It's the whole driving force behind the "not in my backyard" or "somebody else's problem" mentality. I guarantee you that later on, if you even remember the transgression, you will be shocked and maybe embarrassed. Your parents are right- be the bigger person and call your sister, invite her to your shower and then ask her to wish her niece a happy birthday. Life is too short to hold grudges.

What the fuck is wrong with used baby stuff?

Because you're ugly and creepy!


If a man forced you to have sex, but went out of his way to be gentle and kind and nice about it, plus it was the best sex you ever had, would you still call the cops?

Keep I mind that it's almost impossible to ever convict someone for that particular crime, and women who report it go through so much crap that they pretty much always regret it.


This virgin faggot trying to find a rape loophole

More than likely user...
It wouldnt be the best sex ever if it was without someone I ckearly didn't wanna fuck

If it was with**

Don't worry about your sister no more. Just let your niece know your there for her. Even is you can't see her right now.
I guess you wouldn't be interested in a couple of second hand, reusable diapers, do you?

Not clicking that. Type it out like a normal human or fuck right off.

I find it doubtful that you know enough about "best sex ever" to be basing that on anything besides guesswork.

Double double dubs there!


Nah you can fuck off it you want

Respect whores you cunts!!


lololol nigger voice

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wrong paste i take it, try again

-when you see zucchini at the supermarket do you browse them to find the best one?

-do you think single women in their 50s who own a big male dog usually have sex with it? doggy style?

-what's your opinion about boys who use masturbators such as tenga or flashlight?

-also do you usually speak the exact opposite of what you really think?

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