If things really start to fall apart will he know what to do?

If things really start to fall apart will he know what to do?

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youre a dumbass old person.

your opinion will never matter.

yeah sure, why not?

He says he didn't know that the flu kills people, when his grandfather died from the flu.

He is about as cognizant of the world as an autistic 5 year old is.

this never happened

You mean will he know to blame mike and move to Russia? I think he's way ahead of you, OP.

what is there to do?

Building a wall?

If!? You fucking retard he's been breaking everything his whole term. He's covering up what he can until he's certain America will be destroyed. Then he's moving in with his dictator friends and will live like a sultan.

can someone go and cough on that motherfucker


He will drive on cheap gasoline towards the sunset

I was really hoping he would have been the first person in the USA to have died from coronavirus. The lulz would have never ended.

This did happen Kek. The man is a fucking idiot.

Yes this plz

Go hide at Mar-Lago? I'm sure he has it covered.

so was your daddy for not drowning you in a waterbucket after birth

on the canadian border?

I bet Fox News hasn't reported it yet, which is why you never heard it. You fucking cretin.

Well, looks like you lost that one.


I still don't hear it.

Get back under that rock you fucking inbred ill-informed piece of shit.

might want to turn off the mute

This. Certainly this

LOL, no. Even when things aren’t falling apart this boob blunders into the stupidest possible ideas.

implying he actually had a fucking clue to begin with... kek

Yes. And they pay for it.

I hope not.

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You might want to admit that he never said it.

>i didn't know people died from the flu
he says it right in the video, quit trolling

Oh, you mean that? It was clearly a joke. He was just kidding.

I hope he keeps doing his rallies. Bigger the better.

White house trump aide detected. This is always their line

It´s just fake news.

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That's a good theory

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With tailgating before, hearty handshakes, and hugs.

Wow lots of orange man bad posts today

Get off your phone, wash your hands, and get out if the bathroom. Get back to the drive thru window, people are lining up.

>if things start falling apart
Pfft nigger shits been on the downhill since Gee Dubya was in office

Fire Pence....

He's bungled this entire Coronovirus response. Trump needs to take control personally or put Don Jr. in charge.

Get rid of Pence.

Attached: Trump-Salary-Donation.jpg (1500x1000, 207.98K)

If things REALLY start to fall apart, nobody will know what to do.

Who is the person that put Pence in charge? Maybe that guy should be fired. Who was that?

You really think Trump would do a better job himself? lol

Fire Jared? No... that would be dumb.

Pence and these CDC asswhipes keeps contradicting Trump's messaging.

>Gee Dubya
That’s a funny way of spelling Ronald Reagan

of course, he will flee to his drumpf tower and sob there

wow what a great comeback, I applaud sir

there's gonna be a vaccine soon and it's gonna be BEAUTIFUL!

well seeing as the stock market has been in free fall for 3 weeks now and trump is doing literally nothing about it im gonna say probably not

are earplugs enough to stop windmill cancer?

just out of curiosity, what should he do or what can he do?

Are you trolling right now or do you unironically think people should go to work with COVID-19

go ahead make a vaccine you won’t even slow us down we will never stop until cancer is eradicated

end the cancer epidemic now.

people go to work with a flu, how is that different exactly?

using government funds to give people health insurance would be a start, probably get the money from taxing corporations more. mandatory paid sick leave so people dont show up to work and spread disease because thye literally cant afford not to. you know, stuff that other countries already do. as for the actual stock market itself there is not a lot he can do to help that but more programs like the FDIC but for stocks might help boost consumer confidence

long shot, abolish the FED

HAHAHAHAHA - oh you were being serious......HAHAHAHAHA

the fact that 20% of people infected need to be hospitalized and at least half of the ones hospitalized need intensive care

funni reddit meme reply

not an argument

only old and weak ones, natural selection at work

Of course. Maximize personal profits from defense contractors. Commit way too much of our military to a pointless op that ultimately accomplishes nothing. Leave office and tell the next guy good luck cleaning this shit up, sucker. Then he’ll start a new reality tv show, not because he needs the money, but because he’s a desperate narcissist cunt.

Help Darwin out and kill yourself, will ya?

I wasn't trying to make an argument, I was amused of a fact, that you would even expect those kind of actions from that braindead orangutan

how would that help Darwin? Which Darwin anyway? I'm a healthy 46 year old white male, how would me killing myself help some Darwin out? What the fuck are you talking about?

no i dont expect him to which is why its going to continue to spread and continue to skull fuck our economy

I'm sure magatards will support him even more, because everyone knows that libtards tears cure coronavirus