Why is this happening, anons?

Why is this happening, anons?

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Even a virus doesn’t want to be associated with niggers

Worse economies mean less travel means less virus.

> Be me
> Mighty Coronavirus - UnderCOVerID19; highly intelligent from Asia, most supreme of all virusses. Have trained my strengths on millions of victims
> Some people also call me the batvirus
> Get to Africa in Ching Chong
> Hop onto my first sweet, sweet black victim through aerosol
> Enter bloodstream
> Hehe yes, yes, he won't know what hit him
> Suddenly
> Get punched in the RNA by big black virus
> Pain, so much pain, gasping for air
> W-Who a-are you?
> "I am AIDS, this is my territory!"
> "b-but I can kill! I already killed thousands!"
> AIDS laughs
> "You only kill old people and soyboys you weakling!"
> "W-WHAT? NO! I-I" *slap*
> Get fucked up by AIDS and kicked out of Africa
> mfw I got cocked-cucked by AIDS.

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Coronavirus only infects humans

Atleast you tried

I would second this. Started promising, but quickly became less funny.

Because the virus is a front for the stocks plummeting

Not sure what you mean by, "Again." Niggers have always been at the bottom of all social totem poles

because africa is full of aids, and hiv antivirals can stop corona

What do you think of shitty healthcare? Not enough doctors or people who are able to confirm cases of the virus?

Very simple:

So far it is the globe trotting types (either poor migrant workers or jet setting holiday makers) who are spreading the virus to new locations.

No one wants poor Africans as workers and they can’t afford global holidays so they aren’t bringing the virus back to Africa.

Theory #2: the corona virus and ebola are locked in an epic invisible war for continental dominance and corona virus is losing.

Its entirely possible Africans have higher immunity. Children can get covid19 but show no symptoms at all. their body simply copes. Its new, we wont know all of its properties without years of research.

its funny how the country that trump supporters call a shithole is handling coronavirus better then america

They are fighting fire with fire, or in this case Corona with aids.

there are so much that are on HIV medication there.

Corona virus only kills old people. In africa, all the old people have already died.

It's because niggers are better than white people! Am I leftist yet, OP?

Nobody wants to go to Africa, and those niggers can’t afford to go anywhere else

nobody fucking goes there unless he has to. how fucking hard is that? also even corona chan is afraid of aids-bola.

Less flights and cargo shipments? Also I think you've confused South Africa with all of Africa. Egypt alone has more than 30 cases.

Experts were probably confused at the misinformed reporter's stupid question if anything and ignored her, leaving her to write this hot new piece of garbage


Holy shit, my sides

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love how my comment got ignored

there were only 3 test kits in the whole of africa

old article, there is over 90 people in africa infected

And they were raped, because they were still "unused"

I must have missed something here. Since when did Africa become a country

I would think because no Asians visit Africa and no Africans can visit Asia

There’s still flights carrying migrant Chinese workers arriving almost daily in most African countries.Theres definitely something else at play.Could be because it’s still summer on the African continent.

>i have only 50 cases in my country i'm doing amazing
>not realizing we started with 50 as well now we have 5'000
It's exponential growth you're basically a month behind us watch this youtu.be/Kas0tIxDvrg

Cause monkies cant travel abroad real easy.
However, by the time it does get there, you know its gonna be a beautiful shitstorm.

No corona has been hyped as a world plague in order to cause the stocks to plummet. Impeachment didn't work so they figured it was easier to attempt to shit can the economy than come up with an electable candidate. This won't work either. By mid to late summer corona will have fizzled out, market will have fully recovered and fall will be spent arguing over which candidate is the bigger pedophile with Epstein back in the news

Just took a while to get there, it's going to be fucking mayhem soon

>Puzzles health experts
I like how you can immediately tell a news source is complete garbage when they shit out reports with the title "(event) puzzles (field) experts".
Nobody is puzzled by this, Africans don't travel as much. Same reason their shitty ebola mostly stayed down there.

FP is always BP

and while all the preppers bought toiletpaper and bottled water i bought all the popcorn. super excited for the new season of niggocaust.

I just got a few extra crates of beer, it's called liquid bread for a reason..

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It wasn't really worth replying to though

you are a wise man

Go to Reddit if you want to be an attention-seeking faggot

started strong but nah

stfu you mouth breathing cunt

There is definatly more infected.
Africa just doesent have the technology yet to identify or report cases.

Doubtful that a severe strain of ‘the flu ‘ will do anything in Africa if Ebola couldn’t even make a dent in the population.

Cause op is a silly bastard and cant read
Its much higher than 3 cases. Learn to research fag.

>Can't get confirmed cases if you don't test

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Can't die from coronavirus if you're already dying from AIDS

its still fun to watch them dying.

Annnnnnnndddddd /thread

There is also a possibility that it is being under reported in order to try to decrease any public panic. That is a standard tactic rfom the text books for dealing with an outbreak.

and here come the snowflake maga fags

how does it feel like africa can handle coronavirus better then "hurr durr,bigly! yuge! i dont know how to quarantine people with deadly diseases right,lets just make my redneck moron fanbase believe its just a flu and wont kill me"

This is also what I personally believe.

You can't call people "fags", comrade.

>get punched in the RNA

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Nobody fucking wants to go to Africa, South Africa only recently got its patient 0, they were already prepared for the disease due to its delayed arrival.

Well the way I see it if I have a few bottles of liquid bread and follow that up with a bottle of wine and a few diffent types of fruit cider then. I have met my 5 a day of fruit and veg too.

The only possible improvement I can think of from there is a few decent blocks of cheese for building a fort.

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The same reason why there are no diagnosed cases of depression/anxiety/schizophrenia in the pygmy tribes of central africa.

Think about it.

Yes because everyone in china wants to go to africa. The only shithole worse than home.

Because there is no 5G wireless rollout in Africa

There is no Coronvairus the same as there were no planes on 9/11 ths sicknesses you are seeing are the effects of 5G radiation poisoning

The real goal is mass sterilization of all males through vaccination fertility inhibitors

say goodby to your testicles all you stupid human cattle

plus youre staying hydrated
>a few decent blocks of cheese for building a fort
awsome idea! upload build plans when youre done pls

"love how my comment got ignored"

HAHAHAHAH grow up you fucking weird little attention seeking teenager.

bet you're a proper fucking ugly cunt who jerks off to cartoons