Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?

Do most Mexican-American girls under 30 act black?

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>act black
"gangster" is maybe the word you're looking for? and I'd expect the latin gangs are probably more influential on black gang culture than the other way around, it's not the 90s and tupac is dead

No you're totally wrong, black influence is 100% on them and not the other way around
Just listen to how Tekashi69 talks

What a shame, they would be top tier qts otherwise

Niggers Tongue My Anus

Why black act like white school shooter?

Nah, they don't

Back to mexico beaner

I'm not Hispanic at all, you faggot

Back to africa nigger

depends on location but seeing how most of those areas are black areas yes but its not that rare to find a non ghetto one

I'm white, you fat cocksucker

You act black you go to jail

Back to europe cracker

Yeah it's not rare to find a non-ghetto one, but I feel like the percentage of them who are ghetto is too high for my liking

T. Pajeet Wong

Do most OPs under 30 act retarded?

They kinda do though, have you seen how all those new-age American mumble and trap “artists” look? They all have long dyed hair with depressing themes in their music. They’re basically the black version of school-shooter, long haired depressing bands of the 90s and early 2000s

Blacks and spic are mostly part of street gangs

>Juice Wrld

That only leaves Lil Uzi Vert. All the other popular black rappers are normie + ghetto

T. Lakeisha Gonzalez

who cares well nuke all the spic & nigger territories soon

its closer to 50/50 like around her parents she is way different if she is from a full non broken home but if she is sorta broken home or alot of sisters slightly more slutty but a total good girl might be slightly bi but she fucks amazing

Niggers are niggers that includes spics of any age
t. Bartender

Where do you bartend?

She act gang not black dumb ass

Nigs have long influenced spuc gangs.

The answer for OP is because they, like mosy POCs, have the intelligence of a fern. They follow what they see others do. Its circular.

Ehh the Hispanics at my local bar are totally fine besides 1 or 2 Puerto Rican guys who try too hard to be tough

They act gangster, black culture is just so bad now that you can mistake the two.

Latino gangs had their own style until the mid 00s probably, then the shift to mimicing black gangs 100% happened

Nah it's distinctly black


Vegas. We get shit loads of californian Mexican transplants, they're a nightmare and in North Vegas its the niggest niggers to ever nigger

She acts black. Listen to her talk

You are racist being black doesn't mean being a criminal

Only losers get drunk at Applebee's, so there you have it

I'm not even talking about the criminality.
I'm talking about the slang, fashion, and mannerisms

I don't listen garbage

Do you like your bar at least?


or your grade school English teacher.

I live in france i speak only arab

No longer exists. The new age Hispanic thugs all act black

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I do. Saturday nights bring out the worst fucking people though. During the week with locals it's cool. I like tending bar in Vegas, of course not all blacks or Mexicans are bad but everyone, EVERYONE in the bar industry is racist for a reason.


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Nope they act Mexican

There is no "acting Mexican" if you're born in the US. You either act white or black

I act white too i have shoot up my school yesterday

t. Never met a Mexican probably never been to the U.S.

I act black cuz police shoot my ass everyday n we wuz kangz

That's an idiotic statement.

>Nigs have long influenced spuc gangs.
yeab but narcos are latin gangs and black gangs basically just sell drugs for the narcos or get killed for competing with the narcos

I'm American and have met tons of Hispanics.
It's not 1992 anymore. The educated ones assimilate to white America and the uneducated ones assimilate to black America

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Yeah but Hispanics have zero influence on black gangs, besides (indirectly) supplying them with heroin

Are you even American, user? Maybe you watched a movie from 1987 and want to think that Cholos still exist, but they don't

>educated ones assimilate to white America and the uneducated ones assimilate to black America
haha look at you trying to frame it like it's a racial division while literally pointing out that it's an educational divide in the same sentence

They are directly correlated. Uneducated Hispanics feel the need to act black as possible

That's actually fair and I respect that. Based. In my personal experience bartending, Mexicans and blacks are equally problematic wastes of my time but in very different ways. If you're talking about just being gangbangin shits yea they're basically the same and for them it's still very much 1992

Which one tips more poorly?

Ratchet Latinas are obsessed with saying nigga and other forms of black slang

Blacks always. Next time you go to any bar in america ask the bartender that question they'll say the same thing. Black people are my literal lowest priority because they always ask how much everything costs, ask for gib free shit and they never tip. Of course it isn't true for every black but it's a safe enough assumption to where on busy nights I regularly will ignore black couples until they leave. Everyone who has ever worked a bar knows this, even black bartenders, which are more rare than black quarterbacks.

At my local bar, I think the black regulars tip well
But they don't serve Hennessy, so that keeps all the ultra ratchet type black people away. Not even being stereotypical here, it's just true.
The only ratchet drink they serve is Patron