Who's ready for another round of tax payer funded corporate bailouts?
Who's ready for another round of tax payer funded corporate bailouts?
Nigga I make money when its up or down.
Up with investments, down with loans to poor.
Fucking democrats gonna bail out the corporations again just you watch.
dubya was a democrat?
Talking about Obumer dumbass
love to have a nonsensical growth based economic system that can only sustain itself by frequent crashes and subsequent self cannibalisation, shrinking the zone of economic prosperity inwards further and further until it has regressed all the way back to feudalism on a dead planet :)
im ready for it
Obabo didn't bail the banks out in 2008 you ignorant fuck.
No but he bailed out the car companies you ignorant fuck
Never said he didn't. But don't act like it was a democrat only thing, because it wasn't. Every republican that says we can't afford education or healthcare was for it.
Sure kid
If you'd like to show me that this assertion is wrong, feel free to fact check this for me bud.
>anime poster
yea this ain't reddit kiddo
>Obama bailed banks out before he even won the primary in 2008
I think you need to turn off hannity and go outside once in awhile.
Just keep reading your Facebook ad propaganda republicuck. We all know that's the highest level of reading you can accomplish.
>How many Loli threads are up rn?
>HURRRR DURRR white man dumb and bad
Lets fight over which party is worse even though they do the same shit and nothing ever changes!
GOP crashed it again, this is ALWAYS what happens when you deregulate industry.
Recession ONLY happens under these GOP retards, and they don't get reelected. When will these diabetic fats learn?
The GOP's gone full-pedo, full-tranny, full-retard, full-terrorist, and full Anti-American. It's time to deport them.
Nothing has been said about race. Stop projecting your insecurities, and go read.
but white people ARE the cause for all evil in the world
>The GOP's gone full-pedo, full-tranny, full-retard, full-terrorist, and full Anti-American. It's time to deport them.
> The GOP's gone full-pedo, full-tranny, full-retard, full-terrorist, and full Anti-American. It's time to deport them.
Umm...sweetie you accidentally typed GOP when you meant demoCRAP.
That's some shit I would say in grade school. Don't reply, it's a contrarian bot. Ruskies need to up their roast game.
Trump's playing golf for the 14th day in succession, it's time for him to go.
Moreover, he called the stock drop "great for the consumer" today whilst their 401ks where erased. perhaps great for republicans, they don't know what the Dow is, let alone a 401k. they just want cheap gas so they can drive to the liquor store or meth house.
For Americans it means hardship.
>I have no argument so I will tie this to reddit somehow
pic related
>everyone who disagrees with me is a russian
Fuck off jew
Reeeeeead. Read more than what Fox or msnbc tell you, they're manipulating you, and we have to deal with your uneducated ignorant mouthbreathing asssssssss.
calls Americans "jews" whilst his hero sold America out to... Israel. Very low IQ poster. You may grab a .45, chamber a round, and fire it through your head now.
Can you blame them? When you're illiterate numbers are hard enough to understand. BUT COLOR CODING THEM TOO? Only red and green they can comprehend is on a Christmas tree.
It's just hard for me to believe a rational human being (even Republican) can be so ill informed, and still refuse to shut up. Atleast when I don't know something I keep my mouth shut or ask questions. You just sit there and let Fox think for you.
true! is trump our first special needs president? the poor thing!
how true is that. trump's kind are the loudest, yet the least informed. and then double down on stupidity. it's incomprehensible.
>I’m unaware all that money got paid back with interest and tax payers weren’t ultimately on the hook for any of it and without it I’d probably live in a cardboard box
Dude, you were 9 last time. Stop acting like you have any clue how a global economy works.
Where's the money coming from?
>all that groupthink
>being this ignorant
Yeah, no. The public lost billions on those bailouts, boomer.
We're headed for a much WORSE recession, and low-IQ troglodytes like you want to further fuck the American public for billions/trillions this time. When does it end. Deregulation will ALWAYS end in disaster.
And the Dems are now heading for a Supermajority in 2020 because trump can't attack the coronavirus, he has no one to blame but his own stupidity.
you should be put up against a wall and shot. your kind contributes nothing to this country. you bloviate about conspiracies and live off welfare and handouts in some redstate cesspool. your time on this earth has been for naught.
Sorry, I should have put a trigger warning before posting my thoughts in your little "safe zone" comrade
I think it's because if they get proven wrong about imagration, they'll look like the insecure cucks they are. Only the ignorant feel ashamed of their lack of information. To pursue truth takes too much time for their blue collar lifestyle. Far easier to drink and watch fox, and let the big oil boys think for you.
Everyone knows at this point that all media is manipulated by people who can profit off of it. The only way to get a reasonable hold of a story or situation is to sift through all their shitty bias words in multiple articles by different people.
None of us are worth a shit. Even this planet itslef is insignificant.
You're just mad that I can tell you watch fox. If you didn't you would have pointed that out by now.
>replying to bait
perhaps it's you who needs a safe vault, kiddo
You're the one that literally votes for your safe space because of
>Bad brown ppl
Socialism, only cool when your rich.
socialism for the poor is literally hitler.
True, and it's true for both sides of the aisle, it's all corporate for sure. sadly I don't think the right get that their media's also cororate-sponsored by special interests (eg heartland institute). I def agree with what you said about sifting through different sources/bias to get to the meat and potatoes.
im glad its an election year and the stock market is crashing because of orange man
republicans tolerate to much of trump's shit
>i like to have my asshole raped by savages
Jail would be fitting for you
Naw it's not going to happen this time but. Won't be till middle of next term of whoever
Capitalism is becoming only good if you're rich. It's like a fucking pay to win game. Want to get into a good school and job? Money. Want to eat better and be healthy? Money. Want to live in shelter? Money. Want to have free time and not slave away for money? You need money for that education to escape your slave wage jobs where all your efforts get pushed to some asshole that had enough MONEY to invest in a business. Money is inherited, ie the wallmart kids, then it is horded.
Better stop using money then. Hope you got a truck to start trading your cows.
they're on message, saying it's "good for the consumer"
it's going to be a bloodbath down ballot for the house/senate if they don't separate themselves from the baboon. Trump will defend ANYTHING that happens under his presidency.
Hopefully R Senators/Congressmen can show that they have minds of their own?
I know, brown people are so scary! Let's go cuddle in our safe space country.
>Tldr (because I know reading is hard for you); YoU ShouLd Be In jAiL WitH tHE ScaRry brOwn PpL
Me! Ready and willing to do my civic duty!
Money is obviously necessary. My point is very few in our nation hold most of the money, so people like you and I don't have that money to spend. The reason they have more money is because they don't pay their fair share in taxes, and you and I have to split the diff.
The repub party is a game of covering other people's asses for corrupt doings, so that they'll do the same for you, and it strengthens their image to anyone who doesn't know how to look into it more.
It's a safe country until you get to the savage brown people areas. But yes lets do your idea and let more savage brown people in to rape your kids.
There's a reason you dems keep losing.
If they're just animals to you that makes it more pathetic that you're scared of them.
Like the farmers?
Wow nigga, you stupid
Democrats haven't held the power to do that in the past 4 years. How do you explain the bailouts during this period?
let's look at the .gov molestation and rape rate of whites vs "brown". you'll see that whites commit 1000x the molestations v brown in the US, particularly in red states. your kind are literally born pedophiles. moreover, black murder rates are trending down, whilst whites in red states are trending UP UP UP.
When the middle of a tree is rotten it needs to be felled. Corona, no opportunity, escape from fundamentalist strictures, variable growing season and several other factors will hollow out "middle America."
This is why these regions have become desperate and are openly adopting radical political positions. They see what is happening and understand the are losing influence.
If they were smarter they would co opt the left and adopt an encouraging, uplifting message about inclusion, and American values of tolerance and fairness (barf that shit has always been a lie feed to the stupid).
But they won't so the ghost towns are going to increase. Drive through most rural areas, particularly in the center of the U.S., and one of the impressions you will come away with is crumbling small towns and places lost in another time.
Rage while you can. Things are only going to get more difficult from here. Soon, you won't have anything.
Just like the idiots in the Dust Bowl. Nah, you're much smarter than those guys. Sure you are.
BTW, the future doesn't reserve its hate for the "Right". They hate everyone from this time.
Hi, fellow UKMT poster!