>chinks dying of coronavirus
>whitoids dying of coronavirus
>jews dying of coronavirus
>spics dying of coronavirus
Soon the Black man will rule this planet again.
Chinks dying of coronavirus
Hey, I don't give a fuck who drags me out back and puts the bullets in me, just tell 'em to hurry up.
It's not puzzling why it's not in Africa. No one in their right mind goes there, it's full of niggers.
Pretty sure ebola chan won't allow it
Dumb and gay. Just wait, it will spread. It’s still not in lots of other places. Africans infrastructure is shif everything takes time to get around
cause those niggers live in the mud and shit with no hygiene or any healthy shit, that's why they have better immunity
spics have slighter higher cases of corona than the blacks you retard, you a confusing them with the muslins which thanks to Irak they have a high rate of deaths
Those guys actually stay home unlike the rest of you fucking faggots.
They don't have any test kits.
Same things for India. All they need are a couple of carriers and the place will explode with thousands upon thousands of cases.
We won't see outbreaks in Africa beyond Kenya and Nigeria though.
Nothing beat AIDS.
Not even Corona Chan likes niggers.
niggers are fucking dead, why would corona virus bother going there?
It is interesting because thousands of chink workers and miners are in africa
they already have ebola chan though
Corona-chan attacks the brain. Simple.
Does Africa even have the means to test their citizens? Could the reason they have lower reported cases be that they don't report or test them in the first place?
Theres 80 cases in Af-ree-ka
All of you are upset that they aren't getting it as bad, but I'm here laughing because they contained it better than burgerland did.
> "again."
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
ITT Motherfuckers talking about Africa like its a country.
>just dont
Probably because AIDS gets them first
Aren't people in Africa riddled with HIV? The virus kills people with with autoimmune problems more often. So hypothetically it will take more lives there?
Who referred to Africa as a country? I just ctrl+f the word "Country" and only you and I have used the word.
Niggers kill each other.
Will be funny when the meek Africans in their remote mud huts inherit the earth from all the aggressive shitheads out running amok.
HIV and AIDS has Africa covered already.
So far I will rule your sister
>Thousands upon thousands
>In India
It'll be funny if the majority of people who survive are the neckbeards naturally isolated in their mothers' basements.
Too busy dying to all the other maladies there like malaria, HIV and ebola.
Stills got aids and ebola
India doesnt have viruses, they have wiruses.
It might as well be, none of their tribal territories are worth a shit anyway. It’s one big pile of niggers killing off the last of the worlds great wildlife for one cheap meal with no idea how to feed themselves and their 16 fucking kids the next day. Best thing that could happen to the world is the removal of the human contagion.
That's because all the black people are in prison,
china's official cases stopped growing because it's already a thing that employers are scared to report it and pretend that all workers are fine because otherwise it makes them look bad to the government. africa? no one know what the fuck is happening there. as if they can check 1.5 billion people and come to a result of three. right now on africa, there are 3-300 toddlers being raped by death squads. that number is approximate though and hard to count.
May be a shock to you, but the aggressive shitcunts go to the cities and industry to pursue $. The family types stay in their small villages and take care of each other & maintain the culture. When I rode from Egypt to S Africa, every city was a fucking cesspool of filth and crime, and every rural village was like a fucking Disney cartoon.
>being this dense
youre literally in a thread where everyone is calling out countries, only one guy ITT called out actual countries in africa, everyone else is just using the word as if it were a country
das fucked up
Sounds like you belong in Africa.
Fuck I always knew that the apes would revolt
this answer ill accept
It's because it's spread by travel and africa is a shithole nobody wants to go to.
Yeah, and I belong in Hawaii because I went there too, now where’s my fucking Oceanside estate? Sounds like you’re a fuckin special kind of genius yourself.
they died of jungle fever
Stop nitpicking. You realize you are on Yas Forums right? The only reason people are saying Africa as a whole is because it is where a lot of black people are, and that's what these Yas Forumstards know
yeah stand on the shoulders of giants fuckboi
"This is Africa" the user. Shut you're ffilthy mouth.
>>being this dense
If youre so smart, so is the president of africa?
And you can bet, none went home knowing a virus was on the loose.
you should know hes your step-dad
wrong, its Roger Nkodo Dang
Fuuuuuuuck you stupid.
see i knew youd know.
also thats a government body, not a country.
again, i said try HARDER faggot
>HARDER faggot
I bet thats what you tell your dad at night.
its what i tell your boyfriend at night too
You can't have an outbreak if you don't test anyone.
Barack Obama is the president of Africa
I'm sure you get enough loads for all of us.
Because they're too busy dying from AIDS, war, ebola, starvation, and everything else for anyone to bother checking for covid-19 as a cause of death.
Check em. Trips of truth.