Is it wrong to legally own a machine gun?
Is it wrong to legally own a machine gun?
obviously not op
Sure its fine...
Whats the point tho?
Depends where you are and how you obtained said weapon
You answered your own question. It's legal.
It should be. The second amendment gave you the right to bear arms, not arm a country.
To blast coke bottles and pieces of paper
It's only morally acceptable to own a machine gun if you use it to eradicate the "transgendered"
It sure is illegal. That's not a machine gun, however.
only a trump supporter and a libtard would consider an ar 15 a machine gun
the 2nd ammendment is useless
americans would rather support gun control.this is obvious by the presidents they elect
And, that's an M16A2 rifle. Not an AR15.
Yes it is.
and? what does it retards would want them both banned,because apparently your feelings are more important then the constitution.trump supporters hate the constitution just as much as democrats do
No, but it's even better to own it illegally
It isn't an AR15? It is a M16A2, aka a machine gun.
A machine gun does not have the option for single fire or semi-automatic fire, or burst fire. It is always automatic, and generally belt-fed ammunition.
It literally says M16A2 on the fucking gun you moron. Theyre select fire, not semi auto.
this is why gun control supporters are a's a tip,before you want to ban things.make sure you actually have knowledge about guns to begin with,because your some of the dumbest people on the planet when it comes to guns
not a moron,im actually pretty educated on guns.thats why i hate donald trump and his supporters,have fun with your feelings snowflake.republicans should of gotten rid of you a long time ago,your nothing but anti gun piles of left wing shit
No that is not a machinegun. A machinegun is any firearm Capable of fullauto or burst fire.
dont bother,he see's something thats black and scary and calls it a machine gun and wants it banned.just like the rest of these morons who hate the 2nd ammendment
That's a rifle you fucking mongoloid.
Just because something has an option for full auto doesn't mean it's a machine gun.
There are full auto pistols out there.
Machine guns are built for sustained fire.
Assault rifles like the one in OPs picture can fire in full auto bursts but you have to let the barrel cool or you'll start cooking off rounds and destroy it.
I'm going to assume OP is an american. I think there's absolutely no issue owning a semi automatic rifle or even a low capacity assault rifle. You have a legitimate reason to own these guns under the 2nd ammendment and ofc for personal uses like hunting and self defence or even just recreation. But seriously, i honestly don't think you need a drum/belt fed HMG or even LMG to defend or hunt. It's just plain dangerous and that also means some dickhead with a clean rap can use that to start another Las Vegas massacre. My 2 cents
Nah, his post was ignorant in the opposite direction. His definition of "machine gun" was very limited and he made no mention of his feelings towards the weapons good or bad. I feel like you are projecting your feelings onto him.
Most people in the USA can't get those anyway, the price barrier alone makes them near inaccessible.
hey red hat libtard,i know what a fucking rifle is.go clap and cheer while your president takes another shit on the 2nd ammendment,but i get it.obama was sooooo bad when it comes to the constitution even thought freedom of the press and the 2nd ammendment has been under attack for 4 years straight by bone spurs man
im not protecting anything,america might as well not have a 2nd ammendment because both republicans and democrats dont want guns anymore
You are incorrect. Even a pistol Capable of full auto fire is a machinegun.
not knowing what a 3rd hole on an AR lower does.....
that is a machine gun.
an ar 15 is not a machinegun,libtard
its an assault rifle,i swear its funny how little knowledge of guns the anti gun crowd has
yes, it is a machine gun, you tard..that's not an ar15.
>i love big daddy gubmint telling me what i can and can't own
>my two cents
neck yourself wilful slave
its fine as long as you dont become that guy who shows up to the range and just sprays down lane peppering everyone targets as he looks around trying to see who hes impressing
Says the one who lives in mommy's house living off her pocket money at age 40
That's not a machine gun
you can own it but you can't use it
Fuck the NFA, Fuck the ATF. I'll build whatever I fucking please.
That's the ATF regulation for civilian weapons. OPs pic is an M16 and is a military weapon.
See pic
An m16a2 isnt a machine gun either?
>can I trust myself to be a competent adult that won't start randomly shooting people just because I have the means to
Apparently not. But to anyone else, owning it is fine, just be responsible with it. It's using it to kill people that aren't an immediate life threat that's a no-no.
Your metaass trolls got you 4 (you)s, you get silver rank! Keep pushing and you can reach the top!
Having a famas woukd make me lie, ngl
All guns are machines. So it’s okay
assault rifles are by definition machine guns. machine guns cannot be assault rifles.
You figure it out
only if you are retarded.
I support people owning guns, such as just semi auto rifles and handguns, I dont see anything wrong with them and some places where you live where police can take over 5 minutes to arrive, having a gun is necessary. But I dont think people should own full military grade weapons, really too dangerous and I know that a majority of people are not going to be able to afford such a thing or get access to but its pretty fucking dumb to own such a thing.
Although this has a lot of merit to it.
retard alert.
Anyone that wants a machine gun is exactly the kind of person who shouldn't have one.
imagine caring about something as old and archaic as a machine gun. we have so much better people killing devices nowadays.
are you afraid of butterfly knifes too?
If you legally own something it is not legally wrong. It may be morally wrong though and that includes objects beyond firearms.
no, not if u stick it up ur ass
This post is talking about "legally owning" a machinegun. No member of the military owns the weapons they carry or use. You can however own a machinegun as a US citizen if you have the proper license and the machinegun was registered with the ATF prior to 1986. Its fair to assume we are in the civilian context and I believe machinegun is a commonly understood and used term to define firearms capable of full auto fire.
it’s wrong to not illegally own one, op
Ok, you’re all wrong. Machine gun is a nebulous term for large full auto guns used in support roles and typically designed to be mounted. Everything from m60s to Vulcan cannons. Assault rifles are selective fire intermediate caliber rifles, m16s and real military AKs. Ar style weapons are called modern sporting rifles, sporting rifles, or just semiautomatic rifles. Assault weapons are magical dildos idiots fantasize about.
>Assault weapons are magical dildos idiots fantasize about.
Blame Hollywood, Same reason butterfly knifes are illegal most places.