My co-worker just told me my GF is a webslut

My co-worker just told me my GF is a webslut.

I can't believe this. Should I dump her? Anybody experience this? I thought she was the one...

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why are you not happy about this?

She has hardcore pics out there. She told be she might have nudes floating about, but there are a lot. I saw a few and almost threw up. You would want your gf exposed to guys for free?

we need to see them first before we decide how bad it is for you

depends, if the alternativt is a gf that only wants to get fucked once ever 4 weeks, light off, and so on. Yeah then i take a webslut any day.

Plus your co-worker might just be jealous of you now

If you wanna see, you can find them by reverse image search. I don't wanna see them again.

Need advice as to whether I should dump her

Bump. Please offer advice.

reverse image doesn't give any results. This pretty much looks like a NPA situation you are trying to circumvent or some shit like that. OP is (as always) a larping faggot

Dump a whore that got caught for what? A whore that didnt get caught? After 13 they are ALL whores. If you like this one and her holes are all nice, then why dump her?


Try other methods. That photo will only yield some results, but there are tons out there. Please advise... I will see her in a few hours and need to have a plan what to say

give more info on finding her... so far we found 2 pictures thanks to yandex.

However, as far as i can see, the worst if your (grand :P)parents see the picture. Anycase we all make mistakes and why should that hunt a person for the rest of their life

1) How does she know?
2) Does she want to participate?
Those are the only important questions.

Why the long face ?

Look there where pics of a cock (not a white guy ) fucking here. She never mentioned she was in an IR relationship, nor the pics. She was fucking, sucking and there are close ups of her pussy, etc. All bad shit.

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The femanon you need seems to be a female wirh the mindset of a webslut. Tell her you know, are ok with it but ask her to not let it get out of hand. Live a happy life afterwards. She is a human being that likes and needs to be the way she is. Allow her to be, if you want to keep her.

Chasing Amy

I won't be able to get that out of my mind when we fuck. She is smiling in some of the pics. She also is fucking a nigger or spic in those pics.

Wasn't a girl. Male co-worker

then abuse her even more, then how she was in the pictures.

You are too the human being that you are. If you can't get over it, you have to dump her. You can't change her & keep a happy longterm relationship.

She is a born again Christian now. She won't even let me do kinky shit. Maybe if she let me take pics, I would feel ok.

i mean for that reason alone you should dump her.

Should I tell her about seeing the pics and demand she let me take pics and video? If she wants to stay with me, she will.


that shows she has very poor judgement and life skills.
you want that for a gf/wife/mother?

have some dignity, bro.

Gonna share any of those pics?

I found out the mom of a guy I know was a pretty hardcore webcam whore. She stopped like three years ago tho.

OP is a LARPing niggerfaggot.

I have posted some no nude pics that I used to find them. That should be enought for them to be found by anybody. I do not want to see them again.

are you asking us, if you should kinda blackmail her? to let you skullfuck her , put baseball up her ass and piss on her face?

Then he's a fucking perv.
Tell him if he wants more he has to pay.

Yes, really just start doing what you want with her when it comes to sex, of she resists then it will only get worse if you stay with her, so you should split if she isn't willing to be as nasty as you want her to be...I mean she expects you to stick around then she should please you

Damn I think I have her whole set too, she looks familiar. just can't find it in my mega, I've horded way to many web sluts

Lol what the fuck. In Japan they have Ultraman, in Yas Forums we have OP, the Ultracuck. Leave her ass, there is no excuse that can make it "ok". Find a new one. There's a lot of "ones" it just takes time, while you can mess with the ones that aren't the "ones".

Yea you can look for the one while you treat her like the "one" in the pics ;)

Bump for constructive advise.

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She's got a nice pussy.

happened to me once too. I dumped her. Couldn't deal with the fact that there was pics of her sucking and fucking someone else online for everyone to see

It's sad but true OP

No OP this is OUR girlfriend


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Someone help a b/rother out. This is all I can find.

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Fuck. What a little slut.

You should.

Have you seen it?

What does it matter?

Definetely dump her and say goodbye forever

>"You would want your gf exposed to guys for free?"

Shes obviously too good for you. Would it help your fragile ego if it was .99cents per photo?

Please don't post her fucking pics. That's not helping me stay grounded.

Fuck you, this is exactly what I can't stand. It's like she is out there for free. After all the effort I put in to see her naked.

That's a dude, dude.

or you have shitty, perverted taste in face like a foot women

Damaged goods OP. Dump the whore.

What do you think this means when there is zero commitment enforced you betacuck validation pet

>I thought she was the one...

She is, one hell of a slut.

You got played bruh, fucking sucks being you right now.

Dump her lying ass. A lie by omission is still a lie.

Ah, a fellow comrade I see

Distance yourself emotionally and have some really fucked up and abusive sex. Then ghost her.

This man knows
She's a niggers whorebitch, treat her like one
Rent her for cash, keep her in a kennel
If you dont do it, Jamal her meth dealer will

Disgusting horseface
That thing is 80% jewish

And now we're jerkin it to her. Bet she would get wet knowing randos are getting off to her. She is a whore after all.

This is one of those things where it either is a pretty big problem or something you dont even think about. And given that you made this thread, I would say its a big deal to you.

But its something you gotta decide personally, its about your values.

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I don't know what's worse to me, her being a webslut or to see her fucking a nigger/spic dick.

She is from the south and is supposed to be brought up proper.

Southern girls love hung black guys. Probably since their parents would be disgusted. Makes them want it more.

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