The virus isn't just killing fat old boomers. No one is recovering. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up. It does this again and again, wearing you down and scarring your lungs each time. That's why people are being released only to die later after being "reinfected".

WE ARE ALL FUCKED, do you understand? If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.

WHO does not include "recovered" in their reports, poorly defined who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports

New: "Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections archive.is/MF0fv

28-Feb: Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again archive.is/TV8DS

28-Feb: South Korea "recovered" case reinfected archive.is/Gv1iu

27-Feb: Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery" archive.is/CuOtr

27-Feb: "Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant archive.is/HjykE

26-Feb: 14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again archive.is/V6IgT

21-Feb: Patient reinfects himself after "recovery" archive.is/8Ppkx

19-Feb: "There is a likelihood of relapse", expert says archive.is/ABjjf

14-Feb: Reinfection possible and even deadlier archive.is/Iw58p

31-Jan: Patients can get reinfected, no immunity after "recovery" archive.is/W9vNf

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition archive.is/6NGuH

Virus invades nervous systems archive.is/qmc6U

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It’s ok Trump has this crisis covered!

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>. It hides in your nervous system and reemerges again when your immune system lets up.
that's called herpes. try to come up something better next time you are attempting to make up a conspiracy theory.

they'll scare 3 people then say in a year when it's long gone that they caused a mass scare. people here are incredibly tiny people

wow, heard it here first on reddit

jk fuck off you tin foil faggot

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Progressivism is about as surface level logic as it gets though. Every supposed solution is one that involves feelings and absolute disregard for consequences. Conservatives generally aren't against all change but are critical of suggested changed if there is no instance of that change working elsewhere, they prefer to not be Guinea pigs if things aren't bad.
Not sure how lefty memes are this bad but it should be a rule on the internet at this point, "lefty memes exist to oversimplify complex problems while providing no solutions".

Triggered bitch boy. It’s all over! Spare yourself the agony and kys

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YEs, it is like herpes. It stays with you for life and flares up when you are weak, scarring your lungs each time. This thing will have a 100% eventual mortality rate.

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Eh, I've lived a full life

You're going to exit this crisis dead or in poverty unless you start taking action right now.

I have used all the toilet paper I've purchased to build my own Fort Kickass. I am now 100% safe.

Attached: Fort_kickass.JPG.jpg (837x651, 64.11K)

Dumb fuck. We all have a 100% mortality rate.

America gives free healthcare to their poor and disabled while allowing people with the means to buy health insurance the ability to buy what works for them.
Lefty meme misses the point once more.

So, Obama was wrong for taking credit for the good economic numbers last week?

Get a bidet

calm down bro

>will have a 100% eventual mortality rate

nice one. don't you have homework to do?

Yes. We must buy all the toilet paper.

oh no. a retard on Yas Forums wrote something. it must be true. oh no. woe is me.

STFU, trump brought this in with a couple 747's loaded with ching chongs to infect California and other cuck states. Bernie wants to give away the cure FOR FREE. Not in my country, we pay for it or die trying, right /b?

go thing trump said he'd have the virus defeated in 30 days

Ok even with corona virus, it's still 100 times better.

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> at least 100 years after you are infected the mortality rate of those infected is 100%!!!!

Here we go. Transforming into yet another political buttfuck party. Gee never seen one of those before. Don’t you guys ever get tired of being just like every fucking other person on the internet? God damn.

It's a bio weapon for sure

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That is some genuine Dr. Evil shit there. They should have given you the frickin sharks with laser beams when you wanted them.

it's a shitty effort by retards from discord to start a panic. their "there's a run on toilet paper in my city" thread is still up I believe.

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nobody cares

And all I got was frikkin mutant sea bass


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Kind of like the AIDS you have, faggot

uhhhhh is he a retard?

We have a plan...

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> he still your president!

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That line is going almost straight down. Maybe this news will help it improve, pic related

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I thought Ebola was gonna kill us all

Ya, my wages went up after competitors tried to poach me consistently after 2018. He's doing a good job regardless of how goofy he is with his silly beliefs.

>Oh noes! Oil Jews can't gouge because there's a real open market!
>Fuel prices, and by effect, all goods prices will tumble!
>The economy will boom as a result, but oil investors and petroleum companies will suffer!
Oy Vey!

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same way sars killed the planet eh?


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Get aids and die, magafag

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Ya, it'll just rebound in May or June after this passes. It'll help us young people have the ability to buy in easier if it stays consistent with its losses with a trump reelection being more likely than not (hopefully).

literal schizophrenic gibberish
can't wait for this disease to finally topple your shitty dying empire

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ugh, wtf is that. Its a tranny right?

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You aren't forced to but any of those things. The lefty meme law proves true.

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That has to be edited kek

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and Obama paid record setting fines for misuse of campaign funds.

That movie is so good.

That og nerve gas scene.

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Those are bongs.

>If you catch this virus you are absolutely fucked.


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stop fear-mongering you fucking tard. where’d you get this information, infotruthgov.org? quit buying into the (((lies)))

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If you dopes would have spent more time in youtube doomsday rabbit holes, you would have known that the biblical end times have been upon us for years already. I for one feel divinely blessed for being able to experience it with you all.

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The left can’t meme.

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Great thread you have here asshole.

Well, if it's on YouTube, it must be 100% legit.

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Seeing all the people who have Trump living rent-free in their heads, I guess the man really is a real estate genius.

holy fuck are you serious

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I think that was sarcasm user.

Well crap. I almost went a whole 15 seconds without worrying about something. Now I'll never leave my basement.

I survived the global presence of bird flu, swine flu, the common cold, polio, trace levels of radiation...but this is it. This is the end.

Thanks a lot OP.

uh irony bruv

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>said somebody on Yas Forums
You’re only convincing me further

How long before trump declares martial law?

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aaaand here comes the FEMA death camp nuts.

Poor retarded whites vote red and poor retarded niggers vote blue.

Both live equally shitty lives. People shouldn’t blame politics for their own misfortune. The government is gonna fuck you no matter who’s in power.

Show an Obama speech when there's no teleprompter. Start with the one where he claimed to have been campaigning in 57 states. With 3 to go.

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Martial law or marital law? As in shoot your spouse in the face? Asking for a friend


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We are in this together my man. What made you get tested for it? I'm probably going to be hospitalized tomorrow or tuesday