Why is Beardline Bernie losing?

Why is Beardline Bernie losing?

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President Bernie Sanders 2020

Because the DNC won't allow a socialist to run for president, even if it means nominating a senile old fuck who touches little girls.

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Even nigger Kamala Harris who slammed Joe Biden for racism while Bernie Sanders marched in the streets in the 1960s the end racism...supports Joe Biden. What a bunch of psychopaths

The democrats are socialists though, so they should be happy with Bernie

I know it's ridiculous. This bitch was calling Joe a fucking racist in the debate but now she "supports" him. What a fucking joke. Or how Warren didn't gain support because of sexism. Because it had nothing to do with Warren being such a lying, unlikeable cunt or anything.

I didn't say Democrats. I said the DNC. No Democrat that I know actually voted for Biden.

Why the hell would they want to tell an insufferable cunt that most Bernie supporters are who they voted for? When I meet you retards, I just pretend to support Bernie so I don’t have to fucking hear you whine and cry the whole time I’m around you.

That's a whitewashed photoshop.

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And yet I've met plenty of right-wingers who openly expressed a desire for Biden to win.

Not to mention a lot of Bernie supporters are violent dickbags who would probably attack you if you don't vote Bernie. They're exactly what they accuse Trump supporters of being.

Pedophilia and Politics go hand in hand

The difference is, this is your typical Bernie supporter.

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because boomers and retards are voting Biden and should be sent to labor camps immediately

Im not talking about right wingers telling you cunts who they support. I’m talking about Dems not expressing who they voted for. I can talk to anyone else and have a normal conversation, but very few Bernie supporters can speak without being annoying shit mongrels.

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>because boomers and retards are voting Biden and should be sent to labor camps immediately
Lol, see what I mean? Another Bernie supporter that starts talking about sending people to fucking labor camps because they don't vote Bernie. Then you wonder why your guy is losing.

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because he is a communist.

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

It’s because a large percentage of Bernie fans are literally mentally challenged

DNC knows a commie jew has zero chance.

you can join them faggot

Feel free to start paying tolls on every road you drive on any time.

Bernie is a communist.

What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

Because the vast majority of the American people are not socialists, they don't give a fuck about class warfare. Same issue in the UK with Corbyn. It's completely unelectable.

So they chose a pedophile.

He's not trumpshit

I'm sorry burnouts. We don't wanna pay your college debt.

Most of them don't give a fuck about race warfare either, yet Biden's entire campaign announcement was all about that.

Fuck you. If you are using racial slurs in anyway you are not a Sanders supporter. Shut the fuck up and get out of this thread

A socialist economy cannot work. It must end in mass poverty and deprivation. While a handful at the top can do very well, everyone else falls into an economic abyss, with virtually the entire population completely mystified by the disappearance of their previous economy and in some cases, their previously strong prosperity.

receive my cock in your ass

Sanders isn't losing because of threads on Yas Forums fucking fart knocker

If you're not speculating in Wall Street, you're not going to be paying off anyone's debts.

Because they want Joe Biden to lose

Fuck off trumpshit

Yes sir

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Wow, nice way to miss the point entirety. Bernie bros act like this in person as well.

That is the best response to convince all to vote for Bernie. Well done.

Well, the DNC is run by brain-damaged pedophiles

Cry harder snowflake

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Do you always act like a retarded faggot playing victim in person?

You don't have to support trump, to be against communism. But then your small mind cant understand complex issues.

They will this week. Last week was a wake up call.

>Because the vast majority of the American people are not socialists,
And that's a pity because they would be so much better off if they were.
Capitalism is based on the idea that for somebody to be successful everybody else must fail. And if a person makes a better widget and dominates the market, then naturally he also runs the country. Nobody else has enough money to run a political campaign.
Read up on the Peter Principle.
When the elephants compete, the ants suffer.
And you, my friend, are an ant.

Take your meds, Eugene.

But you're
brain damaged and can't run.

You were told to shut up trumpshit

because the american people dont want to vote for him, simple as that. the bernie bros want to make it out to be a grand conspiracy but at the end of the day most people just dont want socialized everything

The economy is not a zero sum game, you profoundly retarded assface.

No they aren't. They're going to whine and bitch on Twitter but not bother going to vote. Even less young people came out to vote this year compared to 2016. People see Bernie as the fucking fraud he is.

Most people understand what democratic socialism is. There is a serious effort to suppress votes as we've seen in these recent primaries.

Black people are stupid and will vote against their best interests. Couple that with Boomers being corporate bootlickers and we have a progressive movement that won’t happen for another 8 years minimum.

Yes they do trumpshit both the Democrats and Republicans are trying to stop Sanders.

It's too late. Those lazy fucks had it in their grasp but stayed on the couch. Biden wasn't a game-changer before last Tuesday but now he is. Boomers realized they can rise up and have a legitimate chance of kicking trump's ass out. With 4 generations voting there's a good chance. With 1 generation WHO DON'T EVEN FUCKING VOTE there is no chance.

the clintons

This! Everybody else is crazy and stupid!

Ahh, the radical leftist. Actually believing they, as white people, can tell black people what's best for them.

Yes they are. They saw that by Biden came from behind thanks to help from the Democrats and now you will see a surge in Sanders voters this week and I don't want to hear any more fucking bullshit about how we won't

>Black people are stupid and will vote against their best interests
That part is actually pretty funny. Black people are so fucking stupid they are literally voting against their interests, voting for Biden. A man who is literally losing his mind more and more by the day. But he's running on "hey guys remember Obama" and niggers fall for it.

he is right though, the bernie bros are insufferable and push people away because they are not liberal enough for them

You people do not have enough sense to join these threads?

Bernie Bros are the nastiest more hateful fucks on the interwebs.

Oh, well, buh-bye.

No it isn't trumpshit
Shut up


Bernie is right

If the government takes more of your money, then the government will be able to give you more free stuff.

How hard is this to understand. A vote for Bernie = Get free stuff.

Sure kid, make sure you come back here on Tuesday after your Jewish hero gets his ass handed to him, again. I want to fucking laugh at you.

They're trolls user and you're falling for it

then why is he not winning the primaries by a massive landslide? oh ya, its because not even half of his own party agrees with his policies

You literally need to take your own cock and shove it up your fat ass

How about I keep my money and get my own stuff?

i dont see anyone disavowing it. if its all just trolls and the bernie bros dont think that way then how come you never see any bernie bros saying the trolls are wrong?

Sorry soyboi
Maybe next time

OK Boomer. I hope you have healthcare so you can have your festering asshole checked out

Because of voter suppression and because people are actually believing the crap about Bernie Bros and socialism. Instead of discussing the issues. Sanders is actually demonstrating why we deserve another four years of Trump. We're being that fucking stupid

I see you buying into it right now. You'd probably also buy a new another fucking four years of Trump you fucking faggot shut the fuck up

>believing the crap about Bernie Bros
So the 20 videos of them talking about gulags and secret agendas were fake?

Well, the essence of stupid is supporting Sanders in the first place.

>Because of voter suppression
What voter suppression? You literally just made that up

Bernie the red, hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of winning..

If it's real they might have a point. You sound like you need to be sent to a Gulag

Sorry, heavily armed.

No trumpshit voting for a retard like trump and threatening to vote for the same retard again like you're doing is pretty fucking stupid

because moderate boomer establishment democrats still outnumber progressive twitlib dems, and vote in far greater numbers besides. simple matter of numbers. the political landscape is going to be a LOT different in 10-20 years when all the boomers finally pass on.

bernie is a senile old fuck that touches wallets

All The states that voted for Biden and even California had reports of long lines long waits to vote poll stations not being open stations closing early. I'll be served to keep young people and blacks from voting in record numbers.

Oh. So you're a gunfag. How lovely. Do you ever put the greased barrel up your fucking ass and
cum like a faggot?

Corporations are not people, yet they receive the vast majority of all welfare benefits, subsidies, tax cuts, etc. and not only this but they then hoard the wealth in offshore tax havens, buy up all their own stock, and give little to nothing back to the nation. That's who we're "taking from" to give back to the actual people of the United States. Only corporate shills and literal retards don't understand this.

Trump 2020, Eugene. No pedos, commies, jews, angry black women, fake indians, fake mexicanns or gay cia agents. I know, it's tragic.

Only a complete fucking idiot believes this.
His goofy utopian fantasies would be paid for via tax hikes for us all. fucking fool.
He openly admitted he was going to raise taxes on the middle class.
It had to be dragged out of him, but he admitted it.

You can't call people "fags", comrade.

Vote Bernie, you dumb nigger.

The only wallet you ever touch is your moms when you steal Ten Bucks to go buy some chicken tendies

wew lad nice conspiracy theory you got there, you sound like a trumper this time 4 years ago

so just to be clear, you are not going to disavow it? thats why bernie isnt winning

They are gonna wake up only to empty their piss bottles, and replenish their mountain dew and cheetos.

Why do you keep calling me by your blowup boyfriend's name trumpshit?

Sanders is doing a fine job of stopping himself, comrade.
I WISH he'd be nominated, so I can watch Trump win in the biggest landslide in history.

but your a fag tho

Isn't bernie almost 80 years old and just had a heart attack on the campaign trail? That does not seem like a practical choice if I am being honest.

You sound like a trumpshit right now

>While a handful at the top can do very well, everyone else falls into an economic abyss
Wow it's literally crony capitalism.

Black people are as unlikely to vote as they are to graduate high school or fight one on one.

Every time you post this word from now on you have nigger cock in your mouth

Because his supporters are more annoying then trump supporters.

Imagine being such a moron that you hate Trump but you're gonna vote for Joe fucking Biden. Literal definition of NPC right there.

guys I'm not good at math if I pay $2000 more in taxes but save $8000 in healthcare costs am I still spending more?

It's been working for them since LBJ

as opposed to what, the other almost 80 year old with dementia, or the other almost 80 year old who's obese?

No trumpshit the Republicans are trying to stop Sanders because they know he would defeat Trump as well. Literally find a way to shove your own tiny cock up your asshole. Thanks

His jew ass voice

Doesn't help that he looks like a mental patient in that picture.

Not only is NONE of that true, but it is absolutely comical you bring up welfare because you didn't say a fucking word about your porch monkeys pets. So you wanna talk about your pets being on welfare or are you gonna just keep dancing like a faggot?

It's called Plan B. It's called actually getting Trump out of office. Something you can't do because his cock is too deeply shoved down your throat

>your pets
Oh. It's this retarded racist dipshit again

"Everybody who didn't vote who i liked is guilty of voter suppression."
Fucking liberal idiots.

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Because america always try it's best to be the most stupid country in the world.