Why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?

why don't you own a gun Yas Forums?

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Thinking about actually buying one next pay day next week, any advice on what is best for home defense in a reasonable price range?
Was thinking about maybe a shotgun or handgun

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I'm afraid I would kill myself

Did you just assume my gun-ownership status?

I do own a glock 26 a glock g45 a kel tec sub2000 and an ar15 op

Not old enough

Get a cz scorpion evo 3. Its fun looks nice and good for home defence

Not scared of the world

thinking about it
depends on how much my car costs to fix up

If you wanted to kill yourself there is so many more ways to do it so you would have done it already. owning a gun wont make a difference

You dont have to be scared... its also a hobby or a sport you can shoot for fun at gun range or go hunt

How old r u

Can't afford one
All my money goes to engineering school

get suicidal too often.

Mossberg maverick 88 12ga with 00 "double ought" shot. It's just assembles in Mexico, but I trust Mossberg. Mine is great. Was 180 otd and grabbed a few packs of shells. Ruger 9e is a great value pistol, I find glock grips bulky. My dad has something like a rock river but it's 40cal sexy wood on it. Love me some guns. Highly recommend the trifecta of pistol, rifle, shotgun, but depending on use, id probably go shotgun first then pistol or rifle, personally.

Agree I have suicidal thoughts I feel that owning a gun helps me not kill myself weirdly

I have more guns than I need on base.
When you retards think you're going to start shooting everyone and the mil is going to break ranks and side with you, your little peashooters aren't going to save you.

Don't need 'em
The world would be a much quieter place without them.

yes. fite me

>tfw you cant off yourself with a gun because it would reflect badly on the gun community

I'd rather not have the act of killing over a shitpost on Yas Forums on my conscience, but thanks for the offer.

Imagine being a coddled little bitch with no sense of personal responsibility for yourself or others

Guerrilla warfare. Did wonders for the sand niggers.


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Because I love Obama's big black cock

Id recommend a pistol mostly for its ease of storage in say a dresser or something. In which case, if you never plan on concealed carry and just want it for home, I'd recommend a full size pistol from any reputable manufacturer. Personally Id recommend a CZ 75 BD but there are many similar options

I recommend that in particular by the way because its full size, steel construction and small slide make it extremely easy to shoot even if you have little experience firing handguns. It also features a double/single action trigger since the BD model features a decocker rather than a safety, which I believe is both safer and more functional for new shooters than a manual safety is

Will be getting my first one this week if I pass the background check. ROCK Ultra FS HC - 10mm

I mean thats a pretty nice gun but I wouldnt recommend spending that kind of money on it when its your first

>suggesting a pistol without an accessory rail
Get a glock 19. Then get a CZ P01 if you want something that's more exciting, but a G19 is the best starter pistol because it has more aftermarket support than any other handgun.

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Because I'm not compensating for anything.

Consider the Walther pps m2.
Very simple, conceals nicely (it's my pocket gun) and affordable.

I don't want my cat to get rekt in a red flag raid when I'm at the psychiatrist

I really just wanted a 1911 even if it might be my only gun and with how much it can hold just seemed like a good choice.

Any suggestions user?

It really only holds 10+1. If you're looking for capacity then Glock is definitely the way to go.

Most new gun owners are looking to invest 500-700 bucks and dont need an accessory rail. Youre right, the Glock 19 is a fantastic gun, but I wouldnt recommend it as a first weapon purchase. Its not particularly easy to shoot for noobs and requires significant aftermarket investment to be better than its competition in any category. Even if someone particularly likes the Glock 19, assuming they dont have a boner for spending hundreds of dollars on customizing a gun (which imo is a waste of money unless youre in competition) Id still probably recommend the CZ P10C over it assuming they cost about the same

For me thoughts of suicide were just revenge fantasies that fall apart when you realize you won't get to enjoy the pain you cause.
Owning a gun means I can literally do it in seconds, which means prevents me from daydreaming about it. My brain is like "you going to do it right now? No? Then shut the fuck up!"

Thank you

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Most double stack 9mm hold significantly more. Just shop around. Pretty much any major manufacturer makes higher capacity. Its just basically impossible to find something as sexy as a 1911.

Sig Sauer

no particular order

Thank you for your advice

Some1 has a hardon for .357

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can you blame them? It's god's gift to defensive carry rounds.

Imagine trying to confiscate semi auto weapons

Because there is no reason to own one in a society without guns.

Im a 9mm guy but only because i live in the gay and 9mm here is cheap and WAY easier to find. Youre right though. 357 is a beautiful thing

im actually afraid that i might fucked it up somehow, im extremely clumsy. so i think im doing everyone a solid by not owning one.

You'll be given the opportunity to participate in a government buyback program where you might get as much as 75% of what you paid for the weapon originally. I'd take the deal.

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A society without guns? Do you mean like the moon? The fuck are you talking about

I dont think you know what thats a picture of

Imagine think a semi-automatic would hinder “the government” from still doing whatever the fuck they like, whenever the fuck they like.

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It's actually an excellent demonstration how easily you gun nuts could be taken down if you try any shit.

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Stupid Ameritard.
We got rid of ours decades ago after our first mass shooting.

And guess what?! it worked.

Seems Ameritards are just lazy and selfish and full of excuses as to why

Define "try any shit". You sound really autistic right now

Going to a range and taking classes are cheap and fun, its not a bad thing to know how to use a weapon when you need to, just like knowing how to drive a stickshift.

Because the only gun I need is a penis in my pussy.

Woody Harlson gif, okay I guess I'll let some genetic throwback mug and kill me for my $30 watch.

I'm not afraid of my government, I don't live in a country where a bunch of niggers might kick in my door, and I'm not a drunk woman walking down dark alleys all night.