why are americans so retarded?
serious questoin
Why are americans so retarded?
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Because of their school system.
Can you read? Hes talking about Europeans, not Americans.
One could argue if we dominate the world military wise. Why is the world retarded?
this. OP is retarded. probably european
>Americans are so fucking retarded they havent even realized yet they are the only morons using imperial
EU isn't equal with Europe and this tweet shows how retarded Americans are. LTR.
I pretty sure there is like one other shit hole country in south america that uses imperial measurements
you're thinking of an african tiny country founded by former USA slaves, it went to shit real fast.
the US actually uses the metric system officially, they just translate everything to imperial for their retarded population
>uses the metric system officially
i mean, they signed the thing to adopt it like 150 years ago, just never bothered to actually do it. pounds, miles and all that stuff is officially defined in metric in US technically
tfw they crahsed a mars mission for a mistake with imperial units
I literally read and saw this comment on YouTube. Isn't it 3 or 8 months old on a video about weebs weebing about tanks.
I can't believe I watched that entire thing.
It was shitty of him to trash the guy who geniunely didn't know about english vs German names and he asked without being a dick. He was curious.
Your a asshole too for giving this literally no context.
So it's harder? Very retarded indeed. If you do anything that requires measurements here, you know both. Neither are hard in the slightest. OP's pic is just someone "freedom unit" memeing.
They signed, its official. So yeah, they have to translate everything to imperial each time.
Also, they put the month in front of the day with dates. No other country does this.. Retarded for sure..
Don't worry. The wuflu take care of alot of em. Shit our Healthcare system can't handle its current load, let alone a bunch of rich white old entitled boomers. Demanding to kill everyone too if they have to die.
The more stupid of them is just horribly self-entitled. Don't judge them all on the actions of a loud few.
it's not harder, in fact conversions are much simpler. but it needs a transition period and i doubt the average american could handle it
if at least they used yy/mm/dd that would make some sense
OP is using picture as an example of a retarded amerifat, you retarded amerifat
>t. citizen of a country without a moon landing
You can't even read. I said, we know both, need two sets of tools and that neither are hard. Stop being a thirsty faggot.
Funny how you keep falling back to the historical achievements of many nations (which they US then quickly put their own flag on) - this is a good sixty years ago, what did YOU do to contribute?
>What is reading comprehension
Can you speak for ALL your contrymen? Do you think the average joe in his 40s can convert a distance from miles to km or know if 40ºC is hot or cold?
And don't forget that most of the space missions, project Manhattan...were done by foreign (often German) scientists.
>americans retarded
>america dominates the world
Why is the rest of the world is so bad, that retards rule them?
Beautiful linguistic skills; truly the words of a genius. Side note, this right here is exactly why you should pay attention in English.
Any idiot with a big arsenal can rule by violence.
Takes neither intelligence nor skill - just bullets and the willingness to be a cunt.
More allied countries use the metric system than the Imperial(Americuck) system.. yanks have to make every simple system complicated.
Where I live, you'd use both systems interchangeably depending on what you're talking about
wtf? we all take orders from the same suzerain, faggot.
You might want to look up what measurement system the engineers used. Here's a hint, it wasn't imperial.
and you live where..?
Whereabouts do you live?
>Makes a thread about “Americans” as a monolith
>Responds to a post by trying to make the argument fall to individual contribution
Uh, who’s retarded here?
>Uh, who’s retarded here?
You are, definitely you.
> Any idiot with a big arsenal can rule by violence
What a stupid post
>”no u”
>That’ll teach them
Masterful retort lol
They want to be special, and don't realize that "Special Olympics" is for retards.
Made you reply.
>I have no argument to counter this! I'll call his post stupid
Yikes..everyone is obsessed with Americans, quite flattering
In a group of a hundred individuals, one is a loud bully. Which one do you think the others will talk about?
>dominate the world
>can't even overpower a country of goat herders
And yet you wish you were us... Reeeeeeeeeee!
why win a war when there are more shekels to gain of a stagnant conflict?
>falling for a bait reply on youtube
>wHY r aMerIcAnS sO StuPiD??/?/?
, are you ?
Because we've been dumbing down our school curriculum for decades in an effort to accommodate retarded niggers. Don't worry, Europe will catch up to us really soon.
Yes to both.
The south.
same name isnt it? so i guess yes.
I measure my dick in cubits.
>not Egyptian
"The South", is almost all niggers and spics now. Your preferred group.
No you can't, source me. I talked with several of your countrymen and they didn't understand the values or had to do the conversion. And they were young people, try to do the same with a middle aged person.
So thirsty, obviously you'd have to do the conversion if you didn't work with measurements all the time. We deal with lots of your shitty cars and Japanese/Chinese electronics/equipment. It's second nature, if it's necessary or you're handy. You probably couldn't even fix one of your own vehicles, yet you come here to lecture us on how retarded we are...
The spics and niggers down here would kick your ass and then the white folk will come and sue the shit out of your beaten dainty feminine body until your Jewish ancestors start gator rolling in their graves
Stop projecting, dude. That you are used to it doesn't mean that everyone else is. They aren't.
And the second part of your post can be summed up as "Well, you call us dumb, I'm pretty sure you're dumb too".
>serious questoin
I'm from Miami.
Fluoridated water.
You're just being an average leftist, we're used to it. I try to help you all get unfucked in the head, all I can.
>About the Dataset
Pilot Study
Completions: 2,500
Sample: opt-in online panel
Mode: Internet
I bet you are jealous because you can't feel the red white and blue flooding your brain as you do math in imperial
More patriotic whites around than garbage third worlders and traitorous whites. Thank fuck for that.
Well no shit you got spics and niggers. Got a whole bunch of coked up trannies hiding out over there too
>average leftist
You couldn't be more wrong.
Patriotism in using an obsolete measure system. That's hella dumb, dude.
>You couldn't be more wrong.
NO! You are a cuck or card carrying kike, if you hate your fellow white man.
Unreliable data-set with an easily manipulated input method. Taking it seriously would be very silly.
No, that was using radians instead of degrees. The tale that it was metrics is a myth
Hating the imperial system doesn't mean hating the people doing it. The imperial system is just dumb and obsolete.
It's mostly JEW run colleges turning the teachers into socialists, and having to lower our test scores so the niggers can pass, so that the schools get Federal funding from the department of education. Which is a long unneeded branch of the government that could be dissolved, and States could be allowed to handle education at the state level, however then some states might not fit the narrative. The Jews couldn't have that now could they?
canada should be green
Probably a British woman who still likes to give her weight in Stones because it sounds like a smaller number.
more than 80% of the world comes to us for collage education
You can divide a foot evenly into thirds. Eat shit Eurocucks.