Why are so many people freaking out about the corona virus? This is starting to get ridiculous now...

Why are so many people freaking out about the corona virus? This is starting to get ridiculous now. The DOW just lost another 1000 points and states are declaring emergencies. It's the fucking flu people are acting like its a fucking zombie disease. If my classes end up getting cancelled because of this bullshit I'm gonna be really pissed.

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It's 34 times deadlier than the flu, ranging up or down depending on your age, health condition, and access to developed health care. It's also highly infectious and often presents with mild symptoms in the young and healthy, allowing it to be spread further.

Despite the flu's low death rate, its ability to spread leads to it killing hundreds of thousands per year. So an illness many times more deadly than the flu and just as or more transmissible is bad.

With the coronavirus, the transition between having mild and severe symptoms of the disease can happen very rapidly. This happens when the virus moves from the mouth and nose to the lungs. It often requires the use of a ventilator. There aren't very many ventilators in any given area, so having a high number of people with the disease needing a respirator at one time makes the problem even worse.

So, that's why.

>It's 34 times deadlier than the flu
What are you basing this on? Plus the people who are dying are old as fuck. Not one young person has died because of corona virus. You're just being fucking dramatic.

Okay, so you don't have anyone in your life you care about that's older?

Death rate by demographic: worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/

Flu mortality (0.1%): nytimes.com/2020/02/29/health/coronavirus-flu.html

It's a particular problem in the US because of the poor access to health care.

Not the person youre replying to, but season flu CFR is

Poor access to health care my ass. You don't even live here do you? And yes the flu is a problem for old people, like it always has been. This is not new. Shutting down the whole economy and society is ridiculous.

In other words, it's just a more aggressive flu. Still doesn't mean people should be freaking out and acting like the world is ending.

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Fear sells.

Okay? You realize it's flu season right?

No people shouldnt act like the world is ending. People are neurotic. However, the public needs to stop the spread of the CORONAVIRUS. Its not a flu. Stop calling it that. It has already mutated twice now and there is no vaccine. Protect the older population. Wash you hands.

Come on bro, stop being so fucking dramatic. It mutated twice? Really? This isn't some hell demon we're talking about. It's just the fucking flu. I swear to god if they cancel my classes because of this bullshit I'm gonna be super pissed.

I'm from Arkansas.

32% of all adults in the US report unmet medical needs due to cost (final page, bottom chart).


Its not a flu, its called a coronavirus. Listen to scientists. SARS and MERS were a lot more deadly than COVID-19, lunkily it was contained in China. This coronavirus can still mutate and become more deadly and or more infectious. There are currently 2 types of strains. The L type and S type. The L type was largely contained in Wuhan due to the lockdown, but the S type spread around the world. Both strains were confirmed in USA, and it is unclear which strain is community spreading. Because of the additional strains, it is possible to be re-infected with the virus causing a second wave of infections. Wash your hands. Dont be an idiot. Listen to scientists.

Last time I checked that's not a majority. So you just proved what you said was bullshit.

Then what's the answer, shutting down soceity for the next year? If my classes get canceled I want a full refund. Because that's fucking bullshit.

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fuck off

The answer is washing your hands regularly, stay home if you're sick. Stay away from those that are sick.

If youre classes get cancelled, sue your school for profiting off a pandemic.

You're absolutely right, not even close to a majority. If a majority of people in a developed country had unmet medical needs due to cost, that would be really something. It's just worse than the rest of the developed world.

The DOW lost points on a Sunday? Shit. This IS bad. Go be retarded somewhere else.

Well let's go with the high range of numbers, highest estimate I've seen said 70% of people on earth could potentially get infected this year. (though it'll likely be way lower) 70% of 7 billion is 4.9 billion, 3.4% of 4.9 billion is 166,600,000.
To put that in perspective about 75 million people died in WW2, so worst case scenario coronavirus kills more than twice as many people as died in WW2, this year. Now let's look at those numbers in terms of just the US, 70% of 330 million (the population of the US) is 231 million, 3.4 percent of 231 million is 7,845,000. The total number of US military deaths in all of the wars the US has ever fought is over 1.1 million, so worst case scenario we lose seven times more people to coronavirus than in every war the US has ever fought COMBINED. Now granted that's worst case scenario, I really doubt it'll be that bad and even if it is it'll be mostly the old and sickly who die, but imagine what that's going to do to the DOW if it happens. Its gonna do way more than just lose a couple thousand points.

Not everyone can stay home though. It's easy to tell people that when you aren't responsible for paying their bills or rent. What about the people who have hourly jobs? They don't go to work they don't get paid. What about schools?

It was in the fucking news you dipshit. Google not exist in your world?

Not everyone is going to die from corona virus. The hell are you talking about?

The Dow doesn't operate on Sunday you dumb Nigger

Look up the difference between coronavirus and novel coronavirus to see why it isn't the flu.

To be blunt that is ignorance on your part because you didn't take the time to find out why it is bad.

166 million out of seven billion isn't everyone dipshit

> (You)
>Not everyone can stay home though. It's easy to t.....

Should have thought about that before you decided to be complacent calling it "just a flu".

RIP my niggas in Hawaii

Dog the bounty hunter

Why are you assuming that 100% of people that get infected will die?

smoking isnt a health condition retard and it takes 20 years of smoking to start showing any effects at all

It is the fucking flu. So people should lose their fucking jobs and get evicted? Who's gonna pay their bills if they just "stay home"?

Bro are you seriously this fucking lazy you can't google the fucking stock market? You're this retarded?

Okay? What's your point?

>It's easy to tell people that when you aren't responsible for paying their bills or rent. What about the people who have hourly jobs

This is another reason why the situation is particularly bad in the US, because worker protections have been systematically destroyed over the past several decades.

Naw not lazy like you,nigger. Just educated unlike you. Now finish your homework,mommy will have tendies ready soon!

Can't figure out how a pandemic in china affects global business...

Go back to school Jeffery

It’s 2020. No one can go five seconds on the internet without either panicking, getting offended, or having a tantrum over politics. Watch these faggots are about to all start fucking each other over Trump/Bernie right now.

What fucking "protection" would help in this situation? What are they doing in Europe? Just handing out money for free?

I see you went full retard.

Smoking causes tar to build up in your lungs. The more you smoke, the more tar. The coronavirus attacks the epithelial lung cells causing them to "pop" releasing copies of the virus. Cells are filled with fluid and causes pneumonia. So you got tar and cell fluid building up in your lungs drowning you to death.

>It is the fucking flu.
Its not a flu. Flu comes from Influenza Virus. We are dealing with a Corona Virus. Completely different.

The season flu has _so far_ has killed 18,000 this season in USA alone. It only last 6 months of the year. Thats why its seasonal. Coronavirus is new. So we dont know how it behaves. So not only do you have the flu season, but add on the deaths of corona virus which might even be active all year round with no vaccine. Its not a flu. Wash your hands before you go to school. Listen to scientists.

Yeah most EU countries have a protected income benefit system where when you leave a job most give you 1yr of benefits at that rate of pay you had, sure it is capped in most, but its to help people who get seriously sick or lost a job through bankruptcy etc, they have paid their taxes for it.

It's just flu user

I was already washing my hands anyway. I'm not some fucking animal. It's other people that I don't trust. I'm just worried one person is gonna end up having it at my school and they're gonna shut the whole thing down.

Right, so it's not really protection. It's a system you are forced to pay into. No thanks.

its not a flu, user. I dont know why you keep saying that. Thats like looking at a Lamborghini and calling it a Ferrari. The fuck you talking about?

Its not a flu.

Okay fine it's not flu, but it's not a fucking zombie disease either. People need to chill the fuck out.

If people listened to scientists instead of eachother, you wouldn't be in this situation. Educate yourself, educate others with actual facts. Listen to scientists.

What you wouldn't want your taxes to help you out if you lose a job?

Would you rather be sick and not get paid at all, just Statutory Sick Pay? Which is benefits at low end?

As said it is a 1 yr protected income system in most EU countries. A couple are 6 months. It is to help ease people back to work by allowing them to continue to pay their monthly payments etc without worrying about debts etc.

After 1 yr of not finding work they will resort to basic benefits.

You're not that good at math are you? Nowhere did I say 100% will die, I broke down how many people will die if 70% of people on earth get infected and the death rate of the disease remains 3.4%

No if China didn't eat bats and other animals they shouldn't be eating, we wouldn't have this situation. No reason whatsoever to eat a fucking bat.

Bro I don't wanna live in a damn nanny state. Why are you fags so obsessed with big government doing everything for you and controlling your life? It's ridiculous.

military fag here. There's a huge exercise going on in Germany right now and they have no plan of cancelling it. It really only affects weak or sick people and over 80% of cases are very mild. Germany has 1000 infected and 0 deaths.

Your dumbass hasn't seen any of the leaked vids or pics from china. Going to school should be the least of your problems after you've seen the shit I've seen

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How long before trump declares martial law?

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You clearly are either trying to troll or not reading and understanding anything.

It isn't a nanny state its taxes at work, you are paying for it so you are protected from the unexpected. Its limited not infinite.

But I am starting to think you are a troll now.

They eat us, why cant we eat them? Why the double standard? eye for an eye.

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>No reason whatsoever to eat a fucking bat.

Well, its China... what do you expect?

How is it not a nanny state? There are other ways to help the economy that doesn't involve jacking up taxes. This is why I don't vote democrat. That's the answer to everything more taxes. Go move your bitch ass to Europe if you love paying taxes so much.

Who eats us? Bats eat people? I don't think that's right bud.

I expect them to not be assholes. Now the left is tryign to blame Trump for something that China invented.

this is gonna end on nuclear war, mark my words

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>Now the left is tryign to blame Trump for something that China invented.
Why am I not surprised

I miss the mid 2000s/EARLY 2010s internet. Everything was much more random and happier and goofy. Normalfags fucking flooded the internet with their self righteous no fun bullshit i fucking hate it. Yas Forums is nothing but porn now and its flooded with reddit niggers. OP is some ignorant jerk off whining about his lack of research towards everybody else. Fuckin stupid

I need to ask what is that video supposed to be

Getting this worked up over a flu with 0.2% death rates

>I expect them to not be assholes. Now the left is tryign to blame Trump for something that China invented

Well, to be fair, the coronavirus was already predisposed to be transferrable to humans. So, its the close proximity to wild animals that is the problem. Not so much eating them.

Trump also downplayed and contradicted the scientists. That causes people to lash back, and then the fighting starts which causes more confusion and in-fighting.

Just listen to scientists. They know what they're talking about.

I would actually expect this level of brainwashing from young, conservative Americans who haven't left the US. This is the least of the positions that indicates he's a troll.

He did mention he's paying for his classes, so he'll probably end up crippled by student debt too.

The death rate isn't 3.4% though

not an influenza virus, so far data shows 3.4% for corona virus (yes that number is inflated due to unreported cases but its a lot higher than 0.1% as pertains to the influenza virus.)

Also, im not getting worked up. Im just telling you facts. Dont take it from me, listen to scientists.

>I can't figure out what's going on in a video my eyes don't work
user I'm sorry you're retarded

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>Go move your bitch ass to Europe if you love paying taxes so much.

I did this, it makes you realize how sad the situation is in the US.

yes, just blindly follow anyone who calls themselves a scientist, gtfo of here with that bullshit

Also really powerful people are making a shit ton of money off the stock market dive. Y2k-bird flu-swine flu-west nile and zika was in 2016. Funny how most of these scary outbreaks happen during election years. Zoomers are too young to know better.

Which YouTubers do you get your information from?

Yeah, the Dow lost 1000 points on Sunday?

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Another fag that can't Google. Mommy must be so proud of your stupid ass

Even if COVID-19 kills as much as 5% of human population in the world we will be back to the number of people of 5-10 years ago. And for now the people who have died of it were elderly or had some condition.
I say we should let it spread. It's time for a culling.

It's not 3.4% that's only for old people that were almost dead anyway
Any sickness would finish them off

Its okay user natural selection is going to take your ass out soon enough

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k, so youre not going to listen to anyone until you physically inspect their credentials with at least 2 references and reading their university thesis.

Fuck off.

the fuck does that vids havta do with coronachan?

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I've seen a lot of different mortality rates so far, anywhere from 2.3% to 3.4%, as I stated before I'm using the highest numbers I've seen simply to illustrate why it's a big deal. In all likelihood it won't be that bad, I'm talking worst case scenario.

The global death rate as reported by the Johns Hopkins CSSE is 3.4%
You get this number by taking the death toll and dividing it by the total cases. Try it.


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you probably believe the earth will end in 10 years from global warming as well... believe the scientific process not bullshit biased scientists opinions

99% mortality rate for niggers would make this virus a win.

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It isn't the flu you retard

more likely to end in global bed-wetting at the rate society is going.

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Could you link the YouTube video you got that advice from?

yeah it is, nigger

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yeah but with such a small amount of people who have been infected the percent of people dying is probably skewed... I would be willing to bet that once the infection rate hits the same number, or similar numbers has the flu the death rate will be the same or lower

Except 80% of cases present no symptoms and go undiagnosed you potato

>chinks in hazmat suits have nothing to do with the virus that's currently rampaging through china right now
You have to be an actual nigger or something

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which is why this virus is such a win.

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Those 80+ people were near death anyway. Any sickness would have killed them

its called being a reasonable and logical human not a cucked out libtard that is only guided by "feelings" and fear mongering

Yea, most people are young. That is a good observation user. Very good. Sorry i dont have any scratch and sniff stickers for you.

The stupid is strong with you..

It definitely is the flu

What was Trump suppose to say? The world is coming to an end? Give me a break. You faggots were gonna complain no matter what.

>I did this
Good, now do us a favor and stay there. We have enough pussies living here.

Can't even reply to the right posts

>looking at evidence is fear mongering
Goddamn you are stupid. I'm glad your dumbass is going to be gone soon

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