Why do Americans continue to mutilate thier sons and deprive them of a lifetime of sensitivity and sexual pleasure?

Why do Americans continue to mutilate thier sons and deprive them of a lifetime of sensitivity and sexual pleasure?

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That’s not true at all, I got cut for medical reasons and it’s the best thing in the world you clueless faggot.

For the same reason they elected Trump: they're dumbs.

Why do you worry so much about another man's penis? Are you gay?

cope harder faggot. No one is buying your shit-tune.

You can’t assume that I’m making this up, why would I? You seem a bit triggered, are you triggered faggot?

Excellent, goy, excellent! I trust you are going to do this to your sons as well. Its way more hygienic and I get compliments all the time from hot girls!
-Dr Shekelstein

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It's a human rights issue. No one should undergo nonconsentual genital mutilation... then spend a lifetime coping with a mutilated phallus and feel obliged to try and normalize it to the rest of society.

Its just barbarism and I thought Americans were more considerate as a society

No I only needed it for myself, I won’t be doing it to my sons, you seem to just want to corner me and instil dread, you need Olanzapine or Zoloft, you’re fucked in the head.

For starters uncuts are overly sensitive,two pumps and dump chumps. Also have you ever seen an uncut dildo?

Of course it was beneficial for you, yours wasn't working right in the first place.

Again,stop worrying about another man's penis, FAGGOT.

It was working right, you don’t even know the details, you’re just a faggot cunt LOL

What the fuck is wrong with you people? The foreskin doesn't serve any biologic purpose. That's why we cut it off. It's literally just extra skin. Sure, I would've loved to choose it myself, but what's done is done. Some guys have it, some don't.

>uncut dildo
Yes. We have a few for my wife for her pretend spit roasts. Loves it.

I think it's only Jew land that has a predominance of mutilated dildos tbh

Spoken like a man who doesn't have a clue because his was chopped off at 3 days old.

It serves many fantastic purposes but you will never know because you have a mutilated scar stick

>sensitivity and sexual pleasure
No medical literature has concluded this is the case.

It’s literally ‘1 post from suicide’ dread faggots full of hate and their own cyclic sewage brains that they call intelligence l

My apologies little goy! I didnt mean to cause -dread- You should consider doing this harlmess, cheap procedure to your sons as well. Not only it lowers risk of cancer but its cleaner and lets admit it, it just LOOKs better, goy.
-Dr Shekelstein

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Except all the medical literature that has of course

You're wrong, having a mutilated dick doesn't serve any biologic purpose

“I googled it, I’m a surgeon”

Bait guys... come on

Lol that’s like saying your balls don’t have any purpose

It’s a natural lube
It protects the most sensitive area of your penis so you can actually feel sex

Imagine being such a Jew slave you cut off part of your penis to purposely make sex less enjoyable for yourself
Then defend the idea

Like what

No it doesnt, it cuts off circulation to the head when the skin is pulled back and reduces the sensation idiot.

Americans= Christians with guns, obesity and divorce.

I took a shit the other day, after eating fried fish. Made with buttermilk, bread crumbs and a heavy coat of oil and the big ol' wad of shit...

...And the first thing that I thought of was wiping it on a Milenial woman after seeing so much Assylum, Facial Abuse, Hook Up Hotshot and only a few hundre facials...

...and the second thought that I had was that it looked like the product of irresponsible parenting,porn, and decadence.

...So, think about that before you start trying to look into my penis you Jew-loving retard.

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While do faggots give a fuck what other people do?

>It protects the most sensitive area of your penis

Correct. It stops your glans rubbing constantly on your underwear and turning into leather impregnated with a fine dust of cotton

I heard the girls love some smooth silky smegma

Because other boys in the locker room will tease him because of his foreskin so I'm going to cut my son so other males are comfortable with his penis.

Ah. so you listened to some fucktard who worships 2000 year old scriptures telling you to cut off your cock.

A genius is you

Almost every dildo is uncut, if you look at them you'll notice skin bunches up behind the head, that's uncut with the skin pull back. It feels better for the male and female

I've heard showers exist.

Do americans just not know how to wash? I've never had an issue with smegma because I actually wash my dick.

No one cares about your ugly Eurocuck dick. Your women now fuck sandniggers because they trim.

im really on the fence about this, my son was just born a few weeks ago and we're gonna circumcise him but I'm having second thoughts, mainly cuz I don't want him to be in pain.

I am cut myself and have zero issue with it, I don't blame my parents for anything, I just don't wanna see my son crying in pain, that shits hard.

the fuck do I do fellas? I feel like it's for the best, but I also don't know what I'm missing since I'm already cut myself.

Who cares what girls think? I can shoot my load into their mouth just from them tongue punching my frenulum.

You mutilated fags will never understand this.

Which is sad.

so you're saying you cum early? fucking virgin lmao

I have probally DST...

You seem to care an awful lot about what females think about you. Who is the emo faggot?

FWIW, I last just fine. And can cum on call because I have a fully sensitive and functional cock

imagine being so brainwashed you think having your parents mutilate your penis was a good thing. And for those of you who call others faggots for being concerned about another man's penis, I promise it was your father's idea to mutilate you.

They strap the child down without anesthetic or painkillers while they crush the most sensitive skin of the child's body. It puts their brain and body in shock, the chance of death is actually higher than any possible problems he could have from NOT being circumcised. Let him make the decision when he's an adult, is this isn't just a shitpost

Why wouldn’t you just let him choose?
Idk why anyone thinks it’s okay to make life altering modifications to a child’s body

why do you care so much about our cocks?


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>Idk why anyone thinks it’s okay to make life altering modifications to a child’s body
This is the crux of the issue.

Americans are just selfish fucks really.

"Well it was good enough for me" is not a justification. Its a psychopathic coping mechanism

not a shitpost, I fully agree with you, I feel like it's his decision to make when he's older. I almost wanna veto the surgery and not go ahead with it.

you're def right, I'm really leaning towards letting him choose, it's his body.

I didn't give a flying fuck about this before, but him being in pain is all i can think about and it's really fucking with me. I don't wanna see my little dude in pain at all, and now that I'm seeing they don't kill the pain whatsoever it almost seems barbaric.

Veto the surgery, dude
Without a doubt

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that's...not a newborn

Cope, inferior anteater dicks. START SUCKIN

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You seem to think the appearance of a dick is more important than the functionality.

That is pure vanity and you are a girl

Have no idea how a foreskin works because they never had one.
Want less smegma and exposed head? Then you can pull back the foreskin and that's it, you could even pass as a Jew. There is zero benefit to mutilating your penis.
Also if it cuts off blood that means there's still phimosis. That should already be fixed during puberty.

Lol my uncut cock has been called “perfect” many times by girls
Half of the male top porn stars on porn hub are uncut, and have amazing looking dicks

What you are replying too are cherry picked images of the grossest uncut cocks they can find
Which if that is there argument, it’s a pretty weak one

My dick is plenty sensitive.
I wouldn't want a weird looking dick.

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U sure u don't want this? Lol

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That's a microdick if it was cut it would be less functional and even uglier lol cope

>less functional
nice coping mechanism

Uh you missing part of your dick it's not going to be less functional

I beat my cock 3 times a day, feels fucking amazing, looks amazing aswell. Cope, anteater cheese dick.

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Mine still feels better. You're the one who seems to have trouble coping

whatever you have to tell yourself, ugly dick.

Facts tho I'm playing with my foreskin right noe and it feels amazing

>watches hours of porn
>those big CUT dicks fucking women
>the virgin stares down at his pathetic, cheese stuffed cock
Fucking cut fags >:(

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It can be kept retracted you know... oh wait you don't.