My fiancee just left me without reason we were together for 4 years and she was my first relationship im probably going to hang myself in the next hour and i need someone to talk me down
My fiancee just left me without reason we were together for 4 years and she was my first relationship im probably going...
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Really? You’re gonna kill yourself over someone else? Pussy
>anheroing over a thot
>expects Yas Forums to be his emotional tampoon
literally down a bottle of vodka and throw yourself off a roof, faggot
Stop taking women so seriously user and live your fucking life Saged and hidden, bye
No, you’ll need someone to CUT you down.
And you thought b/ was the place to come....
Sober up, hit the gym, call your lawyer
Do it fag
This is fucked up but true and funny as hell
>without reason
be real faggot she found someone else obviously
bitches are like that
ya i know but idk what to do im kind of in shock
Breathe fast
Have a few beers, smoke some meth and drop some acid, will sort you right out.
ok now wat
Have you considered chasing her down? Unless your name is Mike. Fuck Mike.
Not worth it dude. Went through the exact same situation 2 years ago. It was tough for quite awhile but ultimately I'm fine. She tried to get back with me a year after and I told her no. Then in the past month she called to tell me she's engaged again and so happy. In the end it's pretty obvious that she's unhappy with her decision. I've been seeing others, moved somewhere I wanted to live, and hit the gym. Don't define yourself through a girl, especially not how long you're going to live.
hey buddy. if u need some help, call someone that actually wants to help you. Yas Forums is not the right place, i've learned that in the last few years..
Making her wait 4years to get married? There's the reason.
i dont have anyone
i proposed to her 6 months ago
No problem man. We were engaged for 1.5 years and together for a total of five. She dumped me because "there was too much going on" with her CPA exam and job. Started seeing another guy with two weeks as a "rebound." She told me within a month dumping me was a mistake but didn't try to get back together until later. Suicide did cross my mind in the immediate aftermath but I'm glad I didn't go through with it. Just stick it out /bro/
thanks that helps a lot
my sides
Honestly man, just get over it. I know it sounds tough, but how can you expect anybody to respect you, when you kill yourself over something as stupid as that? Did you really expect your relationship to last forever? Don't be a beta cuck, go work out in the gym, find a good conservative woman and make your ex jealous. Trust me, if you buy some dumbbells and start working out asap, things will change
why the fuck does every solution involve hitting the gym?
fuck that mate, go hit the bar 2-3 times a week and get plastered
i promise you will be good within a month or so, plus you'll be automatically better while in bar for a few hours, it's like a cheat until you are truly good
While the social aspect of bars can be helpful in a cathartic way, getting drunk and blaring out your sorrows only makes people not want to be around you. You also lose money in the process.
You can socialize at a gym and get something in return for the money you're spending.
This is not rocket science.
The great thing about hanging yourself is that you will be guaranteed not to catch the Corona virus. Good times, happy day.
Fuck that. No woman is ever killing yourself over, no matter how good she was. I'm still kind of in love with a girl from high school, and I graduated in 2006. Now I'm happily married, and she's at the back of my mind and only pops up occasionally.
Instead, show her you can move on without her. Find something new. Pick up a new hobby. Get a massage from a tiny Asian woman who gives good hand jobs. Don't be a pussy. Bitches aren't worth it.
There's a reason, you just haven't found out what it is yet.
If you kill yourself now you'll never find out why.
There was probably a pretty good reason
someone post livestream
You're trying this hard to ignore her memory and she probably hasn't thought about you once.
>My fiancee just left me
Are you a chick or a dude ?
Gym and 0 contact. This works.
post her nudes so we can decide if she is worth you becoming a hero or not
Im sure you are shocked and depressed, but trust me: getting dumped is far better than being cucked. At least she had the decency to end the relationship, rather than cheat. And if she did cheat, you've been spared the shame of finding out in a more dramatic and humiliating way.
Get a drink and start looking for another woman. After all, her fertility value has an expiry date. Yours doesn't. Id say the past 4 years have been a far bigger loss for her than for you. If you do end up in a new relationship, don't be surprise if your ex shows a renewed interest in you. Bitches tend to get possesive like that. In that case dont take the bait.
Its times like this when you have to show the world you're a man, and you're not going to be bossed around by some foolish woman who can't even make up her own mind. Getting dumped is a BLESSING.
>Left you after 4 years
>now your gonna kill yourself
DO you see why she left you OP? You were putting too much pressure on her if she was the only thing giving you meaning.
How about instead of Anheroing you go to a Gym and work out... or go on a run... start to do shit for yourself. Before you know it a girl will actually go to you and you won't need a god damn crutch of a person to keep you up.
>anheroing over some dame
well my wife left me a month before christmas. never trust women. they dont feel love the same way men does. men love women, women love money.
If you do kill yourself
This has some good information, be sure to make the right choice of method for you
>t. gym rat
you don't have to 'blare out your sorrows' in the bar, you just get your drink on, sometimes socialize, sometimes just do your own thing
and when you socialize don't talk about yourself, listen to other people, they got problems and shit goin on for them too, thats why they there, so atleast you know you are not alone in a fucked up situation
Start walking every day get mad excersize and you'll slowly feel better and gain the confidence back. Dont do this over a girl you need to pick yourself up learn from the mistakes and carry on
only faggots get onegirlitis be a man any girl is probably ok. they come and go and you just find a new one.
>the important thing is getting the dinner made and the laundry done
What this user said. My ex left me without reason. At least, she told me there was no reason but she said she felt her head was gonna explode. It made no sense as I thought we were okay. We never even fought. It took me another whole relationship to notice what I was doing wrong. My advice is to follow the work on yourself meme. It's gonna be hard for a while. Maybe even years. But you can get better and a thot isn't worthy of being your reason to live. Get hobbies and maybe go see a therapist. I promise as long as you don't work on being able to live on your own, you won't be a good bf.
he'll be a legend
Do it faggot and stream it
please kill yourself, you dont deserve to live , i have a real reason to kill myself , and im actually going to do it you worthless pussy
no you're not
just waiting on my dog to die, not a gun owner, would have killed him and myself , also if i put cyanide in a steak will that kill him? then eat a bunch myself, like stuff i can find on amazon for pests for gardens
attention whore
i just came here to encourage OP to kill himself
i wish i had your problems you waste of live, from the bottom on my heart please im begging you, neck yourself
There was a reason, you just dont know it. She's been fixating on the things she doesnt like for a while now, and working up the courage to leave you, probably been letting you know subtly for a while now. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years, it was my first real relationship, and I musta thought about her every day for a year, even apart. Now I'm fucking a half Asian half phillipino chick who sucks my dick with gusto and always wants to fuck, because she's 23. My ex girlfriend is still a mess who hates her life and constantly called me crying till I blocked her. It's not going to be easy, but you're fixating on the positives right now, soon the rose coloured tin will fade, and you'll think why did I continue with this shit as long as I did. You're responsible for your own happiness now, now relearn how to hunt, get your swagger back, cause relationships rob you of that, and get some pussy, it wont be as significant, but that's better sometimes.
you sound like a stupid cunt
>first relationship
first, not last
just calm down
you'll be depressed a while
that's natural
it'd be weird if you weren't
you'll find another in time
trust me
Lol, yeah you're academic deconstruction really took me down a peg. Maybe this thread is not for you since it's about female advice, and you're a NEET faggot