I’m about to lose my virginity to a prostitute
I’m about to lose my virginity to a prostitute
did you just ask for a quarter-vagina?
A quarter vagina is enough since the virgo wont last long
Lol quick visit(15 mins). I’m assuming I’m going to bust fast. No sense in paying for time I won’t use
Better than not losing it at all.
How old are you?
More likely you'll be unable to even get hard due to perfomance anxiety and you'll get a sad handjob that doesnt really work.
Maybe a bit young to go for desperate solution but you do you I guess.
Still in school? Location?
It's like you've been looking into my bedroom window every night.......
why prostitutes never reply to my messages
>Hiring a prostitute
>Not meeting a whore
19 years old is still young, you still have time. i lost mine at 16, worst choice ever, but i have good friends that lost theirs at around 18-22 and theyre normal people. if you pass 24 and youre still a virgin, that would be a time to panic
>Better than not losing it at all.
brainwashed faggot
In college in chicago
I might have to message another one because she’s taking too long to reply(probably getting fucked right now)....
Ok virgin
In college? Come on, you can find one here.
it's fine fucking a hooker once in a while, I think it's a nice thing to do, just go for it, get done with it.. then have it often (from regular girls and not sex workers)
>I’m about to lose my virginity to a prostitute
who cares?
I know I can(I plan on reaching out to more women In The next few weeks), but I need some pussy now! Lol
cuz you ugly
That’s why it’s a question mark after the “AMA”. Reply if you want bitch
Good luck. I hope it goes better than my attempt. She was shocked at my size and started laughing when it didn't get any bigger. I broke down in tears and she apologized and gave me my money back and got the hell out.
Sure thing fag.
Don’t do it user. It’s not worth it. It’s an unfulfilling thing. You’re always going to be looking for the “right” situation. And these broads don’t care about you or or virginity (or your health). All they want is green to get their next fix.
I’ve fucked over 100, never get the itch scratched.
ur planning to take something?
Will you cum on her puppyhole?
Yeah, maybe learn to be picky instead of taking on the first street whore offer you see then.
Yeah this dude isn’t going to be picky. He’s just trying to get his dick wet.
Also never done “street” girls.
She finally replied
60? She better be good lmfao
fuck her in her anus make her squirt from finger fucking her anus eat her anus
You should have asked for less.
Lmao at least try fill him with a bit of confidence for his first time, just be confident lol try not to think of your dick failing, although now u probably will
Why not just get a girlfriend, you’ll regret losing ur virginity to some skank who’s had about 10 other blokes cum in her couple hours before you
Paying a prostitute is cheaper.
Girlfriend = sex whenever u want (as long as ur not shit at it) hooker = 1 time pay fishy skank pussy
Another one who has never seen a good prostitute, if any.
Why is is always fuck her anus, eat her anus?
Bunch of virgins. You have to woo her anus take it slow, take her anus to dinner, maybe a movie. Listen to her anus, ask questions about her anus, show her anus you're genuinely interested.
And then you can fuck her anus.
Nah because I have no problem getting girls lmao don’t need a hooker
Go for longer than 15 minutes. The idea that every virgin nuts immediately is a meme. I took close to two hours to come, because I was so nervous.
Looks like I’m going to have to wait another 40mins....
I smell bacon from here
"I have to finish sucking off my other client, you don't mind do you OP?"
wash your penis.
It’s a meme because it’s a common situation. No one makes memes about being impotent for 2 hours because you’re the freak here.
post pics of her
Then why are you speaking about thing you don't know at all like you experienced them? Retard.
Get her to cosplay as your waifu
I didn't say I was impotent. I was hard the whole time. I just could not ejaculate.
Just stop being a bitch. I didn’t get no action till i was 21. Don’t do it op you just gotta learn to use your words. Pussy is free. Especially in today’s time its no longer hard work, i wish i would of learned sooner
After I fuck I will. I don’t wanna jinx it lol. But just know she is a $60 escort. So don’t be surprised...
Yeah, but having prior experience can give him more confidence in getting the free ones.
60$ is about 10 more than average and the price for actual pro in some states and countries. Don't act like she's cheap.
so no nudes?
It really is.
>Not cheap
Anything under 3 figures is real skank. Only above 200$ you'll start seeing girls that keep clean and aren't brain dead on pcp.
Read better.
This is true. Don't let others stop you from paying for pussy OP. It's not bad giving yourself some experience. Virginity is pointless and most people don't actually care at all how they lost it
Op here. I am on my way to her now
What does she look like?
My cell phone IP range is blocked from posting pics. I will post her pics once I get home
did you tip her?