What's the sexiest thing a man could wear?

What's the sexiest thing a man could wear?

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oink, oink

Attached: erdoham.jpeg.jpg (480x360, 25.37K)


tall black boots

Attached: 2ae3f7b658f0a77a556b352ae946cced.jpg (642x960, 181.69K)

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nothing, nothing at all

a kilt

Attached: Sean-Connery-in-a-kilt.jpg (736x1081, 157.95K)

No point arguing different

Attached: 1_ubz_INRNZx5x7sNG1QVNpg.jpg (1024x906, 121.94K)

Dumb question

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basketball shorts and no underwear


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Tactical Dreadnought armour

Attached: terminator.jpg (800x508, 80.02K)

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The face of his kills.

Attached: 63299c38b13746496697f83d750a0550.jpg (1350x1013, 124.29K)

a sexual rival

Attached: ross_hindmarch2.jpg (600x739, 221.42K)

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jockstraps are pretty great if you don't have a horrible pancake ass like me

Attached: tumblr_nj9v3gB7sk1s3xdg1o1_1280.jpg (799x988, 121.43K)

yeah he doesn't have my pancake ass prolly lol


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>What's the sexiest thing a man could wear?

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a good suit

Attached: 82dd7a31770cf715d062e9c4debd2ee4.jpg (356x607, 42.43K)

and boots

Attached: classic blacks.jpg (564x818, 46.7K)

Fuck. Tuxes. Suit gang

boot squad

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a nice thong for sure

Attached: 75341331_2160110920951227_3475476357830600016_n.jpg (1080x1080, 141.58K)

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fuck ya dude

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Attached: bill-henson.jpg (460x700, 61.72K)

Who is this and do you have more?

A woman

Attached: 050a746846ee684f2e312ff8d3d25321.jpg (567x907, 56.23K)

i wish i knew and i wish i did

Attached: 5cb5159c67bce67baea1f718815440be.jpg (564x974, 122.29K)

But, user: that's gay.

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Not tighty whities that's for sure. They're just one step up from diapers.

Black briefs.


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No cowboy!?

Attached: sam_elliott_.jpg (1086x885, 115.85K)

ride this

Attached: lb0012110.jpg (533x650, 60.93K)
