Yas Forums killed a porn star

Yas Forums killed a porn star
Holy fuck

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Good riddance

do more

Figuratively of course

she actually die? update me here op

all i know is that boobjob did nothing, yeesh

That will explain everything

>actually die
> everything
that explained shit faggot and she's ugly anyway so who cares? kys

no shitttttttttt?! damn.

steering clear of this bitch. thanks op.

thank god she got her tits done, stopped liking her right after that lmao

where's the proof she's dead? instagram says she posted 15 hours ago

who is this? I want to masurbat

So butthole elles guy had kiddie porn

who is this?

So? Who gives a fuck? Like this would be the first time Yas Forums has killed people.

Yeah dude shes bad news bears

Watch the video you retard
Itll explain everything

Yeah but he stopped posting that shit sometime before she got busted
Chances are he didnt know just 90% of her fans dont know

So she sold nudes a few months before she turned 18, dont care, didnt ask. Kys

How did b do it?

9 months before your 18 isnt a few months bro

>few months bro
Jesus, nobody cares about this bitch except you. nobody cared when she was 18, nobody cares now that she was 17
she is ugly af and
nobody gives a shit.
kys OP

You're the fucking loser no life who makes the same posts every few hours for the last 2 weeks, so not only are you annoying you've been posting cp, FBI is gonna get u

She's not dead you mutt, she just backed down from porn due to being weak minded whore uncapable of dealing with bunch of online incel haters

Bitches really care for a 17yr lol

Implying there is any difference in mental and physical development of human being between age 10 and 30

Simp detected

who is she?

Faggot detected

I think we should lower the AOC to 14 in the USA

Spoken like a true pedophile

Let's raise it to 21 instead, amirite??


he's a granniefucker
what can you do?

18 is arbitrary, but if you go changing things, then rulefags like will have their heads explode.

Thank you. Sounds like a pretty typical story. The YouTube video shows her to be a pretty veteran CW: not much allure.


= Camwhore. Camera-based sex-worker. Whatever.

Would you lick her asshole?



Are you planning on licking mine?

You her clone? Lets go

Wait, is she pre-surgery and legal?



>pretending it's not you posting this shit

no you never stopped posting that shit you retard


>holy shit she was underage

15 years old
The Age of Consent in Czech Republic is 15 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity.

Porn is still 18+otherwise it's CP

i do
i almost had sex with her,she was right in front of me naked and ready for it ; (

Attached: 8977DE0D-084C-4B25-B411-9646592ABC4B-3959-00000405E2697BC2.jpg (806x952, 470.28K)

>considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity.

even in porn if you are not in the USA

You sound like the kind of person who fucks niggers.

like your mom?


17s legal where im from 16 if her moms ok with it. Post em.

Pornographic material is still 18+ you dumbfuck.

moms a kike

You sound like the kind of person who fucks niggers. The world doesnt revolve around the USA

post her pics

You’ve got a fun night ahead of you.

Holy shit I went to school with her! She was bullied all the time over her tiny tits and huge areolas!

No one cares about that shit faggot, go to some moralfag site or abandon thread if you do.

Fukn pedo

Thata not the same as starring in porn.
In porn you need to be 18 in Czechoslovakia
Otherwise having sex off camera with your older companion is fine

He stopped posting her old stuff
All i see these days is her most recent stuff. I.e. her god ugly bolt on tits which she got for Christmas

Well guess what I'm European and not a retard. Read up on the law.

Guys. Stop responding to this shit.

It's the same tired fucking faggot posting the same tired fucking meme and trying to give it some traction. He's effectively trying to be the new logposter.

Which makes no sense because everybody hates logposting too.

no you faggot, we know it's you posting the same shit, fuck off and stop trying to convince other people that somebody else is as lame and retarded and obsessed about this dumb broad as you are, you're fucking shit. give up.

Thats not ped you fucktard, pick up a fucking book and learn the definition.

well...now we gonna have to delete everything
i have a lot of her pics fuck

Attached: 1552311158410.jpg (386x526, 93.36K)

Post to cloud and share first

shutup pedo.

Attached: 6EA80D5E-413C-40D8-8CCF-36CBFE0022D9.jpg (750x1000, 66.62K)

So basically, you are only gonna delete them because its illegal, but if it was legal, you would keep them.

Got it.

cannot do that
it's wrong now and i have lines i don't cross
delete her shit men

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i thinku she retired