Bernie's gonna lose

Bernie's gonna lose

The DNC is doing everything they can right now to ensure Biden is the nominee

Biden is already polling far, far ahead in most of the upcoming states

Biden is going to be the nominee, and that can't be stopped at this point

Trump will demolish Biden at the debates

People who criticize Biden will be accused of being a trump supporter

Swing voters will be turned off by Biden's poor performance in the general debates, and vote trump

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Bernie was never going to win it. Bernie is a tool for the establishment to get gullible fools onboard.

Simple as that, how literal brainlets cannot learn from 2016 i won't ever understand

No fucking shit. People act like bernie had a shot, he never did. Young people dont decide elections, boomers and swing states do. All these bernie faggot cucks will vote whoever has a D next to their name this november. If hitler came back, and was running as a democrat against trump, all the bernie bros would still vote for him. Thats bernies base support. A bunch of brainwashed college retards who claim they are smart because they browse r/politics

And thats the majority of voters. They see a D or an R on the ballot and make their decision without any research. Its how major cities continue to crumble. All the niggers see a black person on a ballot and vote in corrupt morons. Chicago will re elect Kim Foxx as their attorney and continue to let fuckery run around freely.

even as super fucking far left as I am I will vote Trump over Biden if that shit happens

I suspect you don't "understand" much.

Same. I'm not far left, but I'm left. And there is no way in hell I'll vote for Joe.

I suspect you're going to be mad when Bernie buys a fourth house from your donations soy cuck

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Given that the 2016 election was a joke, and the 2020 election will be a joke, I propose a radical solution. Vote for Vermin Supreme. Even if he doesn't win it, a big enough chunk of the electorate going his way would cause a shake up. Think about it. As of right now the Democrat party is about to implode. They're not gonna make it far past 2020 at the rate they're going. The Republicans aren't much better off. They look strong now, but all the fractures of the past are still there. Now is the perfect time for some perfectly legal and valid election fuckery. Fuck both parties. I'm sick of seeing elections be a contest between the shiniest of two turds.

I like vermin supreme
I'm just afraid of being criticized for indirectly helping trump get reelected by not voting for the most likely person to win against him


>>Bernie's gonna lose

You're saying that like he was going to win something.

America will never elect a Socialist. Despite what your retarded professors are indoctrinating you with.

Grow up. Learn how Economics actually work.

There is no such thing as "free" college.
There is no such thing as "free" healthcare.

Why doesn't Bernie just promise everyone free gold, free diamonds, free breast implants.

You Bernouts are genuinely fucking autistic.

This dumb cunt was your best hope and Trump shellac'd her with his big cock.

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>There is no such thing as "free" college.
>There is no such thing as "free" healthcare

It's hilarious that once they FINALLY let the niggers run things, they always turn to complete shit. ie Chicago, Baltimore, etc.


Someone has to pay for FREE. Which means taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes

You sound scared OP. Not trolling, but it really seems like you're trying to convince yourself not anybody else.

I've never seen so many bribery charges, and general fucktardery as some of these elected niggers try to pull off. It's like putting a kindergartner in charge of the candy store.

Do you really think Biden has a remote shot against Trump? This is an incumbent election with a strong president, the Dems never had a shot.

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Ya no shit
Let's tax the fuck out of the rich, ensure that everyone in this country has the right to life and opportunity, and cut military spending

I am scared. I didn't post this to convince people, I posted it so they can convince me that I should have any more faith

Ok. What stops the wealthy from simply taking their money and leaving?

behold the right's amazing ability to meme everyone

You don't penalize success. You fucking moron. This is why I weep for the future

Haha that's a gold fucking meme.

This is why people in civilised countries hate america and americans

As it turns out, crazy leftists the world over hate America. If you hate America, don't be here. Never understood why that's so hard to grasp.

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You are completely clueless. When you penalize success, the people who are successful will leave, or avoid the penalty somehow, thereby putting you lower down on the food chain.
You don't penalize success, the successors create jobs, they create ideas which create more jobs, they pay salaries, they encourage people to innovate, do you not see that?

>implying having a few less millions in spending money is being penalized
temporarily embarrassed millionaire detected.

don't worry bud, the scurry socialists aren't coming for your piggy bank.

Bootlicker detected

I’m a bernie bro and I don’t mind giving the democrats four more years of trump. Hopefully the system completely destabilizes and the country gets thrown into chaos. That’ll be fun.

Yet they are. They want to impose 90% taxes on the ultra wealthy.

Listen to me. I'm 54. I'm not tremendously wealthy. I have oilwell royalties, I make 120K, I do ok. I have 10 BTC, I do ok (up until today with the BTC and oil)

90% is not a "few less millions".


If you taxed bezos at 90% of his money, and then he suddenly transported back in time and could choose whether to make the same investments all over again, would he do it if he knew he was gonna be taxed?
Of fucking course he would! and you would too because you'd still be rich/famous/powerful as shit

I'll ask again. If you raise taxes on the wealthy enough to pay for all this shit, what stops the wealthy from simply taking their money somewhere else. They're billionaires. They could literally buy their own country.

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Nothing. As this is exactly what will happen. And the US will turn into another example of failed Socialism.

Good riddance, then

Property tax/seizure?
Denying access to the world's largest market?
Seizing ownership of their stocks and productive assets?

The left (and Socialists and Communists) can't meme.

>Trump will demolish Biden at the debates
Everything was true up to here
The Debates will be a hilarious shitshow between two demented retards. Anybody who calls a "winner" for either one afterwards can be verified 100% automatic shill

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Now you're just either a terrible troll, retarded, or just being a nigger.

I'm out.

I've been saying this to everyone. It's like watching 2016 happen all over again. Of key note you didn't mention: young voters just plain suck. They don't see the primaries as important and then they all avoid the polls when the DNC props up some creepy pos. The wild card is VP Michi Bama...she'd mobilize a massive turnout I think.

Post more frogs

This was the single most retarded and gay meme I've ever seen, you should kill yourself out of embarrassment for making such shit. Jesus, stop being a caricature and learn to meme

capitalism is for morons and the rich, which are you?

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Except all Berners look like this guy. That's why the pussy who cold cocked Richard Spencer (who I also despise) couldn't even knock him off his feet.

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Zero chance that an election happens when it's currently slated. Zero. They'll push it back a year. Then two. Then everyone will forget about the whole thing.

COVID-19 takes out Trump by the end of summer 2021, which leaves Pence in charge. Pence will solidify his hold on power through his loyal Generals.

The US is destined for martial law and then extreme tyranny. Buckle up.

Bernie can't even work a punching bag. Much less any type of machinery.

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You know it's funny, as it turns out money doesn't come from nowhere and those billionaires kind of rely on U.S. citizens to make their billions.

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120K a year would not hit the proposed top marginal rate. You're a LARPing poorfag

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We get it, you masturbate to WWE reruns

I'm a registered Democrat and not voting this year again because they don't represent me. You should drink some bleach and learn to meme.

you know what ? we taxe rich people on europe and they are still here

you think they aren't richest enough ? the richest person on the planet is french . even if he is not the richest in some years , i make my point .

>I'm a registered Democrat
doubt kek

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>same meme template and format
Did you just get the app and now making low hanging fruit memes? Lmfao faggot

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You're right - no one's penalizing success... Bernie's talking about redistribution on the budget & taxing the rich as equals with everyone else, with the exception for Some penalties where there's fuckery... your people are afraid of change, and it's hard to understand because the middle class has disappeared, yet the majority of folks are still swayed by propaganda (Dem & Rep, both)... Trump and Biden are there to insure that rich people's money is protected and continues to amass according to an unfair set of rules, while the rest of us struggle and seethe, or just continue blindly & regurgitate propaganda

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>be me
>born and raised in the east bay of california
>register as dem
>vote for obama.
Did you just learn basic 4chanisms?

DNC is scared that Bernie will win the nomination. What we need to do is troll them as proud Trumpets. We should all go vote Bernie just to cuck Biden out of the race.

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I'm a libsoc, btw

Here are some FACTS. Instead of a retarded poster.

Capitalism is EXACTLY and EXCLUSIVELY why, the United States is the most envied, copied, revered and powerful nation in the world.

Keep on printing posters. Good luck with that.

Back to back World War Champs.

They already did. Pelosi makes what like 250,000 a year on paper. How is she living in a multi million dollar mansion. She does well but not that well. The only people who get fucked are guys that busted their butts, came up with a great idea and now pay the price with taxes while exxon amazon, microsoft phillip morris high ups laugh at the pool.

>>be me
>>born and raised in Wisconsin
>>registered online to vote for republican
>>too lazy to vote
that's more accurate.

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>Trump will demolish Biden at the debates

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>Capitalism is EXACTLY and EXCLUSIVELY why, the United States is the most envied, copied, revered and powerful nation in the world.
coughs in freedom

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Except they don't need US citizens to be rich. Nothing stops them from pulling stakes and going elsewhere.
Is that the best the left can do?
Better than crying with your dick in a cage while being cucked.
Your taxes are high, but I bet that guy isn't being taxed at 90+ percent like some people in the US are suggesting.

sure bud

I don't know where you think the world want to be like you but here is a fact: every develloped country has healthcare , not you.
do you think we will still have healthcare if we wanna become like you ?

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a vote for trump is a vote against your best interests

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>Except they don't need US citizens to be rich
If there's one thing rich people want, it's to make more money, and they can't do that without the U.S. economy and citizenry. So, yes, they do.

if you look at the FACTS the only way to move forward is to use the Scandinavia economic model, like Bernie wants to do.

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where are they going to go anyways? kek

Cause gang members profit off of corruption?

Except that my life has improved since the election of Trump. Obama's only legacy in my life is ruining my health insurance.

>Trump will demolish Biden at the debates
Trump is a fucking tool, no one cares about the debates, and Trump can't beat biden. sorry frendo.

how's that Trump stock market doing

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>sosholizum bad
>bernie bad
>muh race
>trump mad
>me mad
>trump is me
>vote trump
>hate mexicans
>dang libruhls

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>let's tax the rich!
>that left the country so they dont have money or assets here.....

If you tax them at 90+% like some of your kind have suggested, they'll go anywhere else.

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Notice how lots of rich people moved from Cali to Texas.

no one has suggested that retard

bernie wanna taxe rich people at 90% ?
I'm french and we taxe them at 45% + some minors taxe which make , i don't know , maybe 55% . It depend of the context because you can avoid a lot of the minor taxe by donating to some charity like the red chross .

The young of today are the voters of tomorrow. Bernie might not win 2020, but his revolution of the USA's politics is already at full steam. This generation won't accept a FASCIST system for much longer. The Social-Democratic welfare European style is just a matter of time. The establishment's 2020 victory is like Pirro's.
(if you don't know the reference, go read a book!)

can't disagree with any of this.

My insurance costs went up threefold, my coverage became worse, and I had to go to an inferior doctor. Why, exactly, was the ACA good for me, or affordable?

I mean sure but theres a reason one of the english princes flew his child to the US for healthcare and didnt stay in the UK. Hell there was a italian couple that did the same thing

Oh! Nobody cares about you hth.

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should have gotten different insurance idiot

You're fucking retarded. The billionaires will still have their billions even if they take 9/10 billions from their annual income, they're still making more than literally anyone else. It's astounding how ridiculous and stupid you are.

>120K a year would not hit the proposed top marginal rate. You're a LARPing poorfag
It's not even close. It's almost two orders of magnitude less lol.