Who's your favorite pony Yas Forums?

Who's your favorite pony Yas Forums?

I have watched all the episodes and it saddens me that I can no longer experience this fantastic show.

I absolutely love applejack, she's my favorite because she's got that cute little hat and texas accent and it drives me mad with cuteness. I just love how applejack knows how to take initiative, and although sometimes stubborn she always delivers in being gorgeous.

Everyone always say they like twilight sparkle but i think as a main character, she gets too much attention. Besides, her purple fur isn't really doing it for me.

Whats your favorite pony Yas Forums?

Please reply im horny.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Rarity is my favourite pony. She has life-goals and works hard to master her craft and doesn't skimp out when her friends need her. These are extremely desirable traits.

I have to admit rarity does have those unique traits.

Especially when she gives you those eyes, you get a massive hard on.

Rarity is definitely melodramatic but thats what makes her so special

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"hard on" wtf ? you fap on horses ? perv and bitch you are

rainbow dash all day. bye thread.

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Bet she's a dom too


Yeah, she cud stick her pony tongue in my ass anyday.

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Roseluck best pony and anyone who says otherwise is a nigger and a kike

yes it's a problem, how can you have an erection while watching a cartoon ? stupid cunt ! it's like if i masturbate while watching toy story you Fucking moron

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Nah she looks like an asian

She aint doing it for me.

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Its what im attracted to, just like youre attracted to men.

Dont be so hypocritical.

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Best pony for me is the one on a farm that's 15 min drive from my home. I visit her twice a week and we have nice bondage sex. Best pussy so far

I meant it in a general sense, im not a zoophile degenerate like most of you - I just like the show.

>not a zoophile degenerate
i bet you kiss girls, faggot

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Applejack is my fav since I'm a sucker for an honest country gal with a good work ethic

Didnt we give you fags a board for this shit?

This is an invasion, but it's kind of sweet.

So youre sexually attracted to men?

I wouldn't really feel proud of announcing that.

what do you mean user, this show just started airing. Yas Forums doesn't want ponies on their board so this is our next best bet

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I have no particular favourites lately.
But for me it was always Rainbow Dash.

And I know right? Show's over, community on Yas Forums is finished and we've all moved on. But those memories of S1/S2 still burn brightly.

clop then, if you're horny!

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we literally gave you a board for this motherfucking pony shit

applejack btw

>using the iwtcird meme when that episode hasn't even aired

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I can't help but think these two characters are one and the same

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I miss those days.

I miss em all the time

Wastelander threads were the best

They seemed like such simple times.
Mostly just lots of Aeris drama and some community infighting, carving out fiefdoms.

aight sue me, i just woke up

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They were indeed. Seeing a pony thread after a shit day was always something to brighten my mood
All that drama seems to be gone now, in what now looks like a ghost town of anons

I'm gonna sue your ass if it's the last thing i do

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>not jerking to toy story 2
This fucking guy.

hahaha holy shit
he doesn't get off to hentai woody


You're all gays

Fluttershy and rarity are my fav

There's 2 other threads foe this,
And /trash/
Go to one of those.


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Im attracted to rsrity and fluttershy OP

>implying that thread it is not an echo chamber for pedophilia and alt-right politics

>mfw pony thread on Yas Forums

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sup wolf poster

>Bad Wolf
wait the doctor must be here too!

guess expanding from former only hyena threads

dear user
grasp me firmly and suck my dick
sincerely, user

>no jasiri thread to get b& in again

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Later seasons had way too much fucking fanservice.
I prefer being surprised by unintended errors and quirks

them titties

Is it weird that the idea of gentle Futadom by AJ is the only thing I've fapped to in a decade of MLP fandom?

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heyy, wolfman!
we're not related, we both just share the same trait, we're both awesome
here you go, pal!

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jasirifag makes his first one in a pony thread
I for one am proud

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i never knew these existed here besides this time
you pp or a different fellow?

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You make me sick, you fucking disgusting faggot go kys


Well they are very rare now, but it's always a surprise
Different user here, I go way back
we talked maybe once or twice?

I am indeed a huge faggot thank you for stating the facts

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Are you guys using vpns or proxies?
Don't know how they punish horse posting nowadays.

>gimme back my sissy trap racebaiting cuckold incelposting comfy board

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sissy traps are the best traps tho
prove otherwise