Shota Brot Part III

Shota Brot Part III

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9s a cute, rip.

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xD That entire anime is quite cute :)

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How do some shotas have such big asses for their size and age?

Perky boy butt that visibly sticks out is peak shota butt. The key is not being so thick in the hips, just perky and round in the cheek area. I don’t know how it happens so often for them but I take it as proof of some kind of intelligent divine design.

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Anatomy of shota buttsex

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Agreed, a perky butt is amazing, but too big and they aren't really a true shota boy to me anymore.

I feel the same way, how does something that perfect run around unless it was done by some kind of divine creator

Based fairwind

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Feet :3


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3D rape good. 3D feet better.

I wanna taste shota balls so bad

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I wanna taste shota ass so bad

cute af. What's it from?

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I want to be fucked by a shota so bad

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They're so cute when they learn how to touch themselves

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Nines' too cute

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Required watching for Cute Animu Boys 101

Why is that little blonde faggot wearing pink shoes?

I had the opportunity to meet with a shota bro in my city a few years ago, but was too pussy to go through with it. Now I'm the same age they were when we first talked, now I'm the gross old dude I was so afraid of back then. :_:


I did a few meetups when I was a shota and most dudes are weird af

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It’s good because thanks to being glorious fiction he can look like he’s enjoying it.

webby#1693 add me >:)

Bumpy bump

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So smooth and tight

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Well, he's not afraid to stand out in general.

He's also not from the area, so he's not used to local clothing costums.

>TFW I'm literally the guy on the left
>Have a current friend that I'm into who is a brown bro, but is totally straight, and gaming is the only way I can get close to him
I love fapping to this pic, but feels weird since my real life problems resonate so much to this.

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Any Miguel/Kubo?

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How old were you? Was it through an app?

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Bumping for group experimental sex stories of any anons were lucky enough to do that with their buddies during the early puberty years

need more shota

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need more nudity

This, but for the whole thread

yeah i dont have any myself......