USA is the best at spreading the virus. Look at you guys go. Climbing that coronavirus ladder. You guys really do put your heart and soul into being the best. You'll catch up to evil China in no time. Don't let them take away the title.
USA is the best at spreading the virus. Look at you guys go. Climbing that coronavirus ladder...
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I like how you’re obsessed with every little thing that happens in the United States. It’s adorable
Well, i live right next to you. Its hard to get away.
ITT: Another smelly foreigner that can't stop obsessing over the USA
its been done already, got anything new?
Don't you have a 55 gallon drum of maple syrup to slam back?
What's been done, fags like you that cry about America everyday? We knew that already
I wish
I just have barrels of oil you dont want.
Beer flu killed the oil market, which isn't necessarily a bad thing
WE’RE #1! WE’RE #1!
>be canadian
>admits to not having stockpiles of maple syrup
>thinks he has any credibility left
Shut your snow-mexican ass up.
wow. 500 people. oh god no. 500 out of 300 million. oh jesus. help
news reports here sayin that this virus could kill between 60-100 million by the end of this year.... is this true or are they just tryin to scare the shit out of me?
they engineered a favorable truth
the one world will rise from this, an empire of evil shall become
>60-100 million by the end of this year
Let me guess, you saw that on CNN
Could be as high as 200 million if it spreads to 50 percent of the world's population.
It depends, but yea, it could easily hit 60 million.
you'd have to ask the biomeapons lab in china
ok conspiritard
oh look i baited another insecure faggot
this is too easy
>USA 554 out of 327 million (0.0001% spread)
>CHINA 80,735 out of 1.3 billion (0.0062% spread)
>ITALY 7,375 out of 60 million (0.0122% spread)
I think Italy is doing far better at spreading it than much of anyone else. They're twice as good at it as China and 122 times as good at it as America.
How is "ok" being baited?
Thats a nice snapshot.
Now look at this rocket hovering in the sky.
Yeah idk. Italy is the best at ignoring safety protocol when it comes to exchanging bodily fluids.
you took the bait lmao
you keep taking the bait
it really is that easy
it's easy to bait insecure losers like yourself who come here to make fun of other people anonymously to give yourself a boost because, again, you're an insecure loser who could never say any of this shit to somebody's face
You're pathetic kid. If you had a shred of self awareness at all you'd S T O P R E P L Y I N G T O T H I S T H R E A D
Feminism spreading the coronavirus all around the world. Feminism is threating the survival of the human race
Now if we can just figure out a way to market to such a demographic.
I see your point. Take a look at the rate of change in the US compared to Italy, then.
The USA is far from the best at spreading this.
It also just got here and lays dormant. That's the part that the CDC doesn't like to talk about. They're trying to avoid a mass panic and I don't blame them. People are going to get infected, the hope is that most people survive it.
no one even in Canada to spread it to. You guys are so non-existent it's hilarious. More people in California alone than ALL OF CANADA
Like with every fucking virus there is the immunization strain and the original real strain. If you didn’t eat or fuck anyone who ate disseased meat you’re fine.
9 days
My birthday is coming up, can we get worldwide cases to a million before the end of the month please?
are you blind, do you not see the red dots in Canada?
Thanks for letting me know you have no idea what you're talking about. I bet you think it's the exact same thing as the seasonal flu too don't you?
Yikes. People like you are genuinely going to die because you're stupid and believe dumb bullshit. Worse you're going to end up taking a bunch of other people with you because you're a fucking dipshit who probably doesn't believe in washing his fucking hands. You people disgust me.
We have these things called condoms, sex ed, and abortion.
You fuckers need to stay home
This is no suprise since americans have the same IQ as an haystack
>an haystack
Canadians sip penis-flavored water from miniature teacups with their pinkies extended.
I appreciate the energy but unless you're ESL this is next level irony
I hope you're either ESL or it's a troll post because otherwise it indicates that you lack self-awareness
So you have no idea what the numbers are, then.
Most people WILL survive this. That's not a thing we have to hope for. What we have to hope for is that our population have the good sense to wash their fucking hands, something Italians (with the current highest infection rate and highest change in infection rate) just didn't take on board (in general, before any stupid Italians think I'm saying none of you do).
It's been in the US longer than it's been in several other countries with higher infection rates. Dormancy is not a factor here. The fact that we distrust others easily is actually working to our advantage, see here in America if there is a coughing epidemic killing thousands and we get it in every ear from the news and then someone near us coughs we move the fuck away, wash our hands like we have OCD, and then maintain a 5ft exclusion zone for the rest of the day.
Fucking kek
Says the American thats running out of water.
Hello. I am an haystack. An haystack from America. Does cancel out? Am smrt now?
>pwease stop cawwing me names :(
Hell yeah, Highest fatality rate goin!
We’re number 1!
y u steal my comment?
Never though I'd see the day where someone referenced an ancient meme in a post and ten fucking dorks come out of the woodwork to grammar Nazi lol
>become an hero
Its an historic day.
22/500 (USA) 0.04
360/7200 (Italy) 0.05
Nope, not the highest fatality rate either. USA is not the best at spreading nor dying from this virus.
Keep trying troll. I'm sure you'll make up some bullshit that's not easily disproved soon.
lol... you understand how exponents work right?
I'm just wondering. If you do you should be able to look at the available data (flimsy as it is currently since there is a combination of genuine lack of information and the various governments (particularly politicians in the US) trying to both prevent mass panic so as to avoid economic collapse and capitalize on the event to secure votes for the election; this does not detract from the raw numbers indicating that the mortality rate for SARS CoV 2 may be as high as 20% CONSERVATIVELY. The rate of infection is quick, the symptoms don't begin for a few days after infection and the virus hits the respiratory system and nervous system very hard. This makes it difficult to control the situation. It will be worse in the United States because there are a lot (and I mean a lot...) of uninsured who are guaranteed to not seek out medical care to avoid any possible medical costs, even at the risk of death.
I hope I'm wrong, but this one is shaping up to be different. The global response has been different. It seems to really like to mutate which will make it difficult to pin down any one vaccine that will actually work for extended periods of time.
I really want to be wrong user.
Read between the lines user. Godspeed to you if you don't want to die. I am coming to terms with the possibility, personally. I won't allow it to cause me to lash out. You should do the same. Avoiding a panic really is the best way to handle this. Panic will only ensure the virus is transmitted more efficiently.
sorry if im a retard, what is the website?
should target op with that.