November 2020: Bernie Sanders is...
November 2020: Bernie Sanders is
Going to get fucked over by the Democratic Party again.
...Crying himself to sleep
raking in the shekels
Long dead
DNC electioneering, just like 2016
Have sex
Dead feom heart failure after being destroyer by TRUMP 2020
Well it's settled. The communist kike is going to die of corona-chan.
sucking Biden's shriveled old wiener.
You mean to tell me he hasn't been doing that the entire 2020 election?
Honestly this dude has been trying to become president since the 90’s using the same reasonings throughout his whole career, being neo liberal didnt work now or even back then. I dont think hes gonna win for shit
>November 2020: Bernie Sanders is...
...enjoying his new, 4th home after endorsing Biden
This here corona thing just going to make his policy more popular
lol your government is so cucked by business that they have to beg on twitter to let people have sick leave just to prevent a plague
>using the same reasonings throughout his whole career
that's called being consistent.. god forbid a politician who's consistent.
Being consistent would be Bernie either still complaining about millionaires like he did before becoming one, or donating his millions to people with student or medical debt.
But, no... since becoming a millionaire, he only complains about billionaires these days.
You deserve being American.
Thank you!
Enjoy your sand nigger "refugees".
Coronavirus is gonna get him by September. Heart condition, almost 80, he’s fucked.
you complain that your mom switched the brand of chicken tendies tho
Now a transfaggot called Bailey Sanders with a taste for bbc
I'm not Greek, but thanks for the concern.
Watching TV and RAGING against the unfairness of the establishment, railing against everyone actually electable and how if only people would listen to him! he has all the answers! why?! why?!
Being the same bro fighting for the people he’s always been.
I so want one of those
your mind is full of nigger dick
Watching TV
like you fat fucking trumptards don't get your "information" from there you fucking hypocrite
Die in a fire horsefucker
>trilby + patchy neck beard
>fat, ugly, screaming and chronically offended
why do they do this? are they unable to see themselves.. being walking, talking living stereotypes? Baffling.
If they do find that pic embarrassing they'd probably blame a Democrat for making it go negative viral
y u so angeryy user-kun senpai?!
In a coffin with Corona-chan.
Ok, this is epic
Agreed haha
What a fking faggot, imagine getting a old jew tat, in 1 year nobody will know wtf that tat is supposed to be of, good thing nobody will even see it up close and personal.
Oh, you're triggered by hair dye? Get a fucking life you cucklord
Why do people who don't share your stupid racist exclusionist thinking trigger you so hard?
Don't you believe in respecting individual expression?
What are you talking about you fucking schizo
Why would he even care if he became president or not?
He got tons of 30 year old+ bernouts to spend their allowance money on him twice!
I see a new house in his future.
It sounds to me like you want to control this person from expressing himself in ways you don't approve of.
Not only is that a typically horrible leftist meme, it's homophobic. Isn't that a no-no for you all? Been seeing that shit a lot lately. All your sympathies for these "victim" groups aren't fake, are they?
Donations go to the campaign to pay for fucking ads and canvassers retard get out of your basement
It's time to take your meds
People laughing at retardation isn't stopping the retards. In fact, we want more of their autistic hilarity. To claim it's an attempt at control is as ridiculous as the idea of "transphobia".
Oh ya ppl definitely don't hate trans people. transphobia isn't real, Jews control the world, I'm not coping, I'm not a fag, pls think I'm cool daddy crowder
First post is the truth. DNC fucked him over in 2016, what makes you think they're not gonna do the same this year?
phobia means fear of
No one is afraid of a dude in a dress. I guess it's comforting to believe people are afraid of those clowns. Some groups feel the need to be seen as victims.
frogposters like you are homophobic tho
>durr horribly leftist meme
it's the fucking truth frogposter
The left believe their greatest tool is controlling what other people can laugh at.
Because the only thing that is realistically disadvantaging him this time is the voters.
You only post it because you fear it user. Because it's likely you have some sort of homophobic issues that you're projecting onto others.
Bernie seems to be taking his defeat well.
I don't know what that is
but i'm not clicking on it
fuck you fropgoster
Future timeline:
>Biden gets the nomination
>Barr opens investigation into Bidens
>Trump, on the White House lawn
>“I didn’t instruct him to do anything, but it really is a shame what’s been going on with Burisma and the Bidens and we’ll be investigating it bigly.”
>Trump, on Twitter the next morning
>”Comgratulations to Barr for opening an investigation at my request into the corrupt and crooked sleepy Joe Biden!”
>Joe Biden, in self defense
>”y-you know, the thing”
>mainstream media
>”Joe Biden is now under investigation by the justice department, which is uncovering serious wrongdoing by Joe Biden and his family.”
>”Our source is this White House spokesman”
>old boomer voters in battleground states who gave Biden the nomination
>”gee whiz I didn’t know there was so much corruption in the Biden family. I guess I’ll have to just vote for trump, since he’s draining the swamp!!”
>Trump re-elected
you seem to be taking the news that your mom told you to start losing weight so you can get a job and move out better than we thought
bit fucked that he was going off at millionaires in 2012-15.
its pretty evident that its a billionaire issue not a millionaire issue. and to be honest its not even a billionaire issue, its a cash flow issue, more and more money is being taken out of generalised circulation, and being put into already fat coffers.