I love her, she's been with 6 people before me. Sexually that is, How do i get that to stop bothering me? Im a virgin...

I love her, she's been with 6 people before me. Sexually that is, How do i get that to stop bothering me? Im a virgin, As you guessed. Last thread really helped.

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Once you get up in there you’ll stop thinking about that real quick.

Fuck her better than all of them. Or, if possible, claim her anal virginity because that’s worth more anyways. Being the first guy to bang a girl is middle school shit that they remember all fondly and gay and shit. You wanna be the guy who turned her into a butt slut. Trust

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The instant you lose your virginity you'll stop thinking virginity matters

I had a long term on/off fwb from 10th grade (she was in 8th, but lied to me about her age for some time) until I was in my mid 20's that was, by admission, a slut. She once fucked 6 dudes individually throughout the night at a house party in high school and gave blowjobs to 2 guys at once in front of everyone on the same night. I was retard number 2 to fuck her. No condom. Came inside. I later found out the only one to wear a condom was guy number 1, which is a little bit ironic. It was super gross, unsafe, killed her reputation even to this day, and when 5 (obviously 2 were the blowjobs) of the 8 dudes that she put inside of her body were discovered, 2 of them ended up on the registry because she was 15 and her mom threw down the b8 hammer, and the other three were given some kind of wild suspension at school and had to write the girl's mother an apology, kek. I never was discovered, but I had been fucking her for a while prior and would continue doing so for years.

I tell you this story OP, because no matter how slutty you think your girl is for being with 6 dudes (she's not, stop being a retard before that shitty mentality makes you a wizard), just remember there's genuinely gross human beings that fuck 6 different random untested dicks and suck 2 of the same all in one night. Also, the older you get, the more you're going to have to start worrying about dating single mothers and divorced wives. The horror!

just fuck her, nerd

You get over it by growing the fuck up and accepting it.

Six is a SUPER low number bud, welcome to the real world.

>I love her,
You already fucked up right there, you don’t know if you love her at all

>she's been with 6 people before me. Sexually that is, How do i get that to stop bothering me? Im a virgin
Well you need to have sex with her to clear your thoughts on the matter obviously. I would say she’s probably good for a short-mid term relationship but if her body count matters that much to you (which is fair) then you should look to get out of the relationship a non-virgin in 4 months

Don’t be a man that stays in a relationship that he no longer has any business being in, because he has an aversion to the pain of leaving a woman.
Women will feel very little when they decide to leave you.
He who allows himself to be whipped, deserves to be whipped.

seriously, the older you get up there the less of a chance you'll be with a woman that hasn't slept with someone. it's only natural.

if you like her and she likes you, just get the fuck over it. if she likes you enough and you are upfront about being an inexperienced virgin, there isn't going to be a problem as long as you show progress. if she's smart she'd use it as an advantage to teach you to treat her body right and to lean into her own kinks that most experienced men might neglect.

>the older you get worry about single mothers and divorced wives
Yea dude maybe around 50, in a guy’s 30-40’s he can still pull early 20’s in his 30’s and late 20’s in his 40’s

Also OP what were the circumstances stances of those sexual encounters?
If any 1 was a one night stand, she aint your girl

Dont listen to this faggot Since youre still virgin fresh and shes had 6 raging hard cocks in her holes including the one you kiss daily i'd say shes either a pump and dump like they did or at the very best a short termer while you browse for someone that not an ever growing whore. But just remember one of those 6 was probably some filthy nigger and his std dick has touched her lips.

smash and dash is the only way

Yeah...you don't really sound like someone that should be giving advice, let alone telling anyone whom not to listen to.

Step 1: Don't ask for advice on Yas Forums.

Cut your dick + balls off, and livestream it with timestamp


I know of only one woman that's 30 and a kissless virgin. She's ugly, 5'10 , built like a college linebacker, almost certainly on the spectrum, hasn't understood a sarcastic joke yet, is insanely religious, and got fired at fuckin' Walmart because she sucked at everything so bad that even being a greeter was too hard for her
>she's a wizard
>you'll always have her to fall on to
>want her contact info?

Not if you're a virgin that wants a woman with less than 6 previous partners. What virgin that has the mindset to visit Yas Forums comfortably is going to be in his 30's, 40's, 50's, etc. and not only have the confidence to go for the young girls, but actually catch their interest? And how? Money is a retarded answer. We know he won't have it.

6? that's not even that bad

You two should just fuck each other cause you're never going to find a woman that matches your unrealistic standards. Unless you go cruising some underage or an Amish community.


Well, you can't have it. Fuck you.


Teenage love is over-rated, all it would be is a distraction from your studies, failing in high school (wich is pretty assy) and in the end got cheated anyways, and for that being the make me laugh of your friends, not to mention you would forgive her anyways cause you rather deal with the mocking than running out of your regular sex source.
But the truth is, you are in your fucking 20's, you are not an anime character and your 10's weren't the equivalent of an epic adult like adventure. If you get to your 40's and have no girl yet, well that's when you can start to worry

When I was a virgin I acted like I was not a virgin in my head, turned out I got pussy
Or like I'm bisexual but I actually make myself believe I'm straight as fuck
Just act like you're not a virgin and you'll get that pussy

You sound like one of those "all talk" loser dudes from comedy movies

I held off till I was 18, wanted to wait for "that girl". You aren't going to find "the right one" till later on down the road. Just do yourself a favor and quit thinkin' about it and get it over with my guy. It's worth it, I assure you. Yeah, I remember the girl that I lost my V card too. She was with one guy before me. It drove me nuts. But, I was on the "I Love Her" kick also. Meow that was 11 years ago and I'm already @ 20+. It's kind of like Nike. Just do it.

Watch the movie "Chasing Amy"

Fingercuffs FTW.

You want an experienced woman 'cos they know to tell you what to do

stop worrying, dumbass

You got it homie
Still, I think the movie will help

Oh, I'm not OP. But I agree, there's a good lesson in there.

That movie was a heap of Sarlaac shit, and Kevin Smith sucks. Go watch "Eyes Wide Shut" instead.

Yes. I agree with this. I'd much rather be with an experienced woman that knows what she wants and how to guide me than someone that is going to lay there like a dead fish and expect me to know how to push her buttons.

Well, there's no accounting for taste.

The feeling is mutual, Double Wide

Lmao my gf had a body count of 11 before me.
Used to affect me, I was also a Virgin when I met her. You gotta realize that the number doesn't count. She chose you, if she had more men before but you've stuck, that's a good sign. If you're upset because other dudes dicks have been in her pussy, plenty of other things have been too. Finding the right girl and fucking a girl first are two different things, life isn't a race and you can't let some past bungee) number of men affect the life you and her can or will be living in the future.

My GF told me before that after meeting me she regrets not waiting, but the reality is, I eventually realized... who cares? First time sex for both parties is often awkward and nowhere near as great as when one is experienced.

6 is pretty low. She’s with you now and if she seems faithful there’s no reason not to just enjoy it. Stop being a pussy and enjoy what you have. The more you fuck the less you’ll think about it anyway.

^ this

I got over it with my girl by cheating on her until I had a higher body count

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^ bad advice

this is the most bluepilled cope I have ever heard. congrats user you are absolutely destined to raise tyrones kids

Do you think I'm Kevin Smith? Which even if I were, it would be irrelevant given he lost a bunch of weight.

Losing my virginity to another virgin that I ended up dating for over 6 years was fucking scary, confusing, and amazing. That being said, the sex was dog shit compared to our 10th, 100th, 1000th, etc. If you're worried about the amount of men she's been with, grow up or ditch her and keep looking for the immature and outdated standard you have. If it's because you think you're missing out on some magical bucket list experience, grow the fuck up dude.


Virginity matters.
You are lying to yourself and OP.
This thread is the biggest cope of all fucking time. KYS.

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Nah, it was definitely the right thing to do, cuz I told her an that dumb bitch stayed with me.

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You're a faggot and will die a faggot. You will also die a virgin.

I'm the guy that cheated, and this post is approved.

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Yeah, Eyes Wide Shut is way more relatable for the average joe

Kevin Smith lost weight because the heart attack he had showed him how easy it is to drop dead from being obese.

LOL Enjoy your stale ass sex with a woman that is more likely to fear you than love or respect you. You might as well, I say you might as well, buy a sex doll, son.

Weight lost is still weight lost.

Sure dude, because your inability to get laid is due to being too redpilled and woke! Reee wahmen!

You're retarded

100% this. Once upon a time I wanted that "perfect virgin Wifey". now I just want a women who knows how to ride dick.

OP don't think about it.once you lose you virginity you're going to not give a shit very quickly about how many partners someone's had.

My nigga.

6 is not huge, but big enough for it to mean you probably arent that special to her and feelings are not intensly reciprocated, sorry user.

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>please see this

How you figure? That was six before she even met the guy. I'll give you the act of sex might not be special to her but her feelings for the guy aren't dependent of how many people she slept with before they got together. And I'd argue that sex with the right person could bring forth deeper emotions that the previous six that could have been mere footnotes.

Go upstairs, retrieve your moms dildo, and go fuck yourself with it.

Why are y'all so obsessed with teenage love?

I'm a faggot and didn't get a boyfriend till I was 21 and I turned out fine