Unpopular opinion:

Unpopular opinion:
Bullying is actually good for the kids, it helps them build character.

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No proper discipline builds character, fucking rétard I hope your kids get bullied into suicide


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Helps kids not be a bitch

shut up nerd! finna give you a wedgie and lock you in yo locker

I got bullied all my life and as a result I don't function properly in social environments

But go off I guess

I was picked on young. Went to school with a bunch of niggers. Learned how to fight just to survive. Moved to another state where there weren't any niggers and I became the nigger. It came full circle.

Saged, fag

You mean it came full nigger.

Pros and cons.

I believe to an extent it can be useful. If you’re weird as fuck and you’re that kid that eats glue and boogers and are just in general outside of the social norms then it’s not terrible to receive this treatment from your peers.
Also, bullying has always been in our society and culture. Like I said above it’s to hammer you to the social norms of your culture. Bullying isn’t going anywhere and it’s foolish to think this “woke” generation will curb it. With all that said, there is an extent to it though.

Fix it. Don’t label yourself as a victim and live like that. Address your social issues and move on.

What bullying does is create democrats.

Partially I agree with you OP
The first 3 semesters of HS fucking sucked
Bullying helped me fix some issues
Lost weight and learned how to socialize, even how to manipulate
Never got bullied again
Im not a normie but know with who and when to btard
Not everyone reacts this way to bullying

As if manipulation is a good trait. That's a woman thing Fuck off, fag.

>it helps them build character
Ah yes, building character with the Character Noose, very wholesome and critical to development
Great reaction image tbh

no. Talking shit to your own friends builds character. Bullying and getting bullied sucks.

Contest builds virtues, bullying does the opposite.

A contest is when two people test each other. Success or victory depends on qualities you built or neglected. If you win you can see your progress, if you lose you can see your faults.

Bullying is when someone with an undeserved level of self-worth tests that against someone below them. Bullies can get addicted to this behavior as it's very psychologically rewarding to always win, even if you are only winning against people who are at a clear disadvantage. Bullies tend to become compulsive liars as they go through life, as they have to justify their eventual failures as someone else cheating them of something they would obviously never fail at. The subject of the bully could end up a massive bitch as they have to go to authority figures like teachers to solve their problems.

Generic trollfag repost #25 yawnnnn

Haha same, but moved to a different city and people told me I was "rough"

That midget is like 20 years old, wtf

Caveat: This doesn't work in a "zero tolerance" environment. Sometimes a bully needs a beatdown. Sometimes a group of bullies need a baseball bat.

No. Already debunked. You can find out in 5 seconds if you try.

I agree. I'm a total faggot without brains and I suck. I am not special and deserve to die.

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If they get treated too good they will become sensitive pussies

Nah, the bullies tend to become democrats. They're obsessed with power, popularity and conformity with those who have it and don't care who they hurt to get it. Some never grow out of it.

>I think the people who are victimized should just take abuse and the people who do it should then be able to go on to victimize other people
>I believe this because I am in fact a complete douchebag that thinks it's okay to shit on people but can't handle it when I get shit on back

Kill yourself faggot.

like many things, a small amount can be beneficial, maybe the word bullying isn't the right one though... but I believe a bit of social shaming could wake up some kids/teens to what makes them unlikable and push them to change their behavior instead of being treated like perfect little angels all the time

i wonder though, with more bullying, would we be surrounded by more anime fags (aka more marginalized), or less of them (reduction in cringe behavior)

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Yeeaa it really builty character?? That I'm playing video games like a loser all day and night while embarrassing my veteran dad

also this

nobody cares about shithole USA

I am a total retard. A loser. Totally deserve it. I deserve to be bullied.
I deserve to be hit, cucked, punched. I deserve to suffer, to cry and feel pain. I am cringe and a newfag.
If someone tells me to kill myself, I'll do it and post images of me doing it. Go ahead. Tell me to do it.

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I got bullied in high school by a fucking bitch scumbag that traumatized me for the REST OF MY LIFE. Bullies are worse than faggots, Jews and niggers combined. You can't change my mind.

Is trying to set a good first impresion or making a good business pitch bad?
Youre trying to create interest in other people
Bet you got cucked or something by women, triggered nigger


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Exactly, there's this one kid I know who doesn't understand shit about social norms. Kid interrupts others conversations just to add some dumbass dad joke or to insult them.

Firmly disagree OP, a bit of hazing and banter is all well and good.
Active participation of popular kids to exclude you from having a normal school experience, including sabotaging relationships, makes you scarred as fuck and have a hard time trusting people ever again

t. that was me

Are you responding to the right comment?

Also, sorry you got bullied and never got over it. It’s hard being a victim isn’t it? You know when no one likes you, you’re the common denominator. Meaning you’re the problem. Kill yourself faggot.

It helps them toughen up, but it also damages them on a fundamental level and makes them prone to extremely antisocial behaviors.

I endured a lot of physical abuse from my parents and kids at school growing up. Did it make me toughen up? Sure as hell did. Did it also make me a spiteful and sadistic to the point of killing animals and coming uncomfortably close to shooting up my school? Yeah, that too.

Trials and tribulations can and do make you tougher. But trauma also can break and corrupt your humanity. There are better ways to toughen up your kids than subjecting them to trauma.

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alright cuck kill yourself . provide pics

take ownership of your own life user
get out of the house, even see a shrink if you have to

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>I was a complete faggot and am justifying my sociopathic behavior
Kill yourself faggot

Enjoy your victim mentality. You’re letting a bad experience rule over your life. Why not just move on from it ? Maybe that’s why you got picked on, because you’re mentally weak and more than likely physically weak too.

>There are better ways to toughen up your kids than subjecting them to trauma
That should be the slogan of the US Army

>I am justifying treating other people like shit and telling my victims to get over it

Kill yourself

>emotionally unstable and this angry over an online forum.

Mental illness. I now see why you got your ass kicked in high school. Kill yourself faggot.

How should I cut myself?

I got my knife ready

>Constantly deflecting away from the fact that it's you at the center of other's troubles

Kill yourself faggot
I'm not mad, I'm just telling you exactly what you need to hear. You are a piece of shit. It's too bad you lack the intelligence or self-awareness required to reflect on yourself and understand the words I'm speaking are true.

Since you can never do that, I'm just jumping the gun and telling you to off yourself. You're a worthless faggot. Kill yourself.

I'm not mad, I'm bullying you faggot. You can't handle your own shit. Kill yourself.

slit your throat


> Get emotionally traumatised in the most socially formalizing years of your life, severely limiting your ability to bond with and trust people
> "lol get over your victim mentality"

> Have a bad experience in life and forever let it define you as an individual.

That’s right. They should get over it and move on instead of living the rest of their life as an emotionally weak victim.

Kill your self.

He's a sociopathic faggot justifying his own behavior
stop responding to him except to bully him and tell him to kill himself
he's a worthless subhuman faggot lel

Idiotic reactionary hillbilly opinion, Cletus.

>still justifying your faggotry
kill yourself
ps you seem angry

Take pics too

It's unpopular because there's not a shred of evidence supporting it, which means maintaining it is stupid and insisting that it's not stupid just makes it even dumber.

>Assuming I was the bully.

What exactly am I deflecting? I’m glad you can feel such satisfaction thinking I can’t handle your “Bullying” lol. You’re giving me a chuckle that’s why I’m always responding with “Kill yourself” to your Kill yourself.

Maybe if you read my original post you’d see there’s an extent to the use of bullying but let’s face it, you’re mad and emotional and can only see in black and white. Which speaks to your self-awareness and intelligence.

Seek therapy.

hahahahah i actually made this absolute faggot mad

can't handle your own shit faggot? i bet you're one of those stupid fucks that think might makes right and you're big and strong and so you can say whatever you want but when someone dares say something to you you fly off the handle and physically assault them

you are projecting when you talk about mental weakness. You project the illusion of mental fortitude because it is a form of wishful thinking due to extreme insecurity, likely daddy issues

You are genuinely a pathetic human being and I would pity you but the fact is that trash is not worth a second thought

Don't hesitate to end your miserable, meaningless existence at any time you absolute bootyblasted faggot


stop bullying him if you think it's so bad

Ps.s. Seem angrier.

hey whats going on in this thread

How do I kill myself?
Idk how to kill myself
How do I slit my throat?

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lmao literally so mad you can't come up with something beyond "no u"
lmao kill yourself

Jesus both of you just suck eachother off and quit acting like you have to get over oneanother with a retarded comment about some childhood abuse. We get it, you were raped and beat up kids to release your anger and now as an adult you find bulling to be acceptable

mostly bullying


It’s 2AM and there’s nothing else to do.

ear to ear

bet a get thread would be more enjoyable than a bullying one for most people involved

Good point, continue

why dont u go to bed

bullying is one reason why there are school shootings the other is because they have mental health issues

Ear to ear what?

Totally, unless you are in the Uniteds where you are not sure who could have a pocket "just in case" handgun

we have bullying and mental health issues but no school shootings

you are deflecting away from the fact that you are a bully justifying your behavior and shifting the blame onto your victims

you are trash masquerading in human flesh
Kill yourself lel

from ear to ear. you gonna do it or stall with questions

that's a good ol' ameritard problem

no you have school stabbings instead lol
take your international bullshit to dis/int/ellectualism

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Not really. Take it from someone who's been there. You may be right to SOME capacity. For ex. at this point I feel bullet proof if someone tries to mock me. If I start firing back, they're the ones who end up rustled. I'm not even bothered. Heard/encountered it all it feels like.
I've also learned how to handle a lot of things on my own.
But the downsides:
A lot of trust issues, some phobias, a lot of people see the personality I developed as standoffish, in some cases even thinking that I feel "too good" to talk to them. The opposite of "down to earth"... when in fact it's just me doing things how I always had to: alone and having all the trust issues on top of that.

Also, reminds me of a story heard from an older guy:
He explained he couldn't get off a hill because he saw three dudes who used to bully him in school below. They bullied him THIRTY YEARS before the event. He literally had t wait for them to leave. Just one of the phobias/paranoias that happens.

That’s why those problems need to be address but they aren’t I swear I might just move to Ireland

Guess where I cut myself?