My boss wanted me to work from 6am to 6pm, I said no I will work my normal hours from 9am to 6pm

my boss wanted me to work from 6am to 6pm, I said no I will work my normal hours from 9am to 6pm.
all this happened via mail
my cunt of a boss now took me off all duties and said the only option open to me is working from 3:15am to 10:00am

the fuck do I reply?

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Don't reply, show up at your normal hours. If you live anywhere half decent there's laws protecting workers against last minute bullshit changes like that.

shoot up the office

Tell him to go fuck himself

I’m an independent contractor, they can fuck me over whenever they want.
the papers I signed lets them reserve the right to cancel my duties whenever they see fit.
it’s the cruise industry and it’s only desperate people working here

i think u just solved ur own thread there with this post, OP

kinda already did when I told HER I will work normal hours.

cause of course it’s a her

what do you mean?

I think user means you fubared it already, might as well call her an empty cunt who will never have kids.

Or... Tell her you work that time already.


This nigger never been to America. Or atleast never worked in America.

>the fuck do I reply?
Yes sir? Do you have a contract that says you work from 9 to 6? If not, the boss has the power to utilize the workforce as he sees fit. Stop thinking you own the job, you trade your work for money and the door to leave is always open.

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welp so that’s it, the fear I have of being unceremoniously fired over refusing to work a 12 hour one thirty minute break day at work where I wear terribly uncomfortable ball shoes, but saying 9 hours like usually is fine...
god fuck I hate society.
no parents
no family
no friends
no help
cant find a decent job
and can’t stand up for myself in even the slightest without being punished.
maybe I should just go shoot up some place, fuck

Time to fuck your bosses wife

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Do it and film it

this is the middle manager fucking single angry lady who delights in her position of “power” fucktard.
the boss has thousands of employees, he has no idea who I am or any if my coworkers

You should tell them you're worried about the coronavirus so you're staying home

I sure hope that isn't the case, user. Don't let this abusive system win. Production of goods is at a point it's realistic we may live to see the beginings of a post scarcity economy.. granted it won't mean anything as long as the rich are still the ruling class..

Look, there's tons of beauty in the world, a lot of simply amazing experiences to be had. It's terrible we have to waste our lives in shitty positions like this, so don't waste it all by going postal. If you do decide that's what's right, kill those who deserve it (Wealthy class)

>being this proud of your slave mentality
literal mike rowe tier.

>the middle manager fucking single angry lady
is your boss you fucking goblin. Work is called work and not fun for a reason. Like I said, unless you can legally tell her no, suck it the fuck up or leave. Every shift I work is 12 hours, big fucking deal

of course
but I live in Norway
and everyone is fucking wealthy here

Show up at the hours you were scheduled but kill as many people as possible, burn down as much shit as possible

This is a very enlightening video for you

>being this proud of your slave mentality
I wouldn't expect anything less from the generation of lazy crybabies.

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Found the unemployed capitalist in his parents basement.

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lmfao dumb cunts trapped in wage slavery and have been fucked in the ass your whole lives thinks the next generation is cry babies. tale as old as time.

kys boomer

Should have thought about this before you signed the papers, retard. ABLOO BLOO. Go to work, faggot.

letting yourself getting fucked in the ass by some arbitrary boss lady is the epitome of cuckoldry. have some self respect and stand up for yourself from time to time.

Going to cry more today about how your neet bucks aren't enough to lay on the couch all day?

I can tell her no, it’s up for her to reply how she sees fit.
And she decided to be a petty cunt who got upset over me not wanting to work 3 extra hours with a one day notice.
she is being an asshole, and I’m supposed to be fine with it because that’s where I work?
You really are a worm aren’t you

When you get a job and stop living off the backs of those that do, then you can open your cocksucker. Until then, keep crying crybaby

>I’m supposed to be fine with it because that’s where I work?
Of course you're not supposed to be fine with it, but these literally nothing you can fucking do about except quit. I don't understand why you're on here crying like a little girl? Is it to get sympathy from all the unemployed losers still living at home?

>yes mr goldstein, im proud you keep me here overtime. yes feel free to fuck my wife on your way home, you are the boss after all!

>but these literally nothing you can fucking do about except quit
living in a country with reasonable workers right would be nice, wouldnt it?

Big talk coming from a faggot who has no job then makes fun of people who do. What do you do to earn spending money, watch mommy's cats?

what website do you think you're on you fucking retard? hahahahahahahahh

>live in Norway
>everyone is rich
>you're part of the term everyone as well
I don't see the problem here lad

>living in a country with reasonable workers right would be nice
You don't have workers rights? Where the fuck do you live, North Korea?

Get on my level OP

This what a strong unionised work force gets you. Our team leaders often get told to "get fucked" and they just cop it

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god damn you guys are butthurt cause someone doesn't have to put as much effort into their meaningless existence as you do. I know it hurts to see some people living easier lives and they didn't have it as bad as your shit hole life keep crying wagecucks

At least I have a life.

there is none except to my pride.
I get universal basic income, the money is whatever to me.
I just want to not be a loser and learn to be a proper man, I had a very rough upbringing and I have overcome a lot.
And my pride is my only, well, pride.
I won’t let anyone step on me no more, I just hate how that elates into society fucking me over for having backbone when im not wealthy or evil of some kind...

Vote with your feet!

Shit man, I'm in a union too but only make $44/hr. I thought I was doing good, goddamn. The unemployed faggots in this thread will never understand. They're too fucking lazy and expect everyone to give them a trophy.

What life? you mean your fuck ugly wife who doesn't want to see your dick anymore cause you're addicted to tranny porn and are an alcoholic? You mean the job that you hate that makes you want to put that gun in your mouth and pull the trigger? (I highly suggest you do that) I bet you have kids too hahahahahah

>I know it hurts to see some people living easier lives
>easier lives

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Holy shit you're cool. I bet all the kids you go to school with wish they were just like you

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did i struck a nerve? all im saying is, dont suck up everything your boss throws at you, have a little self respect, your boss isnt some semi-god who has the right to control your life.

And then the Australian government taxes you 60% and lets in 1 million Muslim Rapefugees


Everyone in the thread: That's bullshit, you should tell your boss how you want to work or quit and be unemployed worthless faggots like us!

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>did i struck
It's actually: did I strike. But I wouldn't expect anything less from an unemployed loser and now we know why.

Yeah the top tax bracket is a killer

oh no, not everyone here is a native english speaker, shocking revelation

Then don't come here speaking butchered English thinking you're superior. Speak you native tongue

Kek suck shit you lazy faggot,
Welcome to trumps murica

Yeah but to be fair your team leaders are all fucken cunts mate.

God damn you whiny faggot. go to work like everyone else or blow your brains out and lighten traffic

well shit, I knew I was beibg fucked when I accepted my job but god damn that makes me pissy...

land of the free doesnt extend to me speaking how the hell i want? nah, i think i will continue, you arent my boss after all

heh uninspired piece of garbage.
enjoy being worthless

>you arent my boss after all
You're an unemployed loser, I remember. I guess English speaking countries really do run the world

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that joke went right over your head, didnt it?

You go into hell you horrible cunt

Underground electrician?

Holy fuck you are autistic

this or assault your boss

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speaking of unemployment, shouldnt you be at work on this fine monday?
