When the market plummets 1,200 points in one day but is still significantly higher than at any point in Obamas term

When the market plummets 1,200 points in one day but is still significantly higher than at any point in Obamas term.

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DJI now down 1,900 - interestingly, by close of the market, the DJI will be just about where it was when Trump took office

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>when the market has made annual historic highs since 2013

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2000pts, and it's dropped 5,500 points in 1.5 weeks.

If this trend continues, you'll be in GW territory soon (they're predicting a recession now).

So, trump's golfing today, the disease is in 40 states, he's still calling it a hoax, and he says the stock drop is "good for consumers"

way to lose an election. "It's the economy, stupid"

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>dont need evidence when my entire life is a fantasy

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>golfing today

ok, kid

paradise for a trumpanzee

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>democratic party flag

is this a joke?

Daily reminder than not 1 Republican in history ever owned a slave.


white house announced it lil guy. enjoy your tendies, say hi to your mommy from The Wreckingballz

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wat a waste of dubs and oxygen

>Trump doesn't want you to understand how growth works

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He freed all slaves when he became Repub, just like Gen. & Potus Grant did. Nice try though.

daily reminder all republicans want to make it legal again

got some proof of that?

Sure about that?

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Im not doing your research

lol, nice troll

cant lie i kekd n chekd

Where's yours?

I can't find it.

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Daily reminder that when slavery was legal, the parties hadn’t realigned yet, retard. history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/BAIC/Historical-Essays/Temporary-Farewell/Party-Realignment/

I hate Trump, but you and I both know that he will not lose the election.

Daily reminder that freeing the slaves without genocide was the dumbest thing ever ever done.

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You dumb motherfucker. The market goes up. Obama's market was higher than Bush's. Bush's was higher than Clinton's. Don't be such a stupid fuck. Learn something.


Trumps getting his ass creampied by Obama's returns. 209%!!!!!! FUCK TRUMP

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ha facts are facts, faggot

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Graph shows NASDAQ down 100%. That's not true, so already it's wrong.

like those farmers?

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Slate.com LMAO. Why not just quote VOX.com and tell us you love ALL the cocks?


Your fake news website won't even load. Get rekt nigger.

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works for me, u 2 faggot to work the internet boomer?

So it didn't happen because you don't trust the source? You can't follow links to photographic evidence? You're so hooked on the idea of your fucking retarded genetic fallacy that you can't check the source's validity yourself?



He played golf. It's a fact. There is the photo.
>Lol you posted a link to X website I won't even read it because I am a faggot who refuses to trust anything that paints my Cheeto in chief as not perfect.
Disbelieve a photo, flat earther. We all want to watch you melt down to full retard.

At least he goes outside instead of eating tendies on Yas Forums

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I wouldn't know. I just got home from work. How's being a NEET treating you?

Sure buddy. Tell it to your mom.

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I don't hold seances because I'm not a superstitious child. I spoke with your mom last night though. Well, I say 'spoke'...

guess that obama momentum finally ran out huh?

Fuck up bootlicker

Mom says take your pills

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All spinning aside, can we just write this down as bankruptcy number 7 for Trump led enterprises?

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donald trump is just as bad as barack obama,the only difference is that donald trump knew how to convince his hillbilly banjo playing supporters to vote for him

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dude votes republican but owns guns

whats the point,republicans are as anti gun as democrats now

americans are as intelligent as a bag of rocks.maybe thats why they failed on knowing what a quarantine is