Does anyone else get up at nights to visit the fridge? what kind of shit do you snack on...

does anyone else get up at nights to visit the fridge? what kind of shit do you snack on, bonus points for quick easy shit.

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Cereal, ramen, tops rights there

peanut butter out of the jar

one of life's simple pleasures is visiting the fridge at 2:30am while the fam is sleeping and eating your dad's chinese leftovers he was saving for lunch.

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cereal with milk and lunchables

> names cereal

kill yourselves you simplistic, uncreative cretins

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I used to do this. A lot. Like, too much.

2:00am, half a jar of PB and a huge glass of milk.....hell yeah

Yeah I get up at 2am to get a nice snack of diabetes with a tall glass of high blood pressure. People are supposed to fast during the night.

i like some night cheese.

You fat Nigger


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I eat some ass when I wake up, I roll over, take off my girlfriends blanket, then I eat ass. After that, I continue sleeping.

no, if i wake up i chug my water and go to sleep. even then i hardly do that anymore.

i think over 100 million americans are technically overweight

Nope. White guy, in shape. I haven't actually done that in a long time, I think I got kinda burned out on it after a while lol

I'm underweight and I do it.

Also it's around 70% of americans being overweight. That's way more than 100 million.

shut the fuck up you fucking skelebitch. nobody asked for your opinion, post some quick late bites or get the fuck off this thread.

people are supposed to fuck your mom during the night.

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I do this. Peanut butter then a huge swig of milk right from the carton.

but have you occasionally eaten your dads dick at 2:30 instead?

Kek. OK fattie I'm pretty normal but you do you.

Liz Lemon?

There is likely more food in her than the fridge.

what said

get out of here u lil faggot nigger, i bet ur 5'7 100, not 6'7 and 320 lbS chad like me

> you do you

no i do your mother, every night.

320 is super fatty, 6'7" or not

its pure muscle, i bench press like a lot and i have big arms,, u r weak gay homo and i am chad lord

Look at all these triggered fatboys. Quit stuffing your cock eaters so late in the night. You'll be sorry as fuck later on.

Terrible flex

What kind of fat fuck can't go a few hours at night without stuffing their face? Guarantee you fed your fat ass just before bed too.

i'll sometimes buy a chocolate cake, put it in the fridge, and wake up around 1am to have a piece

hehe u shut up u lil man, i am big and strong,,, u are a weak manlet xD my e girlfriend (never seen her but she has cute anime profile picture) said to leave losers like u alone,,, and thats what im gonna do,, u r rarted

It wasn't meant to be a flex tho, why do people take everything as a flex these days lmao. I don't know, maybe it's due to Yas Forums having no access to such things as pussy. That's the only explanation I can find.

don't eat at night. you'll get fat.

Modern world consists of three words: Trigger, Flex, and Bigot


fat faggot

waekling,,, if only u knew the extent of my p ower,,,

uhh i l ike some hambugrer with gravy,, and some pancakes with nutella

Kek. Sorry I didn't realize you were an idiot. Strength and size have nothing to do with the real fact that if you raid the fridge on the regular at 2am to stuff your pie hole, any person is gonna have a nice bowl of diabetes with a dollop of high BP on top. Once in a while yeah but these fat fucks can't help themselves.

Oh shit nigger what's wrong with you

uhhh,,,o k retard

wat u mean

Shit nigger you can't even type right. Calm down. Go stuff your face again so you'll feel better

????????? huh sry am dont speak retard language,,,

>im n-not fat user! feel mmmy p-p-power!!

ok penguinz0

Switch up your peanut butter game

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That swig that more like a chug and more like the better part of a quart?


It's funny because you saying cringe to that is actually kinda cringe

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I saw a guy bump into a door yesterday, and nobody reacted whatsoever, but damn that was SO CRINGE! Omg super cringe

A 4 hr fast. Kek

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Never do this

ignore this baffoon. all this obesity hysteria is perpetuated by foreigners who hate on americans cuz they dont have freedom like we do and are jelous of our guns

comfort food is best food and nothing tastes better than at nights ;)

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> cheese
>less than 1 minute

microwave nachos is king. prove me wrong.

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when art imitates life

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no, never

>get up at night and walk to the fridge
I'm staying in bed and drinking out of my piss jugs and eating out of my shit bucket

You're all crazy. Just a simple bit of string cheese for me.

wow you must be a boring person you fucking simpleton lol

maybe couple chugs of some milk and back to bed

>protip: cheese doesn't come in strings unless you're playing with mozzerella which sure as shit doesn't come in a can

I don’t understand why you don’t make a proper cheese. You obviously have the ingredients and it takes the same amt of time

I uly eet crls like lucky chrms a fos flks

lol another boring simpleton.

i could do this all day..

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