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Who is furry claps your paws! ;3
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Shuddup furry
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Please son, please I need them
im a furry but i dont fursuit
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Shame on you, he took the devils hand. Shame on y
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So much hair freeze to be a jeohova
Whe you're afraid of your own community...
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That sounds like a you problem because furries are pretty chill people. I'd be more worried about weebs.
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I'd be more worried about people who like cows
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A man dose not wear a mask, a man dose not threaten. A man dose not either or
For everything that’s a god damn coward!!!!
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im most worried about humans... that like humans?
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Have you met any IRL?
I mean, I like animals but cows are just food looking to me. Same with chickens.
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Lick the paws
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I'm a furry that went to a con but i don't fursuit
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A few, actually. A cute girl I had a crush on in high school is a furry.
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Post some good furry art at least, not random DeviantArt tier trash.
Are the cons good for drugz man
Are furries becoming more mainstream? Similar to gamers.
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No idea, i don't do drugs.
Lots of weirdos in the fandom
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I would but real bestiality is banned on this site.
Well that sucks. Shrooms are now kinda legal in denver now. MDMA is going to be legal in 5-10 years. Why not just legalize it all.
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I’m stunned by her beauty
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How's it going s/fur?
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average monday
when the running average feels pretty low
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I was woken up early by the sound of a chainsaw so I'm tired
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man, people using chainsaws early in the morning is the worst.
kids gota schhool
I was banging for 2 hours maybe 3
I do it to clear trees but have no neighbors.
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It wasn't that early, around noon, but still too damn early for me haha
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All my friends in it have been really cool. If you're looking on Yas Forums that might be your problrm
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Fuckin' gently with a chainsaw
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