Hunger Games Thread: Going to Vegas to Gamble with Corona-chan Edition!
24 infected thrill-seekers.
Attached: OwO Gaemz.png (300x300, 22.07K)
Attached: Rigs.png (84x110, 6.61K)
Kizuna AI
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The Dealer's Pet
Attached: VexII.png (481x423, 72.82K)
Jesus Fucking Christ
Attached: ~JC1.jpg (301x421, 17.03K)
Nyto Black
Attached: Nyto Black.png (1024x1024, 322.93K)
Rina Tennoji
Attached: schoolidolsaregay.png (200x200, 91.39K)
Attached: Mabel.png (680x623, 245.87K)
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Attached: Charlie.jpg (1170x606, 39.96K)
what did you do with Orinrinrinrinrinrinrinrinrinrinrinrin?
The Forgotten Anime Girl
Attached: forgotten_anime_girl_9.jpg (728x817, 291.86K)
Radish spirit
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Attached: Cinemascope.jpg (1920x800, 1.03M)
The Arbiter
Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832.29K)
Why do I know this picture
Nyto White
Attached: Nyto White.png (1024x1024, 399.11K)
Sin Botcha
Attached: 021810981.png (480x360, 73.89K)
John Lemon
Attached: John Lemon.jpg (350x406, 14.63K)
Child Haruka
Attached: cute outfit.png (627x879, 531.34K)
Divine Cat
Literally whomst?
Attached: 173.png (384x293, 169.36K)
Attached: 48.png (408x679, 172.63K)
guess she got tired of getting nommed all the time and wanted to do the nomming
The Dealer
Attached: The Dealer.png (255x219, 11.49K)
A 1970 Twister Special
Attached: 70mach1.jpg (1500x996, 220.77K)
Attached: I saw her first, Lain - 019.png (300x300, 46.22K)
Attached: Utharu_no_spear_big.png (576x576, 11.55K)
Anal Avenger
Attached: anal avenger.jpg (619x900, 319.77K)
Here we are!
Attached: 01.png (670x865, 323.45K)
lets go!
Attached: 44.png (544x723, 472.06K)
Standing by.
Attached: Nyto 1.jpg (1400x2299, 834.49K)
Attached: lol nigger.png (173x245, 7.57K)
Let's gamble!
Attached: 02.jpg (670x3469, 430.54K)
i'm ready as i'll ever be!
Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2597884.jpg (2000x2653, 582.34K)
You hear the one about the shepherd's apprentice?
Attached: JC24.jpg (500x500, 58.28K)
holla holla gettin'; dolla
Attached: crouch.jpg (850x1234, 119.34K)
Attached: 03.png (670x2293, 353.75K)
Nothing to worry about
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but who is jack???
Attached: 4.png (476x712, 176.85K)
Attached: 04.png (670x2031, 334.89K)
Selfie time with all of the soulless gamblers.
Attached: Nyto 10.jpg (1200x924, 571.51K)
Hey guys what did I miss?
Attached: richard-rawlings-washingtonunitedformarriageorg.jpg (788x917, 59.79K)
what are you complaining about, its easy!
oh, thanks
Attached: 63.png (313x571, 67.02K)
we're gambling our lives away
Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2377256.jpg (1036x1450, 944.73K)
Attached: 05.png (670x1868, 254.29K)
You niggers think I'm drunk, Joke's on you, Baia and Hedenia ACTUALLY do have living gargoyles, so suck it
Attached: Alcoholism is bad.png (512x512, 198.75K)
so you're saying there's a camera following us??
also piss
betting on either of the two i was with last slide
so is this dolla or nah
Attached: hittinthefatone.png (441x430, 225.63K)
yeah, sure. and so does Quasimodo.
Attached: 1505185213_1493988551726.png (711x664, 314.31K)
Friendly games all around.
Attached: Nyto 12.png (1536x2048, 1.53M)
>The Dealer gets tired of seeing people go broke and quits his job
Well, he did
Attached: buymymixtape.jpg (512x503, 109.44K)
Attached: 06.png (670x1379, 183.6K)
I like casino code! But have to admit Chet Arthur does better in it. Hope his kid does okay, got nothing against her.
Attached: RichardRawlings24.jpg (475x333, 15.09K)
Team leader is still alive.
Attached: Nyto 46.jpg (768x749, 273.88K)
hey ya wanna go? *hic*
Attached: 51b12a7080fca82652.jpg (1920x1080, 187.83K)
Awww, bad luck there Liz....
Wanna drink?
Attached: 3d27a2f99feb9aedb6cd69379c240f81.jpg (640x640, 65.89K)
It's 4D Chess boi trust me
Attached: PAIN.png (130x126, 27.88K)
Stop getting the kids drunk, ya turd.
Attached: Dirtysanchez.jpg (800x1069, 744.49K)
damn it jack
i think i've drank enough already
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Attached: 07.png (670x1069, 115.55K)
at least i didn't die alone.
Attached: 1431369703605.jpg (1280x720, 124.68K)
She really went and did that right after I saved her life...
Attached: Nyto 27.jpg (1024x1024, 592.21K)
Needs more meat
Attached: Smol Version.png (72x72, 2.16K)
She was trying to commit suicide
That's how you get gout.
Attached: JC106.jpg (640x850, 106.89K)
We've 3 remaining gamblers! Place your bets now!
Attached: 08.png (670x743, 74.36K)
of course i'm hoping i win, but i don't mind loosing to the dark overlord megumi
Attached: tumblr_oymwlbTU7E1r9jpamo1_500.png (431x411, 126.92K)
Yeah but it's tasty doe
Attached: sad gimpsuit rigs.png (791x907, 651.5K)
Thats was as lovely a way to die as one can get in these games Miss Haruka!
Excuse me, hayfever...
Attached: Chester_Alan_Arthur_by_George_Peter_Alexander_Healy.png (433x540, 164.5K)
we're down to three already?
betting on the one with vegetables
Attached: aaple.jpg (320x320, 34.22K)
I'm going with Megumi
Kinda hope that other thing gets patched up, just sayin
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