
Depression general

Tell us what's getting you down Yas Forums.

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depression is not a thing anymore, nobody care if you are depressed unless you are a tranny faggot or a twitter soyboy artist cuck

Well being on Yas Forums at 6am when work starts at 9 isnt helping lmao

What do you do user?
I start work late in the afternoon as a stocker.

i feel like i cannot push myself foward

>can't motivate myself to get at least a GED
>trying to get a retail job for almost 10 years with not even a phonecall.
>had 2 gf's and 1 bf' all who cheated on me
now all i do is play games and do basic art commissions to get by because im tried of hitting the wall when i apply for jobs and i know im not gonna get a response. and im going to get cheated on "because they can do better"

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Y'all need to breathe

user, Not trynna sound mean or what, but you need to be a massive sperg to not being able to land a job in retail.

i literally dont even get a phone call to get to the interview point.

>$1800 in debt
>Can’t get a loan
>It’s car fines
>can’t pay for the registration because of the fines
>can’t work without the car so I’m using it while it’s illegal
>already got a ticket for it
>the more I use it for work the more risk there is for more fines but I can’t pay the fines without working and can’t afford a replacement because of the fines

I had a dream about a girl I knew a decade ago and now I feel heartbroken because I woke up

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>can't motivate myself to get at least a GED
adderallmaxx and plow over that motherfucker
I left school cause I was tired of religious bullshit and hated everybody, and luckily found the jewiest, sleaziest -government approved- GED center -or whatever would be the equivalent in USA- and I didnt even have to show up, 1 exam a month, boom GED

What you on about?
I really need to stop breathing

Your not alone I've lost some of my family because of things that have happened between me and my cousin years ago. I was already having a hard time motivating myself to do things I once loved now it's gotten worse and a lot of the time I feel empty inside. I wish I didn't survive childbirth.

i've never taken adder, and i've never really been in a "school" family didn't have enough money, now im 26 and all i want is a basic job and some kind of relationship to come home to, is that to much to ask?

Yes user, thats too much to ask. Havent you noticed how most of us are alone and have been alone for a long time. Since you seem to be a bisexual degenerate -no offense, but i hate bi guys- why dont you just go full time gay. Gays get laid much easier than normal people. Im sure, 100% sure there are older gay daddies who feel alone like you and u could live off them

i kinda am. the girls i've been with was just hell for me, and i hated every second of it, i just want a basic job and maybe a trap to play games with.

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I know that feel user. It's sucks so much. I've also had dreams of girls I never knew, but I felt so strongly in love with them even after waking up. I would try to go to sleep again to set her once more, but it wouldn't happen.
The only option I can see is moving to another state.
I got my GED, but it didn't help me get a better job. I guess it doesn't help I'm antisocial and have no references. Is that your drawing by the way? It looks very good.
I'm sorry to hear that user. Did something really bad happen? I'm not close with my family at all other than my mother.

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i wish it was, i do 3D porn for money and it's not very good either.

Oh? I wouldn't mind seeing some of it.

>good thing this is Yas Forums
like i said it's not very good, but it's the last commission i did.

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Hey that's not bad, only real criticizism I have is the hip rigging and the hair. Other than that looks good to me.

thanks, the model has no hair bones, and the hips/pelvis bone is linked to the whole model so if you move it, it moves the whole model. so kinda fucked with that

>never been in a school
Okay you're lying
>cant nail a retail job with a decade of trying
Literal retards get retail jobs, you really aren't trying.

>never been in a school
Okay you're lying
>why would i fucking lie?

>cant nail a retail job with a decade of trying
Literal retards get retail jobs, you really aren't trying
>yeah lets see how well you get a job when your white in a Mexican dominant city nigger.

Keep up the good work. If you ever decide to make loli models, feel free to drop by one of the loli threads. I always hang out there. They're pretty supportive of upcoming artists, but of course there's the stray asshole because its Yas Forums. Feel free to drop by.

Because public school is free, and often provides free shit to poor kids, up to and including meals, hell i was super poor growing up, i know that you're stretching/lying (for pity, it looks like)
Getting work in a city is easy, mexican dominant or not, as mexicans have a high turnover because they fail to provide citizenship/get chased off by ICE, labor in america is still high in demand regardless, and your local mcdonalds likely needs a burger flipper as we speak, though that will change as mechanization/"cyberization" sets in
>mexican dominant city
So you're a californian? And public schools aren't free?
Fucking grow a pair you sobbing cunt, life wont just hand you everything with zero effort.

word up.....breath sounds are part of the program of DNA

I feel like a fucking loser. I can't move forward. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I'm lazy and depressed and I don't want to try to live. I just don't care anymore. I just want to sleep and I want it to fucking end i just cbf. I honestly cbf anymore.

loli models for sfm from what i can tell are really hard to come by. and honestly all my shit is mostly horror related.

project more fagot

im trans and im also married however i feel like i dont love my husband and im just with him because i dont wanna be alone. he has broken my trust a lot we havent had sex in a year thats somewhat my fault because the drive to have sex for me is low. but yeah.... existing basically.

i habe social anxiety and quit college because of it. Now I seriously consider just killing myself. I don't know if a life without a valuable degree is even worth living

I feel the same way friend. I just want to sleep all day and don't see the point in anything. The only happiness I get are from this shithole, anime, manga, jerma985 and drinking.
I don't think it's going to end well for us, this world is a cruel mistress.
Hmm, I'd check the archived Loli threads on archive.moe. There was user posting links to some free loli models iirc.

I wish I had more time.

I have a dick that's 5.1x1.1. That's 13cmx3cm.

Is that at least average?

I wish i had a bigger dick.

I have MDD, every day is a struggle and I’ll be fighting it for the rest of my life.

I assume my ancestors had bigger cocks and i take comfort in that.

These threads are not healthy I feel... Don't find comfort in seeing others suffer too. Because I was like that. I felt bad and looked for others who feel the same to justify my position. You can change user. Don't force yourself tho and don't expect drastic changes. Start small. Clean things, shave yourself, think about what productive things you can do today. Again, don't force yourself. It's your choice, you can quit whever you want to.

So you're a homosexual who thinks he's a woman, is my 5.1x1.1 cock i dunno, good enough? is that something you can work with?

Tell me how huge my cock is.

Don't feeel like i have a big dick, i thought it was a 6 incher.


Maybe i can jelq an inch. Just one inch. That's all i ask. Dick pumps.

I'm going to eat ice cream now because i hate not being perfect.

Don't cut your dick off and seek Jesus. If you already did.

I don't fucking know. May God help you.

I miss my last job/career I quit, but I can’t go back because the company is slowly killing off the department I used to work in. I know it’s better I got out before the downsizing, but I still miss that place and the people.

This big 5 inch dick, nigga.

Look, Eazy E was a midget and still portrayed the role of gangsta. I can roll in the deep like Adel too, i just gotta get closer to you. More intimate.

I've had a lot of surgeries for other illnesses, not interested in having anymore even elective. i never went through puberty so its very small. and trust when i was in the hospital in a body cast unable to move, muscle spasms all night i kept asking for God to help me. I also asked God for help when I was in the same hospital room in the same body cast when the doctor came in and took my call button and measured my penis with a ruler and put his mouth on it. Like they say, God answers all prayers but the answer is usually no.

I was asking you about my 5.1x1x1 inch cock, not yours. I know i can dick-pump and jelq at least an inch without it beng too dangerous. You want to be a woman, i just want a one inch bigger dick. In this case, since my request is not an absurd one, God will grant it.

Did you enjoy getting your pecker sucked by that doctor? that's my consolation when i think of freaks like you "at least they enjoy it". I hope you did.

You dirty freak. How old were you? prolly like 12. God needs to flood the Earth again.

I know that feel, the days just seem to fly by nowadays that I'm older.
Yeah I'm on antidepressants too, I've been depressed for 10 years and each year gets worse. The antidepressants help me get out of bed in the morning, but little else.
These threads are healthy, it lets anons vent out their frustrations. Not everyone can just get happy like you normalfag, nobody likes you life affirmers. You have a different mental makeup, you can't understand what its like.
That being said this is the last reply you get from me. I encourage other anons to avoid life affirmers like this. They are just here to troll you.

Yeah.. yeah..

"This big 6 incher, nigga". That sounds gangsta. "Suck mah fucken fat 6 inch dick, bitch" "you sissy bitch".

My aspiration in life is to have a big fat six inch dick and like 100.000 dollars. I'm taking over the game.

I'm at the point where I don't want it to end well. I've been so depressed for so long that I don't want to feel happy ever again. I want it to just obliterate me once and for all. I woke up today, a Monday, at midday, when I should be fucking working like a normal person. Instead I went straight to the fridge grabbed a beer, came straight back and put on hardcore BDSM. Didn't even open the curtains nothing just straight fucking wallow and I say to myself like what the actual fuck man, what the fuck is this shit life. And then that horrible feeling of anxiety and dread sinks into my stomach where I feel like I've left it too late to change anything and I know I could if I wasn't so fucking depressed but I just can't and I'll anything to fucking distract myself and drown that feeling out because I'm too pussy to fucking do anything about it, to do anything with my life. My dead told me today it's been a year since we moved to this house and he says it feels like yesterday but I'm feeling like it's been a decade because I've literally done fucking nothing. the days just go by and I do nothing. Doing anything is such a battle I just can't be fucked anymore

The wages of sin are death, the wages of... not sinning is a six inch dick and 100k FAGGOT.

Do i watch porn? no. And i've seen it all man, enough to know a six incher isn't big. But it is in my mind man, it is in my mind. God conspires with His Creation to make it so.

I can't be beaten.

You might be wondering why i ain't threathening molestation, that comes later. Queer.

You are a fool, your health may fail at any time. I assume your genetics aren't perfect, i suppose you ain't getting any younger. Life is bad enough WITH God.

All you need to do is abstain from porn, delete any you may have saved, delete all the bookmarks. That simple. You're still gonna watch it from time to time, i mean what do you want? perfection? my thicjjk six inch cock? my bed covered in 100k?

I feel ya bro. The only thing I can think of is try to not to think about it and try to get into a videogame or maybe binge watch a show. You shouldn't feel shame for not having a job. That's what you've been brainwashed to believe by the media.

I'm ballin hard right now, this kid fire. I'm the new 6ix9ine except i ain't snitching to avoid jailtime.

You dirty faggits, the Earth is flat with a dome. All your preconceptions were wrong. I'm more hung than the average Wong, i'm satisfied enough to go home.

>the no porn meme
I hope you don't actually believe that shite. There's no benefit from abstaining from fapping for more than a week. The whole ni fap movement was a damn joke started years ago that you newfags took unironically.


X is the 24th letter, 2+4=6. XXX= 666.

XXXtentacion was a ritual sacrifice. This six inch cock.

HA! just get rid of porn, i never said nothing about not cumming everytime you fucking feel like it. The Bible merely tells you it isn't ideal and you should be fruitful and multiply instead.

Jesus went the extra mile, i'm not Jesus so i'm just gonna go the extra inch. BAM!!

Can't relate to anyone
Can barely function around people so no hopes of getting a good job

You're watching other men fucking the woman you SUPPOSEDLY want to fuck. In reality you're a gay homosexual sodomite, or worse, a cuck.

Been on worker's comp for 10 months now with a knee injury. Was told it was a meniscus tear from the first P.A. He told me that physical therapy will help me. Even though he never ordered an MRI to see how bad it was. My work had me sitting on my ass for 6 months of it. Gained 40 pounds because I didn't know what I could do, was lost and bored and upset. My sleeping became very erratic and my girlfriend was getting upset when she would wake up and I was sitting in the living room at 3 in the morning after sleeping maybe 5 hours. Went to P.T., knee never got better. The P.A. finally orders the MRI 3 months into this ordeal. Tells me he got a 'promotion' and was being moved to a different part of the hospital. Get a new P.A. and get an appointment to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. Only got to see his P.A. Get told that the MRI shows there's nothing wrong with my knee, that it's patellofemoral pain syndrome. Says my knee is weak and that's what the problem was. Yeah my knee is weak because I have been sitting on my ass for 6 months. What caused my knee to pop loudly, have excruciating pain and not be able to put weight on it? Then when I went to limp to work truck, same pop, same pain but I can walk on it again? Only get shrug and she orders more P.T. for me to do. Been low key wanting to just end it all because it's been so frustrating. Do more P.T., still no change in condition. They order Cortisone shot for me. Work calls and pimps me out to a local charity for modified light duty. Cortisone shot gets okayed, go to get injection and it feels somewhat better, but still have pains going up and down stairs and twisting steps. More P.T. By end of this P.T. the pains are getting immense again, get told by the therapist that the shot might be wearing off already. Doctor hits me with MMI, says I'm permanent and stationary. working on another opinion. Financial benefits cut off, job calls tells me to stay home and sets up a meeting with boss and HR. Getting fired tomorrow.

I myself intend to jerk my dick to a six inch lenght. To extend the commonwealth.

>The Bible
No thanks I don't read inane scribblings from child molesters.
Same, I have horrible social anxiety. I have a job stocking, so I don't have to talk to tht many people. Downside the pay is shite, but it's liveable.
You're idea of cuck is insane. All of your parents must be cucks too because they did the same thing. So I guess by your logic everybody is a cuck or descendant from a cuck.

Got a call from worker's comp, tells me that they're wanting to buy me out of my claim at $5,000. Not even close to being enough when I'm about to lose my job, my benefits and be labeled permanent and stationary as I look to find a new job. EDD SDI is more than likely going to deny my claim. Going to be jobless, homeless and on the street. Only got enough in the bank for 2 months of rent, 3 if I eat nothing but Ramen and tuna fish.

My right knee is kinda fucked too, might get pretty bad in the future. Accident, basically stabbed myself with a piece of broken glass and was lucky enough to not cut any of the tendons (i think).

>Getting fired tomorrow.

Go to your next job, get there on time.

Dropped out of college, been NEET and feeling like I can't do anything right ever since.

>No thanks I don't read inane scribblings from child molesters.

Oh you mean Catholics, they don't follow The Bible. The Bible never condones pedophilia and in fact God ordered the genocide of Canaan because they sacrificed children to Moloch IIRC.

>You're idea of cuck is insane. All of your parents must be cucks too because they did the same thing. So I guess by your logic everybody is a cuck or descendant from a cuck.

My parents didn't really watch porn, it was rare back then. My grandparents definitely didn't watch porn. You disgusting cuck, lick the clam cuck. Lick it up, hubby, ain't that your hobby?